Quote Originally Posted by Togath View Post
This seemed like a good place to ask a lore question.
Would merchants heading to a hidden village vanishing, and sightings of foreign shinobi be enough to cause a village to start getting more of it's low rank shinobi into teams?
In a campaign I'm running(set in Kaminari no Kiri) I started it with the players(all starting as mid rank genins) by having them at a meeting where team pairings were being announced(just by having one of the jounin of the village read the pairings off of a scroll, rather then anything fancy).
from a gm perspective, I decided that it might make the village wary, as some of the sightings reported one of the foreign shinobi being a missing-nin, though the village leaders decided to keep that part secret from the populace.
Missing merchants would likely be cause for patrols searching for bandit forces. Spotting foreign nin, not missing nin though, that would be reason to raise an alert. Not a full scale war alert, but enough to send out patrols of higher ranked ninja to see what they can figure out, trigger a letter of protest if the kage is feeling diplomatic. Basically a more polite version of, "Why the hell do you have troops inside MY borders? Remove them and explain yourself or else." And yes, I would say making sure you dont have any ninja wandering around on their own would make sense. Especially if there have been any attacks on shinobi in the area.