[Statue Park]

Inside the tent Ella just came out of is a young person wrapped up in a sleeping bag. It is hard to tell right away if the person is male or female right away, his face fairly androgynous. He has short dark hair and dark tan skin. He has three distinctive ear piercings, each one looks like a silver spike of various sizes. The largest is almost two inches long, the smallest is about an inch. A close look at them and you might notice small carvings just barely etched into the metal. Like his gender it is hard to guess his age as well, probably still a teenager from the look of it, but it wouldn't be hard to imagine him as in his late 20's if you ignore his slight stature.

Lou isn't looking very healthy. Beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He looks up a bit hearing Tobias but his stark blue eyes don't seem to focus in on him very well right now. A cup of steaming tea is sitting on the ground next to him. His lips start to open to speak, then close again without saying anything.