I Dream of Jeans

Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
I Dream of Jeans

The monkey taps it's skull thoughtfully until it suddenly snaps it's long fingers. "I know cloth just like that." It turns to look at Ilpohlin again. "But it really special clothing. Only for special customers. Are you... special?"

Cessie gives the monkey and Ilpholin an odd glance. What in the world where they doing? Oh well. She turns back to the cloth stands to show Darcy. "I was thinking buying some jeans. That's not really me." She says while moving around the clothes. Darcy might note that while there are ordinary blue jeans there are also types of strange colors and materials. Some that looks like they were made of stone, fire or even ice. The material still feel like cloth however. "Maybe a long sleeved shirt too." She looks over the clothes. "This might sound strange, but I don't really want to wear the same type of clothes as everyone else. I want something unique." She says while picking out a pair of white jeans that looks like they were made of marble. "Back in Hestopia I looked just like everyone else but here I look quite different. I don't want to feel like I'm confirming to this worlds style you know? But yet... I think I'm actually ready for something new." That sounds very vague.

"You could try doing something different with your hair. It's so long and pretty, I'm sure you could do something fun and unusual with it," Darcy suggests.

Coffee Place

Quote Originally Posted by blackouttwo View Post
Arthur makes a good-natured 'psh' noise. "I'm not a snob. I just prefer coffee the way it's supposed to be. But I guess I can overlook certain details like your taste in coffee. After all, I get street cred for having Black Maul as a girlfriend. There's perks there." Seems he's stopped caring about that little detail, if he's using it for jokes.

"Perks, huh. No pun intended?"
Willow says, with a half groan. "Nobody even know who she is. I'd still need to make a name for myself before that gets you any cred."