Quote Originally Posted by TuggyNE View Post
One thing I'd be interested in trying in a zombie attack is suiting up in full plate or similar full-body armor and going out with a decent-ish weapon to whack at them. That'd remove nearly all the risk of zombies, since without specialized weapons, absurdly superhuman strength, or a good bit of manual dexterity and smarts, there's essentially no way you can kill someone in full plate. Of course, it might be pretty claustrophobic if you get surrounded for a while, and it's possible the effort of moving and whacking would tire you out something fierce. Still, an interesting idea.

Bonus if you use some sort of high-impact plastic for the helmet's faceplate, removing the "stick through the bars" tactic from workability.
The problem with this is stamina loss and being immobilized. While it would work fine on small groups, against large numbers you would be dog piled eventually. And trying to run around in 60 pounds of articulated steel or whatever would tire you out faster, making it harder to dodge or otherwise avoid incoming zombies. And once flat on your back under a pile of undead, eventually something is going to give way.