Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
First full laser bombardment on my face went well~ I did almost throw up again, but I think I just don't handle the smell of burnt hair well. >.> Also didn't apply enough numbing cream apparently, and it was really weird how some places barely felt like anything and all and other were *ouch*. (Upper lip barely hurt at all and apparently that's a really bad spot.) Also the laser lady is very nice and friendly.
Probably asking an idiotic question, but I don't care: was this just normal hair-killing-laser stuff, preparation to make your body reflect your gender or something else?
Also, was it expensive? Did it take a long time? *is contemplating things*

re: LGBTetc. terminology: another one chiming in to agree about being nervous about joining an LGBTetc. community because there are just so many potential minefields when it comes to terminology and how people view themselves.
I've been wanting to post in this thread series for a while, but I got all hung up on this classification/terminology thing and the fear of inadvertently insulting someone by not knowing which words they like, don't and why. Also I kind of wanted to see if there was anything 'particular' I fit into. And yes, there kind of is.
But ultimately I'm me and I don't fit precisely into anything, and I'm cool with that. Labels aren't very useful when it comes to me and my perception of things anyway; a person is a person and I'll like them or not depending on my opinion of them. Everything else is just trying not to offend people, which is difficult.

re: femininity and feminism: feminism and other equality movements can sometimes be overreactive and condemn things that, to them, represent what they're trying to move away from. But for me, equal opportunity means just that: you want to be a housewifehusband and be looked after? Cool, I hope you don't run into too many spiders (I'm not joking or implying anything, I can't stand those creepy little beasts), have fun, kick some butt and remember that you are just as important as the rest of your family, so take some time off now and then. You want to be a businesswoman/man? Cool, I hope you don't run into too many idiots, have fun, kick some butt and remember that you're just as important as you're work, so take some time off now and then.
You've just worked up the courage to come out/tell someone that you're trans*/whatever? Cool, I'm glad you were able to tell me, thanks for your trust. If you need to talk to someone or want help, you know where I am. Do you want to talk more now or shall we do something else?

I personally find some feminine/female stuff confusing, but I'm hardly going to condemn people for wearing what they do. Well, let's be honest, if you're caking things on so thick I can see the powder from several feet away I'm going to think things like 'She layered on way too much makeup, she looks orange', and I'll probably think snarky things about people wearing clothes that don't suit them. I don't mean just the 'belt and two napkins' or the 'your trousers are so low I can see half your boxers and you waddle like a penguin' type of not suiting either, I mean clothes that don't show themselves off to their best advantage, or anything they obviously seem uncomfortable in.
That's why I don't really wear skirts or high heels or make up all that often; if I don't feel comfortable and confident in it there's no point in wearing it because everyone will be able to sense that. If I'm comfortable in something I can rock it, if I'm not then some of that discomfort will show through and I won't look well put together.
That's why I'm currently working up the courage to go for shorter and either blue, purple or red hair. I'm almost certain I'll be able to rock it, just one step to go.
Long ramble short, if you're happy as you are, that's amazing.