Quote Originally Posted by Karoht View Post
...did... did you use the WAYBAC machine and pull this off the vanilla forums? Oh wow.

Pre-Black Temple was where that mindset lasted until. BT onwards it started to loosen up. By Sunwell, the only role that was still a bit of a lame duck was Balance (moonkin, lazerbudgie, critchikken, boomkin, OOMkin). Druid tanking was quite common by that point, Druids were competative healers, Cat druids were decent but challenging to play.
Heh, I actually remember that. When the expansion came out, suddenly a feral druid was a pretty damn awesome class! Though I didnt do raiding, we became acceptable classes for 5 man content in pretty much any of our roles, though I do recall the boomkin lacking due to gear choices. I think the nicest thing was finally giving druids frigging STAVES. Suddenly we got "+400 attack power in feral forms" or something to that effect added onto the decent melee staff items out there.

But even then you had to deal with people having hunter loot flashbacks whenever a druid tried to claim need on an item. God forbid a cat form druid roll need against a rogue, I mean wow, thats so terrible of a thing to do! Or a boomkin desperate for SOMETHING decent to equip rolling on cloth gear./final boss dies in heroic dungeon "OMG YOU CANT DO THAT!!!" /links level 67 "of the eagle" green "Doesnt matter, thats loot for REAL casters!"