Quote Originally Posted by Glass Mouse View Post
Okay, so my examples were bad examples

PSA: Don't actually look at people's fictional crushes. Those are weird and often scary (I'm looking at you, Hannibal fangirls...). Look at who they go for in real life. A good rule of thumb is that people tend to go for someone like themself. So the crazy, fun-loving girl will go for the party lion, and the nerdy, bookish girl will go for the guy who'll sit and read with her for hours*. Stuff like that. But again, it depends a lot, and you only get your answer by actually looking around.

* Incidentally, how does one find such a person? I'm asking for, uh... science.
That's kinda the problem with bookish types, there are few forums for meeting such people aside from the obvious, online. Even when you do run into someone, it's hardly the thing that first stands out in a person, that they like to read. Unless you happen to catch someone reading somewhere, but that's easier said than done.