Quote Originally Posted by 7th son of sons View Post
Does this all mean that you are working on the Cynosure? Or where these just basic Ideas of the Cynosure's abilities to give us a taste?
I'm not really "working" on anything at the moment. I've got a lot of stuff going on. And, I won't lie, on top of important stuff, one of those things is the Steam Summer Sale and the hundreds of hours of entertainment I just purchased for, like, $30.

But, what I was working on, and will recommence working on when it is the time to do so, was the Cynosure, Secretary, and Anakitos, as well as a Brainspark/Teramach prestige class called the Psychomath, and a Mythic Adventure featuring an ancient-Mesopotamian Lich and a one-shot focused leveling system involving waxing lyrical about broken urns.

But, I got all the Borderlands 2 DLC campaigns for about the price of a burrito earlier this week, so it's time for me to go smash faces as Krieg for a while.