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Thread: Outside 40: It's all downhill from here

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Outside 40: It's all downhill from here

    Spoiler: Frozen Forest
    Quote Originally Posted by aric_kale View Post
    Frozen Forest - Skellur á Köldu Stáli

    Stórhríđ stops dead in his tracks, allowing the two undead druids to take the brunt of the positive energy. They collapse, only to rise again shortly thereafter to slay the skeletal minions and protect their lieutenant.
    Speaking of the cold warrior, he barrels past his fallen comrades with his shield up high, spinning and hacking and slashing until he his face to face with Raziel. Once he is within range, his steel blade becomes permeated with a magical, infective frost, which the Lich may want to avoid. Should he take too many wounds, the necromancer may find himself unable to move.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
    Frozen Forest

    Snowfall moves with a savage grace, picking up speed as it swings the behemoth blade held tight in it's cold gauntlets around itself. The very air around the foul abomination decreases in temperature, and what small plant life survived around this area was instantly frozen over by the large pulse of intense cold given off by the monster as it marched forward, preparing to go on a rampage. The first skeletal warrior draws his way, the summoned monster's sharp claws and talons reaching to claw and tear at the tower of cold armor in front of them. The first skeleton draws incredibly near Snowfall, for it was raised closer to the mountain of ice before it. The skeleton might feel it's arms slowly begin to freeze over as it draws so close, and it even manages to get a swing at Snowfall out before the titanic undead strikes back. The swing rakes down Snowfall's armor, but doesn't leave a scratch. He was made of harder stuff than claw and bone. Snowfall clutches his mighty blade, Katlsverđ, with a single hand, waving the blade about to gain momentum. To repel his current attacker, Snowfall will clench his other hand into a fist, his spiked gauntlet ends aimed forward. With that, he'll swing a powerful slap towards the skeleton, strong enough to break it's skull and send the whole thing flying to pieces many feet away.

    Should that attack succeed, and it probably will, for Snowfall was strong and skillful in combat, the monster will charge forward much quicker than expected. It's blade is stabbed forward as the thing lunges towards it's next target, another skeleton nearby. The enormous blade ought to enter one side of the skeleton and impale the thing on the blade, whether or not the skeleton is still functioning or not. It mattered little to the frozen warrior. Another skeleton draws near to attempt at striking Snowfall down from the side while the monster was impaling it's comrade. This skeleton does manage to get a blow through one of the tiny areas unprotected by plate armor. This small pocket of exposed cloth was only revealed due to Snowfall's lunge. It seems that even chance was on Raziel's side this day. Black ichor, almost frozen by the cold, drips out of the wound created by the skeleton. To rebut the skeleton's attack, Snowfall turns quickly, aiming to grab at the skeleton's neck. Snowfall is quick and strong, and should his hand find it's target, the monster will squeeze hard and lift the minion off the ground, and throw it right back down with enough force to shatter the thing to pieces.

    Maybe chance wasn't on their side.

    That leaves three skeletons destroyed and out of the fight, most likely. However, two more approach Snowfall, attempting to form a swarm of two. They rake their limbs at him ferociously, but simply wear their talons down to nubs on the magical and evil armor. Snowfall looks down at the two in front of him now, gripping his cleaver with two huge hands now, aiming a final swing for this turn. The Winter Knight swings the blade from the side, the sheer ferocity of the attack stunning to those watching. In another few seconds, two more skeletons will most likely find themselves chopped completely in half, the bones closest to the area of effect crushed to dust. To reiterate Snowfall's point, the mighty beast will ensure one of the skeletons cleaved in front of him was dead by brutally stepping upon it's head with a great black boot. It'll shout at Raziel now, it's voice echoing over the wind. Gefast upp eđa deyja! However, right afterwards, the first burst of holy magic rockets down towards Snowfall, covering the form in bright light. It's unclear what the effects of the burst are this round.

    Unfortunately for the frozen forces, Raziel was clever in his forethought. Though they aren't too well versed in combat, the minions that were slain did serve another purpose. As each skeletal minion was thrashed about enough to be destroyed in any way, they would explode in holy energy, harming greatly any undead around it. ((Not sure if this would change any posts; Hatter gave us a chapter. xD))

    The lich's eternal grin would seem to widen, seeing the results of it's energy barrage. Should the Dread Lieutenant make it's way to Raziel undeterred by the countless positive energy blasts he ought to have sustained when finishing off the skeletal minions, the lich will sneer at him, gesturing wide, invitingly with his radiant scythe. Raziel was no novice to melee, and granted his would be adversary the first blow.
    Spoiler: Barren Waste
    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    [Barren Waste]

    "You probably know them as goblins, hobgoblins and orcs," the wolf head says, staring Suscipio right in the eyes. The expression of its own eyes is nigh-impossible to read. "They're cruel, base creatures. They turned on us Fae, but they do not get along with the other mortals, either."
    Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
    Barren waste
    Krayger nods.
    "Oh yeah, some of those live in the city. They seem to get along fine with their neighbors. So you'll probably have to watch those statements. Even if things seem like those from your own world they might be radically different. Wouldn't want to offend anyone." he says, managing to sound more polite than sarcastic.

    Eternus goes quiet again.

    No reading. This is not good. Is the beast trained for this? Why? By whom?

    The man's grip loosens on his two katana, slowly going slack until they're at his sides, comfortably.

    "I have met a few in the same city of which the minotaur spoke. My experiences were very similar regarding their nature, at least toward me. I will state again, however. Maybe we could assist you. How could we help your King with this issue? If it is true that all of this goblin race wishes to enslave your master, surely we could help you dissuade them. Would there still be an issue if we would succeed?"
    Last edited by Solidarity; 2014-07-12 at 09:31 PM.