The real downside to the theory crafting is, well look at the current setup. Thaco flat out could not penetrate Kores armor. I think he took two shots and found out even his boots are plate. Complains went full rage, stabbed Kore like, a dozen times or more, once again, he never even dented kores gear. He came CLOSE to taking out Kores eye at one point but failed. Ears I dont think his weapon works period. His axe went right through the armor without hurting it. The GAP's big move involved ears hurling the axe with rope attached through kores shield and his neck. He MIGHT be able to attack the weapons directly, maybe, but im not sure we can count on that. So yeah, unless he can grab some random plain weapon, ears is only good for soaking up a hit or two and healing those who can survive a round. Maybe we "missed" him grabbing Chiefs spear?

In other words, attacking NOW, even if they could, would leave us with the GAP being at best a distraction while Minmax tries to do real damage, and maybe a heal or two from ears. Bottom line, they at least need some extra levels and likely some better weapons for thaco and complains. That +1 sword was nice at brassmoon, but its not really an advantage anymore. Thats just to let them potentially be able to hurt Kore. The idea of them hitting 11 in an actual D&D game makes sense. But with this being Goblins I think that if they each go up 2 levels AND get some upgrades, they can take him in a fight.

Ok, theorycrafting aside, im picturing an eventual conversation where minmax says something dumb and mean about fumbles, the name goblinslayer gets brought up and minmax says something like, "Oh yeah, HIM. What a jerk. Im glad forgath and I beat him up, set him on fire, and watched kin stab him to death." It should give them some common ground to work with.