Quote Originally Posted by Zurvan View Post
How Can you expect to date someone that hot if you are not doing anything for yourself? Nothing about your own looks.

Ask yourself. Would you date you ?If the answer is no THERE IS SOMETHING REALLY WRONG HERE.
This isn't exactly a fair benchmark, as not everyone is attracted to people of the same type that they themselves fall into. My D&D group contains a married couple consisting of one short, withdrawn, twink-ish, late-20s Chinese programmer and one tall, boisterous, bear-ish, late-30s white Texan sales rep, and they've been in a happy relationship for years with plenty of previous dating/relationship experience, but would never consider dating themselves.

Going by golentan's post, there have been people interested in him, and he hasn't turned them down just for not being supermodels or anything like that, so this isn't at all a case of too-high standards and blindness to one's own failings as you imply.