Quote Originally Posted by Eonas View Post
That doesn't preclude the possibility that somebody else on that team is also a minion, however. I've still got a suspicious eye on Rofl, to be honest: again, the fact that both Eloel and Rofl tried to present an either-or scenario where we should trust either one or the other (posts 179 and 187), is to me odd. I mean, from their point of view, obviously they're loyal, but... I dunno. It really does seem like an excellent strategy as minions: all you need is one of two minions to be trusted and the game's won.

Presumably, given that Eloel knows we're onto him, he could be bluffing or doublebluffing or something. It's like that scene in Princess Bride with the poisoned wine: he might have known we'd think that, or might have known that we might have known... and so on. So, his early reject is basically meaningless.
Quote Originally Posted by Rofltrollcopter View Post

I hoped someone else would have realized this since its gonna to sound like a suspiciously specific denial coming from me, but I will point it out anyways:

If Eloel and I were both minions, he would have called me good. You are right in that there is a world where it makes sense for a minion to throw himself under the bus to cover for another minion, but this was not the right situation for it. Neither of us were suspected by the table. If he called me good, none of you guys would have doubted it. In the world that he calls me good, it makes two people be respected by the table. Instead he has called attention to both of us.
Quote Originally Posted by Lex-Kat View Post
Actually, no. Never mind. I'm up voting this, and I hope that the mission fails.
I would strongly encourage you to rethink this. From my perspective, at this point your either a minion or your frustrated with the game and you want the good guys to lose out of spite. Either way, your making it so the good guys don't want to listen to you.

If it helps, at this point I am still equally suspicious of all three of you.