
His words were the final friendly shove that pushed the boy over the edge - he began sobbing and broke down completely. But he was already on his way into the tunnel - he passed the hook where the horn originally hung - at least according to Ruark's report - and entered the grotto through the wolf-fur-covered arch.

The grotto was too warm for him. He was a man of mountains and while he liked a bit of summer, this was too much for him. Once he heard about lands at deep south, where the sun can cook you and you can die out of heatstroke. Some people lay the strangest claims when drunk...

As he continued forward, through the bear-hide-covered passage, it got colder around him. He welcomed the smell of fresh air, wet from rain and for a moment he longed for the springs in the mountains.

He walked forward, only to notice a movement at the end of the tunnel - he recognized Ruark, sword in his hands. He did not want to startle him, nor address him - he did not know how far his voice could be heard and he expected enemies to be close - it was always better to expect them.

Ruark must have recognized him as he closed in, because his arms relaxed and he lowered his sword. And then he was tense again - and Gerric knew why.

He heard it too - the sound that made him feel as if someone held his heart and pumped it forcefully - he felt every vein pulse and was feeling as alive as never.

Horse neigh. The enemy was even closer than he expected.

His hand slid to the handle of his axe almost unconsciously - his and Ruark's eyes met and he saw that Ruark was smiling. Savaxen were known as fierce warriors who welcomed the possibility to cheat death, to fight for their lives. He felt, that he was also smiling - the dance with death was his favourite one...

Spoiler: Gerric OOC
Ok, round-by-round again, at least for you and Ruark. It's gonna get fast now. You don't see them yet.


The sound came from the cave behind him. The storm was slowly diminishing - leaving the area, so he could hear the footsteps. He was quite sure it was one of his companions, but it could have been the boy - if he broke free.

The silhouette was one of a man. He thought he can recognize the gait, but the man did not address him, even if he must have seen him. As the figure moved forward, his eyes recognized Gerric - and he relaxed for a moment. But only for a moment - since he heard a sound that made him feel as if someone poured the icy waters of Sea of Raiders into his veins.

A horse whinny.

He felt his neck hair stand up. Too soon, he thought. But then his savaxen heart woke up and there was suddenly a smile on his face. It's never too soon. His and Gerric's eyes met. The grim mountain man didn't show his smile often, but now he did. Savaxen men valued skill with weapon and courage - and Gerric seemed to have both. Soon it would be shown for sure...

Spoiler: Ruark OOC
Ok, round-by-round again, at least for you and Gerric. It's gonna get fast now. You don't see them yet.


Gerric passed them, as they stood over the boy together with Urukubarr. He joined on the "fun" of harassing the boy. "He bein' cooperative?" he asked. "I figure when the bastards get here he's goin' to be hollerin' to them. If you want, I can cut out his tongue once we learned what we want from him. It'd be no trouble at all.".

That was the last drop the boy needed. Richan began sobbing and broke down completely - the boy who just few moments ago tried to intimidate her, was now only a boy, crying because he was afraid.

There was no chance she would get anything out of him now. She looked at Gerric, but he did not even look at the boy - only entered the secret passage.

Her eyes itched. She longed for sleep, but there was still work to do. She heard Nazir behind her - she didn't hear him climb down the ladder...

"No easy way onto the roof in this rain, but if I get some help we can pile furniture so I can reach the hole in the roof. There will still be a climb up onto the top of the cliff and in this rain that will be challenging. From the windows I didn't see where Mad Dog would be coming from. Ruark went back down the tunnel right? I should go take another look that way."


Gerric passed them, as they stood over the boy together with Kate. "He bein' cooperative?" he asked. "I figure when the bastards get here he's goin' to be hollerin' to them. If you want, I can cut out his tongue once we learned what we want from him. It'd be no trouble at all.".

That was the last drop the boy needed - he began sobbing and broke down completely - the boy who just few moments ago tried to intimidate Kate with strong talk, was now only a boy, crying because he was afraid. Urukubarr felt sick - he disliked this kind of "heroics". You either held your word or you were no man.

The Savaxen had long tradition of boasting - they would one-up each other with strange and silly boasts, but the men were tough - they wouldn't back off from fight, or their promise. He could value that - and that was one thing he learned from them.

Kate looked at Gerric, but he did not even look at the boy - only entered the secret passage. Urukubarr thought about locking the boy inside the back room.

Suddenly he heard Nazir's voice behind him. That half-elf had to climb down to cellar while they focused on the boy.

"No easy way onto the roof in this rain, but if I get some help we can pile furniture so I can reach the hole in the roof. There will still be a climb up onto the top of the cliff and in this rain that will be challenging. From the windows I didn't see where Mad Dog would be coming from. Ruark went back down the tunnel right? I should go take another look that way."


The main room was empty - everybody left. The backpacks were still there, as well as the loot. He dropped the balls into the loot pile and thought of his next move. He heard Gerric's voice from below, and he thought he could report to Kate - she wanted to interrogate the prisoner more. His acute hearing told him also that Urukubarr was down there.

He climbed down the ladder, approaching Kate. She was standing near to the boy, Urukubarr at her side. He did not see Gerric anywhere, but heard someone move inside the secret passage. His mind set on climbing to the roof - and he was ready to ask for their help moving furniture to reach the hole in the roof. As he closed in, with the intention to intimidate the boy a bit further, he saw that there was no need for that...

The boy was weakly sobbing, lying on the ground shivering.

He thought about going to the passage immediately - the situation was now quite unpleasant, but wanted to wait if Kate had any other ideas.