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Thread: Riverside 18

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Riverside 18

    Spoiler: Lots of Quoted Posts
    Quote Originally Posted by Gulaghar View Post
    [Moth Park]

    Vax takes the opening and backs toward the tree. "We're doing it here. Keep it busy." It would be... harder to bind the demon here. The steps they've taken so far weren't intended to be used here, but Vax will have to make it work. First she touches one of the circle's inner lines. Suddenly roots and vines erupt from the earth all around them, They trace the lines of the circle, giving them a more rigid structure to buy time against the broken earth. Now, the next step...
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
    [Moth Park]

    Zhareen, being enchanted by a spirit of courage, resists the effect this time as halo of pure light has manifested above her head. The guards meanwhile are still in their dream-like state and just goes along with it. Simply standing there even as the demon starts circling around them with its tentacle. Their masks did protect them naseous gasses, they weren't purely decorative.
    But while they were concerned with protecting Vax, Zhareen figured it was better to go the offensive against a demon of fear, again, courage was the best way to fight it. "Everyone, position yourself around the circle, I'll deal with this directly." She commands as she moves forward to bash the demon with her spiritual hammer. "Taste the hammer of justice!" She, for some reason, feels like exclaiming.

    [Electra's Phone]

    "Nope, I haven't been that much in Eastside. The mayor is nearly completely unknown to me, beyond the fact that he made some pretty harsh laws regarding 'traitors'. Seems like he is building up as much of a police state as Malechenar, though don't tell anyone I said that." Can't badmouth your own employers. "Continuing, Tep is some kind of knowledge demon, which only makes him about as trustworthy as the other candidates it seems. After all, Stu is a former AMEN member, and Jezebel is a current cult-leader and goddess, which somehow seems more unnerving than the demon-thing. It seems like she have some sort of relationship with one of VIGIL's leaders, Cessie Mithar, you heard of her? There are apparently newspapers writing stories about them."
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Southside Border

    "I was wondering when the whole Gemini twins aspect was going to be a thing," Halton remarks, as he extends a hand to help Gemini in, as the thing hurriedly speeds up and away towards Wildside, to discourage its assailants from pursuing.

    And I was wondering when you'd explain why you're jeopardizing everything for the sake of a complete stranger, Haz," the hovercopter pilot (who is definitely, totally just a generic NPC and nothing else) butts in, adding yet another name to our man of mystery's ever-growing list of aliases.

    "You can't just use my codename like that, we've got rules! We-" Haz pauses, realizing the folly of arguing on behalf of rules he just spent the last few minutes actively flipping off so he could go do his own thing. "She was in danger, and I thought I had time, I didn't know the General's men would come investigating so soon. You can't tell me you really think leaving someone to die would help us win Southside's hearts and minds, do you?"

    The pilot frowns, but doesn't answer. Too busy watching the radar, waiting for an excuse to open fire on anyone who feels like giving chase.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post
    Southside Border

    The robot groupe won't start the attack. They only scan the hovercopter as far as possible. After they are out of range, they continue to the point where Gemini droped down. They still want to see what happened there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
    The goons are also going to let them go. Chasing a hovercopter on foot was going to be dicey at best.

    But a pair of them will go to investigate Gemini's crash site once the coast seems clear.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gulaghar View Post
    [The Empress' Estate - The Frescots]

    "Right, okay. I think I understand." Sakura says, fairly neutral. She should have expected it'd put Adir in danger somehow, but he's pretty determined to do that one way or another. "Uh, where is 'this domain' exactly?"

    Southside Border

    There isn't anything particularly special about Gemini's crash site except for the young-woman shaped impression in the ground and some torn scraps of cloth that seem to be disintegrating into their base magical energies. It was probably going to be quite a pain to patch the destroyed surface.

    Hovercopter Over Wildside

    Gemini takes a moment to dematerialize the gauntlet that'd make Hellboy nod in approval before taking the offered hand. Her hand is surprisingly soft and well manicured for someone who seems to have such a brutish way of fighting. "Thank you. I think." She says, looking back over her shoulder as they depart the city proper. She stays silent as her saviors argue back and forth but after a moment she bites her lip. "Um. Excuse me?" She asks, trying to gently catch their attention. "But might I ask where we're headed? I have boarding school tomorrow and probably shouldn't miss it." She explains.

    The Empress' Estate - The Frescots

    "For now, it is simply this estate and some of the surrounding area. I plan to extend through Wildside and out into the unclaimed lands between the major cities. For now there's a few small farms, growing the bounty placed upon the table, but already I have plans underway for an aqueduct to provide clean glacier water for irrigation and growth."
    She explains before giving her heavily armored head a small shake from side to side. "I am not some warmonger seeking to take this city or the others for myself, nor will I force them to bend to their knees if that is what you fear. Your husband would help protect the people here against those who would seek to do such to us instead. For now however, I need his skills not to hunt people to harm, but to hunt them for their help. I have a need of a great many artisans and farmers if we are to do anything at all."

    Moth Park

    The newly sprouted roots do indeed provide a firm wall against the encroaching phantasmal fiend, but it will likely cause them to creak and bend in a short time with the force it was exerting. At least, until the blessed hammer of justice slams into its shadowy flesh. An ear-splitting screech vibrates the very air itself as the tentacle draws back in pain. A smoldering crater had been knocked out of it, but while it draws back one tentacle to allow it to mend, another shoots forward quickly, pointed tip rigid as it thrusts through the air towards Zhareen's chest.
    Last edited by UncleWolf; 2017-01-31 at 03:23 AM.