What I would give to have Gunn here, he'd have a good idea for a plan. Theo takes a moment to consider the words of Lydia. We form a perimeter in the night and monitor. Come morning, when I suspect they will have fewer... patrons... we evacuate the building before tearing it down in the daylight. Unless anybody has a better idea?

We should send a messenger to the Palace to keep everything straight with the Prince and his Chancellors, but I do not see them taking issue with tearing down such an establishment that is owned and operated by a vampiric enemy. The only aggrieved that we would give second thought to are the living employees, and it is best that they are away from the vampires anyway.

When we get there, we rest in shifts. I must prepare new spells before I sleep, but other than that I do not care where I fall in the order of resting. We turned enough vampires to mist that they will not be in full force, and they have no cause to believe that we know of their lair. Does that sound good to everyone?