Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
Well, last I heard, servers got $2.13/hr, but if a server doesn't get the federal minimum wage even after tips, then the restaurant must make up the rest. So they always make the minimum wage, at least (my feelings on the minimum wage is a story for another day, likely another forum altogether). Still, not tipping makes you look like an ass. I've tipped only a few cents before, when I got the worst service I've ever had in my life; I feel like that said, "I do tip, just not you."
Technically the restaurant is legally obligated to make up the rest. In practice, in right to work states (where you can be fired without reason, the name is somewhat inaccurate) actually asking the restaurant to make up the rest gets you fired and replaced with someone who doesn't do that. I make a point of eating out rarely and tipping high when I do, but as far as I'm concerned customers tipping is a patch applied to a fundamentally broken system.