Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
Bullets are supposed to be lethal to who again in One Piece?

Luffy is immune to musket balls from the first Tankobon. A guy who is capable of splitting warships in two and casually deflects bullets is introduced in Tankobon 6. Zoro upgrades to being able to split cannon balls past Alabasta arc and both him and Luffy explicitly take direct hits comparable to artillery rounds in Skypie and Water 7 arcs.

The high end of the series has guy who can literally move at light speed due to turning into literal ray of light, and can shoots lasers.

Really, anyone who thinks One Piece as a whole is less powerful or "more realistic" than Naruto or Bleach really, really needs to go reread Skypiea arc and refresh their memory on all the things Eneru does. And then remind themselves that Eneru is a mid-series villain in OP who is easily topped by even more absurd characters in the series.
Well bullets DO work on people who arent prepared for them. Law for example took about 9 shots to the back from doflamingo and nearly bled out from that, and kept having flashbacks of that corazon guy getting killed with them. And although enhanced, obviously, blades also clearly work as seen by luffy at marineford nearly defecating himself when he realized mihawk was about to "disarm" him (hur hur) Not too mention all the people zoro has taken out over the adventures. Speaking of law, none of the youtube videos cover it. How DID he survive all those bullets, and get his arm back and so on and so forth? Last I saw was, he was being carried off with his new nickname of lefty by cavendish, then we flash forward to when he switched luffy with violet while doflamingo was forcing rebecca to kill her because even beaten half to death, doflamingo is a sadistic bastard.