Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
And that's where you've lost me. Game play should always be the main focus of a game.
Otherwise you're playing glorified interactive novels.
The game is what takes you through the story.
Without the gameplay, there is no story, because there is no way to progress through the story, if, what you need to progress, is totally ****. Except for interactive novels.

An FPS without guns is a First Person Slasher. They exist just fine.

I never said I don't care about story. What I said was that I don't care if the story is bad, if the gameplay makes up for it.
I can play plenty of FPSs and Sports and Racing Games that don't even have a story (not really), because the gameplay is what I signed up for.

No I'm not. I hate base-survival games, and if '76 moves further away from story then it will have neither of what I want.
FO3 had better gameplay, but a worse story (and really, only the main quest was bad).
New Vegas had worse gameplay, but a better story.

Now, if you ask me which is a better game, then I say FO3. Because that's what I prioritise. I feel that even in an RPG, gameplay is still going to drive story (see above). If you believe the opposite, then...Yeah. But, if gameplay is bad...There's no point. I may as well read a book.

I'll say last time...Not what I said.

While Sports, Racing and Shooter, and TBS games are slouching towards RPG mechanics.

Never said that.

My favourite genre is Turn Based Strategy with combined elements of RPGs because that's how Skinner Boxes work (e.g; Level ups, New gear, personal choice in how you build your character...Tangible rewards for playing the game, by playing the game...I understand what EA was going for in their infamous 'Pride and Accomplishment' post. But their execution of it was a disaster).
Which Fallout 1 and 2 was nicely when you put that option on.

Fallout 3 rewarded exploration. It rewarded playing the game on your own.
New Vegas, did not. Despite having a better out-of-game story...The in-game story is confront Lanius or Oliver. The only thing that sets this binary choice apart from all other games, is that is possible to kill both of them. "Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the gun."
I suppose the only thing I can say at this point is that while I accept and acknowledge your viewpoint, I also disagree with it in the strongest of terms. And since we are on diametrically opposite ends of this particular spectrum, and very firm on the topic, it is highly unlikely that we shall ever come to an agreement. Therefore, I suppose it is best to simply agree to disagree and move on.

Rolling back around to the topic of Fallout 76, we'll find out in a couple of days. It's pretty clear that we've chewed these rumors and leaks down to the bones. Until then, it is pretty pointless to continue debating speculation surrounding unsubstantiated rumor.

Quite frankly, Fallout 4 is too new to try to displace it with another 'main' offering, especially with the Creator's Club being used to try and leech even more money out of it, and naming the game after the vault it allegedly originates in instead of continuing the numbering convention confirms that it is not, at least, a 'usual' Fallout game, whatever that might mean to Bethesda. Which means that, whatever it is, it isn't going to be an AAA Title-esque release, because they don't want it to compete with FO4 while they're still trying to actively milk it. Which means it also isn't going to be a Rust Clone, because that would be at least on the level of an AAA Title.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that it will be a large mobile game, much like Fallout Shelter was, only far more fleshed out and developed. I'm not saying it has to be a base management game, it could be a different genre entirely, but I strongly suspect that whatever it is, it will be available on Apple and Android stores as well as PC. I think we're looking at something smaller, an aside, and we won't see another 'big' Fallout release until Bethesda decides that they've made as much money out of FO4 as they can reasonably expect. In fact, I'll bet that they'll be done with announcing Fallout 76 in about ten or fifteen minutes, then go on to their actual reveal, using the hype from Fallout 76 as a red herring to make their actual reveal even more surprising, which may well be an entirely new Intellectual Property Franchise.