Believe what you will. You saw how the sacred sword reacted to my touch, and you know Charis walks beside me. I know what you said to me, that in the end what you hold against me is that I walk the path of righteousness. After tonight I hope you are willing to look past that and see that we serve the same Goddess, and that She chose me to lead in these dangerous times.

I had hoped you would have shown up on the battle field earlier. We struck at Maltur - Lothrain, Natalia and I - without you. I hope the strength you saved will prove useful to Charis tonight. Let us remove ourselves to a more private spot, the eyes and ears of our enemy could be anywhere, the lich we fight is a powerful arcanist and no precaution is too much. Only those necessary for planning.

If Niall chooses to lead him away, then Theo allows such to happen. His next words are brief. My office was infiltrated when another High Priest, Tariq, was waiting for me to return from a necessary errand. He was knocked out and the room ransacked, in search of the Lens of the Mind's Eye. Nothing was taken, so I feel safe concluding the target of the raid. Luckily, I had it protected elsewhere. He said, cunningly keeping it's true location hidden. Good fortune for us, then, that we know that our enemy seeks more than what is absolutely necessary to complete the ritual. You have offered to help defend artifacts, and so that is what I ask you to do. However, I was seen openly visiting the other temples, and I am known for openly seeking alliances. I did so without hiding so that any eyes on me will have to make guesswork as to where it has been hidden. I request that you roam between them and our temple, at the ready to combat our enemy in the field. Were you to stand in one spot, they would naturally believe you to be guarding the Lens. This way, their attention will be split, indecision and doubt can cause them to give us an opening to deal a telling blow. I will ask that the Knights of the Soaring Eagle be prepared to do roam the streets as well, and to coordinate with you for maximum effectiveness. He leaves it at that, letting Niall respond as he wishes.