Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
It is not absurd if she's the first one to come up with the loophole. It is not absurd if Loki has never said, taught or promised that this is a loophole that exists. It is not absurd, in short, if this is an assumption of Hilgya consistent with all her assumptions of how the universe works, going all the way back to "polite offers of foot massages are an attack on her freedom".

Grey Wolf
I think part of this discussion is whether Hilgya's actions would earn her an automatic reprieve from Hel or if not whether Loki would defend her soul. Apologies if not, as I'm going to springboard into a different thought trail along those lines.

We have it directly from Thor that it is in a god's interests to want a soul after death beyond simple living worship. We have the idea from Redcloak that a displeased deity might not grant spells to clerics. Ergo, by granting spells to Hilgya Loki has been implicitly endorsing her ideas.

Let me repeat the word "implicitly". As an evil god he might take her living worship and not care at all about her soul after death so she might still be wrong. I guess I just think that if she is deluding herself the fact that Loki answers her prayers for spells and (eventually) Durkon's location at least gives her the same basis Durkon had for thinking Thor was blessing the Order's meeting with Miko.