Quote Originally Posted by PepperP. View Post
Sai's surprise was evident on her face, she hadn't considered that others might suspect the jester of being some Droccen trick.

"I understand and share your concerns, please believe me when I tell you that I nor Droccen had anything to do with the appearance of that jester or the warnings he spoke of. I have no idea why he chose my coronation to deploy his warnings, other than the sheer convenience of having many peoples gathered here at once. One might assume from his actions and words, that him or perhaps his benefactor is on our side. If his warning is even to be trusted, of course."
Krazkul looks at the princess thoughtfully. I don't yet suspect you or your people. Yet. Their is no evidence against you. I think at the moment the best plan is to try to figure out where he came from and where he went. Who else here has been inquiring about the jester. I would like to speak to them too. For now I have to trust the jesters words to an extent. I believe if we ignore this event bad things could happen. Turns to go... Oh and one last thing, do you have any tech that monitors your atmosphere? For all we know the jesters still among us.