Anika follows Echo off the Aquila with more confidence then the Navigator seemed to have. To Echo, 'Just remember Lord Castermire, if there was anything wrong with the atmosphere down here we're not the first to have breathed it. I think we'll be fine.' She'll fish a pair of sunglasses out of her greatcoat. This was perhaps the most natural light she'd been exposed to since that planet with the Eldar ruins and it usually took her a while to get used to it.

She didn't know much about xenos wildlife but she had picked up some things. 'If they aren't carnivorous I think it's often true that there's something else around that might eat them instead. Perhaps it's those big birds?' The colonists were presumably already prepared for the possibility that something might try to eat the humans.

She'll answer Jonell, 'I admit I'm curious about whether the mapmakers left any other sign of their presence here, but I have little idea where to start and there's every chance the planet was only an outpost in the first place. We probably should go look at those larger animals on the other continent at some point, assuming we go prepared of course.'