Quote Originally Posted by DeTess View Post
It was also interesting to play in a different meta from the one I'm used to.
I've found it interesting what behaviors are considered wolfish/townish, and other things of the local meta. I'm getting the logic behind some of it, although some of it isn't the most intuitive to me and I'm going along with it more because I think that's how others interpret things more than I intuitively think that's how I'd act as Town.
It'd be curious to 'learn' the game here then move somewhere else where the meta is different, and thus my conclusions and argumentative defenses are way off.

I'm rather curious how I'll play if actually Town. Was Wolf first game and Neutral the second, so it'd be a new experience.


Questions of the meta remind me a bit of back when I played Yugioh, and the big differences between what cards and strategies would be expected at my local gaming spot verses an official tournament. I'll wane off-topic to mention one fun time: my playstyle had a strong anti-burn defense, since one of my good friends who played loved to play burn; in a tournament, one of the players was beating almost everyone because he was playing burn and nobody else had defenses against it, whereas I crushed him.