Quote Originally Posted by TheNotoriousSMP View Post
The Lamenter strokes his bare chin, angelic features scanning over the information that the holographic display has for them. "Regardless, it goes without saying that we cannot allow this information to fall into the foul hands of the Archenemy. Such a tragedy would no doubt have dire effects on the sector's ability to defend itself from attack."
'That's right. Plenty of things on Khazant that need killing. Better us then someone who doesn't know what they're doing.'

At Hollis' explanation, 'So either someone got lucky or they planned for her to be there.' If someone had been passing on information that was the Inquisitor's problem. 'Trouble is, if they are that organised, they may be competent enough to expect someone like us to come looking.' Baldr is not especially bothered by that, but it would be foolish not to be prepared.

Baldr nods in agreement with Elyas, although sometimes having air support was useful. 'Air defences and the chance that anything coming down otherwise might attract attention. I can't speak for the Stigmartus but there are likely Traitor Astartes on Khazant. I would expect them to know what a drop pod looks like.' He'll leave the discussion of psykers to the Rune Priest as was proper. Witches were just another target.

To Hollis, 'How far behind the lines are we likely to be? If there are more survivours then just this Navigator it might be difficult to extract them all by air.'