Quote Originally Posted by dojango View Post
He scowls. "They seem to think that everything their ancestors touched belongs to them. They ain't been around here for at least a century."
'If they ever want me out of somewhere I'm happy enough to leave. Until then I don't see any harm in it.'

Quote Originally Posted by LarsWester View Post
Harman leaves the sword he was using before with Galeazzo and straps the one of dwarven make in its place. Between meeting with Galeazzo and the posse forming up to enter the mines Harman will pull Gabrielle and Severin aside and show them the ring he recovered from the mine.
It looks valuable and I didn't really want to share any profits from selling it with Marina and Zdenko. You two are a different matter. I figure I've been with you a bit longer and actually trust you as much as you can trust someone you met in the Border Princes. What do you think it's worth?
Harman shows the both of them a gold ring with purple stones set in it before slipping it back into his coin purse and hiding his purse under his armor.
'Oh I'm very trustworthy.' Gabriele grins. On the ring, 'That's pretty. I'd have to agree with Severin though. Maybe find someone who can give you a decent price for it if you're going to sell it on.'