Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
I was dumbfounded to find that kobolds are cold-blooded. For a subterranean race, isn't that basically a death sentence? Are dragonwrought kobolds warm-blooded then?
A subterranean race in our caves, sure, but that's just because there aren't any natural sources of heat in them. The Underdark is full of lava flows, magical crystals, inexplicably warm fungus, etc.

It is weird that kobolds are cold-blooded when dragons are warm-blooded. Basically all 3.5 sources agree that kobolds have dragon blood running through their veins, and some add that those veins are also made of dragon blood. You'd expect their metabolism to resemble a young dragon's more than a lizard's.

That's still one of the better books of the edition. The monsters are definitely hit or miss, but there are hits in every corner and for every type, which makes it a book I really like, even just reading it on its own.
Yeah. If there's one thing these level-reassignment projects have done, they've validated my nostalgia for this specific book.