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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The LA Assignment Thread XII: the LA-bors of Heracles

    Size & Type: Huge Ooze (Incorporeal)
    Space/Reach: 10'x10'/10'
    HD: 5, 11 (Gargantuan)
    Speed: Fly 30' (I'm guessing Perfect, as per other Incorporeal creatures, but unlisted.)
    Ability Scores: Str -, Dex +0, Con +10, Int -, Wis -10, Cha -10 - Net -10, two penalties
    Natural Armor: NA (Cha to Deflection, minimum 1)
    Natural Weapons: One Primary Incorporeal Touch (1d6 Dexterity and Constitution Drain)
    Skill List: -
    Body Shape: Amorphous
    Speech (Languages): No
    CR: 7
    WotC LA: -
    Our LA: +0

    I've decided that I am indeed going to start adding the flavor text for all of these. This one in particular isn't all that amazing to me, but hey.

    This creature is a field of pure darkness given awareness and hunger. It waits in lightless places to feed off the energy of nonplant living creatures.

    Films of night appear only at night. During the day, they hide in the comforting darkness of underground. When they emerge, they float as a group in a circle at the periphery of each other's sensory range. When prey enters one ooze's range, that film of night moves toward it. The absence of a film of night alerts the others to move toward its last location.

    Films of night are amorphous and can change their shape at will, but they usually travel in roughly cube-shaped blocks 10 feet on a side. Unlike most oozes, films of night travel in pairs, and sometimes in larger groups.

    First off, can we avoid the debate we had with the Boneyard regarding its amorphous form? Just like the Boneyard before it, this has no mechanical effect. Maybe your DM will allow for things like manipulative digits, but you are not a proper shapeshifter. (Though being incorporeal does mitigate the issue somewhat.)

    Anyway, in addition to the usual results of incorporeality and Ooze traits; the Film of Night has total concealment whiule in darkness. "Any illumination" reduces this to three-quarters concealment. ...So, RAW vs RAI, this technically means that full daylight still gives it 3/4 concealment. This is probably not intended.

    Finally, any magical light source deals 1d6 damage to a Film of Night for each 10' of illumination it gives off. Hope the party has darkvision.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Aren't there critters literally bigger than their own space?
    Funny you should mention.
    Last edited by Debatra; 2023-02-14 at 04:34 AM.
    Kaedanis Pyran, tai faernae.

    The LA Assignment Threads: Attempting to Make Monsters Playable Since 2016

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    Spoiler: Quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    Roland just endorsed a crack pairing?

    Did... did we break the universe?
    Quote Originally Posted by SassyQuatch View Post
    It is a major flaw in the game. Destroy a moon? Sure. Talk to somebody a hundred miles away, that's going to be difficult.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rizban View Post
    Realistically speaking... D&D style magic doesn't exist, so... let's ignore reality.