Quote Originally Posted by Rodin View Post
The room next door also appears to be entirely empty.

Just to re-iterate here: Marigold and Co. have lived in this place for 6 months. My dining room has more furniture in it than this entire house (excluding the kitchen, which will have been like that when Marigold arrived) and that's taking into account that the dining room has been almost entirely emptied while I have it rebuilt.

I'm sorry, but "minimalist millenial" doesn't begin to cover this situation. Marigold appears to have bought a house far larger than she needs (which is fair enough if she has the money) and then proceeded to...do nothing with it. No decorations on the walls, the floors, no rugs other than the one in the entryway. We haven't even seen a dining table, they ate breakfast in the kitchen by all appearances.

I just don't get it. If the lack of furniture is a plot point, surely we should be dealing with that instead of the gacha stuff?
Im guessing her focus was on the game rooms first and foremost. Maybe the bedroom. But yeah, i can see her laser like focus on making the most epic gamer rooms possible, one for consoles, one for computer, one for her to roll gatcha on handhelds. (They havent gotten started decorating that one yet) And basically ignoring the rest. Like "Ok, my gaming areas are set, we have a room to watch tv, and the beds are arranged, thats all I care about."