Now will regard Kevin briefly with a hard look. She ought to try and avoid hurting anyone who didn't seem to deserve it but sometimes it would be so easy. She'll only say, 'Don't' in a tone of obvious contempt before turning back to the girl.

If she's not interupted, 'Monica I'd give you my phone number if I thought you'd take it. If you need anything. Anything at all, there's a bar called Mary's in the Eastern Marigny. The lady who runs it knows how to get in touch with me and she may even feed you in the meantime. My name is Laura.'

Spoiler: ooc

In that case I'd say it'd be easier for Laura to just explain everything but it in no way does Monica any favours to know about the Tumbledown for certain. Not telling her might also leave Monica in a fairly bad situation depending on what might be going on with Kevin, so ignoring her own needs to protect her in favour of protecting her from something that might be worse might make sense.