"Sins, like chickens, come home to roost."

Small, lively anthropomorphic chicken people. They tend to be loud, chatty, and devoted to causes of their choice (said causes tend to be of the Lawful sort).

· +2 Dex, -2 Str
· Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
· Monstrous Humanoid, giving you Darkvision 60 ft.
· Base land speed 30 ft.
· Chickens have a Primary Peck Attack doing 1d3 plus one and a half times Strength Modifier.
· Chickens have a +4 Species Bonus to Jump and Spot Checks. Chickens gain Dodge as a Bonus Feat.
· Automatic Languages: Chickens speak Feathery and Common. Bonus Languages: Bonus languages generally depend on who or what lives nearby.
· Level Adjustment: +0
· Favored Class: Paladin

Adulthood: 14
Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

Middle Age: 30
Old: 45
Venerable: 60
Maximum Age: +2d10 years

Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
Height Modifier: +2d4"
Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

Chickens are fast moving for their size, and will excel at quick, mobile fighting styles.
Adventuring Race: Chickens adventure for a wide variety of reasons, much like humans.
Character Development: If you're going with a melee build, base it off of Dexterity.
Character Names: Chickens tend to use the naming conventions of whatever society they're living in.

Your allegiance is to your religion, the law, and your fellow Chickens before all else. And that is a hill you will gladly die on.
Personality: You are generally obsessed with your social station, and trying to improve it. You also are a bit of a tattle tale when it comes to rulebreakers..
Behaviors: You spend much time socializing. Other species don't get it, but you are definitely not introverts, and social mingling is like oxygen for you.
Language: Chickens speak Feathery and Common. If there are other commonly spoken languages where they live, they will learn those as well.

Chickens are fairly conformist, and go along with whatever society they find themselves living among.
Alignment : Chickens are overwhelmingly Lawful, and most are Neutral as well.
Lands : Chickens live just about everywhere.
Settlements : Again, Chickens live just about everywhere..
Beliefs : Aside from Boris, the Chicken Folk prefer Lawful Gawds.
Relations: How Chickens treat you largely depends on how well you follow the rules.

· What is clearly a Gawd appears before you, and beseeches you to go on a quest to SAVE THE WORLD! You aren't buying it, you don't know him or his place in the scheme of things. At which point they turn to "I'm a Gawd, do it or I make your life Hell" as a way of selling it.
· Your position in the pecking order has suddenly changed, along with a great many others. You need to find out what's going on.
· Thpptt, the Slug God, is drunk and high, and sleeping it off in your bedroom. Much against your will. He claims he's been kicked out of Heaven, so for your own peace of mind you have decided to find out how to get him reinstated.


Level 1: Replace Detect Evil and Smite Evil with Detect Chaos, and Smite Chaos. These abilities work the same, but they target Chaotic individuals instead of Evil ones.

Level 1+: At each Level that you gain access to a new Level of Spells (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.) you can choose one spell from any spell list from the Abjuration or Divination schools to replace one of the spells you know on your spell list. This must be a spell of a level you can cast.

Level 1: In addition to the normal Domains, you can also choose the Community Domain (see Spell Compendium).


You are a protector of others..
Prerequisites: Chicken
Benefits: You gain a Resistance Bonus on Willpower Saves equal to your Hit Dice divided by 4.

You are loyal to your neighbors.
Prerequisites: Chicken, Glider, Gopher or Rabbit
Benefits: When you use Aid Another to boost an Ally's attack roll, it is a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.

Flying Charge
Your prodigious leaping abilities make you dangerous.
Prerequisites: Quick Charge
Benefits: When making a Charge Attack, difficult terrain doesn't affect your movement speed.

Puff Up
You are quite intimidating.
Prerequisites: Chicken or Ferret, Cha 13+
Benefits: If you successfully Demoralize an opponent via the Intimidation skill, they are Shaken for 1d4 rounds.

Quick Charge
You are less open during charging attacks
Prerequisites: Chicken, Dex 15+
Benefits: You take no Penalty to AC when performing a Charge Attack.

You are quite inspiring.
Prerequisites: Defender
Benefits: All allies who can see you share you're Bonus to Willpower Saves from the Defender Feat.

Shared Grace
You are quite helpful.
Prerequisites: Divine Grace class feature, Chicken, 12th Level
Benefits: At the beginning of the day, you may choose one willing creature within 30 feet. That creature shares your Bnus to Saving Throws for 24 hours.

You have developed leg spurs you wield in combat.
Prerequisites: Defender
Benefits: You gain 2 Rake attacks when performing a Charge doing 1d3 plus Str modifier (use highest BAB).

Terrifying Charge
You are less open during charging attacks
Prerequisites: Puff Up, any one Feat that modifies Charge attacks
Benefits: When you make a Charge Attack, you can make an Intimidation Check to leave them Shaken as per the Puff Up Feat as a Free Action.

Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Chicken Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

The Chicken Folk are anthropomorphic Chicken's about the size of Gnomes. They tend to be very chatty and polite, but this politeness hides personal insecurities over their station in life. Chickens always want to move up in station, and are paranoid that those of a lesser station wish to supplant them. This has led to a sort of enforced politeness within their society to prevent fights from breaking out.

The Chickens are therefore somewhat obsessed with rules and following social or legal protocols. Combine this with a strong religious streak, and many end up becoming inquisitors or enforcers for their church of choice. Many a Lich has been dumbfounded to learn the local Paladin, feared by Undead near and far, stands 3 feet tall and weighs about 40 pounds. The Chickens realize their physical stature means some people won't take them seriously, and they've developed a bit of a chip on their shoulder about that. So if you see one telling an Ogre "I ain't afraid of you, let's do this!", try not to be surprised. Once they take out the Ogre, they may come to have a discussion with you over your clearly signalling you thought the Ogre could take them.

Chickens use the naming conventions of whatever society they live among.


Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity by +2, and your Charisma score by +1.

Age. Chicken Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

Alignment. Most Chicken Folk are Neutral, and a good many are Lawful as well.

Type. You are a Humanoid.

Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds

Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

Intimidation. When you make an Attack Action, you may choose to intimidate one opponent you successfully hit that turn as a Bonus Action. The opponent must make a Wisdom Save (Save DC is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier). If they fail, they are Frightened of you until the beginning of your next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to your Intimidation for the next 24 hours.

Athletic. You have Advantage of Strength (athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) Checks.

Keen Sight. Thanks to your vision, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve sight.

Beak and Claws. You have a beak and Talons that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) slashing or piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. You may also make an Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Action.

Languages. You speak, read and write Feathery, and any one other language of your choice.

Flying Charge (Prerequisite: Chicken)
When you take the attack action, you may declare you are making a charging attack. You then move at least 20 feet straight toward a creature (this movement is not slowed by difficult terrain) and then make your attack, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone (Save DC is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity modifier). If the target is prone, you can make one Beak attack against it as a bonus action.

Chicken Folk
"You probably did know of it Jim, you've been cloned several times after all.."

They Like To Peck
" many me's are there in the Afterlife"

" to Lady Beca is Sir Comstance, Paladin of Qztpm."

"Hello. Do you two fellows worship his holiness?"

"Please don't answer that..."

"We've occasionally met Gawds. I find it's best to give them a wide berth."

"Sirs, we frown on religious conversation here."

"At the Church social?"

"They worry about arguments getting heated. We are all spellcasters after all."

"Everyone? But there's dozens of people here."

Don't Point Out Their Lack of Height

"There are roughly that many churches in town."

"That has to be interesting."

"It's one reason we have the social every so often. The presumption is that if we all know each other better, we're less likely to come to blows.."

"Hows that worked out for you?"

"Well, as mentioned, we do frown on religious conversation..."