"It's real. We are Spawn Siblings. Ekin just doesn't show it. So she gets the other perks. The whip hasn't been used since we got here though. It's not very fun if you can't flay the skin off people and then let them watch while you fashion whip strands from their very body." Heknik and Ekin follow Ep out of the library.


"Foolish human." Ekin kneels down to pick up the books the clumsy mortal knocked onto the floor. "You fear too much. Demons are not easily killed; especially by clay mortals. And you! You need not fear. You are far too powerless to even have a Homunculii want to kill you." After placing the last of the books back on the shelves Ekin looks at the mortal human. "I see humans don't learn manners any more. Especially to those who could kill them in one breath." Heknik sighs and waits for Ekin to finish gloating.