
At the sight of the droid, Alex swears in Ryl. When it attacks with it's laser, she starts ranting "Who the <Huttese profanity> builds a <Bothese profanity>ing 4th degree droid with a <Rodese profanity>ing class three shield generator and druaniam <Dosh profanity>ing battle armor, and then <Sullustese profanity>ing equips it like a <Bocce profanity> mining droid?!" During her rant, she goes past Daers, pulls her pocketed frag grenade with her right hand, pulls the pin on it with her teeth, and lobs it at the droid.

[ooc]Move action: move to T14. Swift action: Quickdraw the frag grenade. Standard action: attack with frag grenade.
Attack roll - (1d20+1)[9]+2 BAB +1 DEX -2 short range
[roll=Damage]4d6+1[roll] Halved if the attack roll doesn't hit the droid's reflex defense since it's an area attack. I take it you know the shield rules(they're on page 161 of the core book if you don't), so those probably apply as well.[/ooc]