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Thread: Ok, so what's so bad about.....

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ok, so what's so bad about.....

    Quote Originally Posted by slayerx
    it IS implied... Stanely leaving on a mission and then saline falling during a revolt is what we are told... to imply something, means reading between the lines at what the author is trying to leads us to believe... in this case, it is implied that Stanely was behind the revolt since it seems too strange that the revolt would happen when Stanely and all the casters were away; Stanely being sure to take the casters with him can easily be seen as him making sure the most valuable units were not around to be slaughtered (also Sizemore does not saying that Stanely was ordered to take the casters or that the mission was Saline's idea in the first place).
    I would like to point out that the revolt wouldn't have happened if Stanley was the city. The gobwins wouldn't revolt because Stanley would squash them with the dwagons. The casters coming with: when a mission requires extremely powerful and valuable units (like arkentool attuned chief warlords), casters might be brought along to. Also the revolt would likely happen when only the city is at its weakest. That could mean powerful units like caster gone.

    I don't see hugely strong implications of Stanley having anything to do with the revolt other than Sizemore commenting that it was odd.
    Last edited by Lamech; 2008-05-04 at 06:44 PM.
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    I think Lamech will make a great Sephiroth.
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