Quote Originally Posted by Jibar View Post
Hey I know life has been dealing you a poor hand lately,
But I got a big plate of exactly what you need,
I'm gonna put a smile on your face,

'Cos I got mashed potatoes,
Gonna chase away all of your woes,
So dry your eyes and wipe your nose,
'Cos I'm bringing sympathy and mashed potatoes...
My inner DIscworld fan says that Rincewind would agree with this song totally. You know you're obsessed when nubile pale-skinned blond haired, blue-eyed Amazonians offer you rescue and a chance to be pleasured as the only man in their village and all you can think of are spuds.

My mum's evil and cowardly. She's got an appointment at nine to get the rest of her teeth removed and she's not going unless, and I quote, "You're up by half six." Why? She doesn't even have to leave till eight, but she knows that I have a hard time getting up early in the holidays so she's seeing me as a way to get out of it.
I mean, sure I'm babysitting for most of the day, but even Littlest Brother doesn't get up til seven and he's virtually comatose until about nine anyway.
Evil, evil parent. It'd be easier for me to just not sleep; so that's what I'm doing tonight.
I think I'll watch some Revolutionary Girl. I'll be perfectly bemused all night. All night.