"You got it, crazy Jedi ladies," Frow replies, incorrectly including Cee in the group, "Here goes nothing... and let's better hope it's not a trap."

You have a bit of time to rest in transit, and Vaya is able to complete her modifications to Phrenias's saber. It is not too long, though, before you find yourselves in the Bandomeer system.

A rather large fleet hangs motionless in the vicinity, an Inexpugnable-class vessel with a full complement of Hammerheads in attendance. Though the ships bear Revan's distinctive white, large symbols in the form of an eight-spoke wheel have been painted on them in red.

I'm only borrowing the Bendu symbol because The Force Unleashed gave the Starbird a stupid origin. "Let's make the Marty Stu anti-hero's family crest our logo! Yay!"

As soon as the Shadow drops back into realspace it receives an incoming hail from the fleet's flagship.

"I foresaw your coming,"
a feminine voice says, and an image of the speaker flickers into view. She is a white-haired woman wearing similarly colored robes. Those familiar with the Jedi may note that they are the robes of a historian, and those somewhat more familiar with the Jedi may recognize the woman as Master (Mistress?) Atris, former Council member and eminent archivist.

"Some aboard your vessel are quite strong in the Force... we have need of such strength."

A pained look passes across the woman's face.

"Though I can easily feel the taint of darkness aboard your ship, I fear we cannot afford to question the source of potential allies' power in this situation."

A hint of sadness creeps into her voice.

"Who can stand uncorrupted in these times, when even the staunchest defender of the light is willing to use murder to further his mad visions of unattainable perfection?"

She dismisses the introspection with a wave of her hand.

"But enough of that. What matters now is that you volunteer to aid us, and we require assistance. Please dock with the Swiftsure. We shall continue our discussion face-to-face."