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    Firbolg in the Playground
    CurlyKitGirl's Avatar

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    The Black Desert

    Default Re: Shippingitp IV: Flattery Will Get You EVERYWHERE

    I'm thinking of leaping full tilt into a prequel of IStLY. What say the people?
    Until then, a long (about thirty six hours) promised/threatened:

    TwoBit/Cristo [with cameos from mystery guests]:

    Film At Eleven

    TwoBit struggled futilely against the inexorable tide dragging him towards the film rental shop. "Come on Daddy Tooby! It's Film Night and you pwomised." squealed his (ridiculously cute) daughter Drider as she hauled him bodily into the shop. "Yeah Daddy Tooby, it Friiiiiiday and you know what that means." sang his other daughter, Curly as she let go of his hand and pulled her twin off to their favourite corner of the shop; leaving Daddy Tooby to wander the aisles resigning himself to childish terrors.
    Oh, by his sanity! BARBIE!
    Retreating frantically from the torture his wrathful and intelligent daughters had put him through a month ago (they hadn't even seen the films! It was purely to torment him, he knew it . . . just because he took away their books) by seeking refuge in the sci - fi section.
    Oh, for the days (soon, very soon with any luck) when his daughters would revel in their inherent geekery and choose films and TV shows he actually liked. "Ah, Highlander. I see you have good taste sir."
    "Only the original film, best plot, best soundtrack; there have never been any sequels, TV series, cartoons or anything other than the film."
    "And you're a true connoisseur too." Turning back from his perusal of his treasured films he eyed the chatty man, "What kind of person would I be if I acknowledge there were sequels?"
    "May I ask you a question?"
    "You ever heard of Tremors?"
    "Naturally. I've got all of them, and in fact, you are looking at someone who can quote it practically word for word." he said proudly.
    "Well then my geeky friend, might I ask what you're doing here? You seem to have the best films all memorised?"
    "Kids Film Night."
    "Ooh dear. Do they at least have good taste?"
    "They do. But they're psychological terrors; made me watch Barbie a month ago. Three films. One after the other. They didn't even watch the bleedin' things. It was payback. Must be their mothers' genes."
    "Oh? And is she a pretty lady?"
    "She was. There was an accident . . . "
    "I'm sorry."
    "Look . . . "
    "Cristo, Cristo Meyers."
    "Mr. Meyers."
    "Cris, call me Cris."
    "Cris, it was a long time ago; the girls can hardly remember her and we were going through a rocky patch. The girls are only eight, but they've already tried to set me up with their sixth grade teachers."
    "Sixth grade?!"
    "They're smart and there's reason to hold them back."
    "Wow, you really love your girls don't you?"
    "They're my world. I even put up with hideously pink girly films until they grow up and see sense."
    "Waiting for them to discover the wonders that is sci -fi and fantasy?"
    "I certainly hope so."


    Peering at the two men from behind a stack of horror films lurked the errant twins in question."Told you so, that guy who works here likes our Daddy."
    "You were right, DeeRee. Can we not pick something ridiculous this week? I want to watch some Buffy. You know I like the horror and the blood and Spike. Very funny guy."
    "You and your British obsession. I like Angel myself."
    "He's an Irish nutter with split personailty disorder! At least the psychopath I like enjoys his work."
    "If we pick Season Two we can get the whole thing." Drider said happily.
    "Deal. Plus it'll annoy Daddy Tooby. Oooh, Daddy Tooby got the other guys' phone number."
    "This calls for a celebration for the best matchmakers in the town."


    "Daddy Tooby! We've chosen our show." called his two tearaway lunatics of children. And it was at such an inopportune time, he and Cris were just discussing the true advantages of even vs. odd Star Trek films.
    Naturally even was best.
    Grabbing the DVDs out of one of the hands that span round him like a roundabout he marched his way up to the counter where Cris (surprising the heck out of him) took his order; he muttered a last minute, "Call me when the kids're asleep at eleven. We'll talk then." before his conspiring daughters whirled him out of the shop faster than they pushed him in.
    "Cute kids, glad they got me to talk to him. He's cute too." murmered Cris with a jaunty smile on his face.

    Well, was that fluff cute or not?

    Last edited by CurlyKitGirl; 2009-01-02 at 06:57 PM. Reason: Fussy Formatting

    Quote Originally Posted by V'icternus View Post
    Why is it that you now scare me more than the possibility of nuclear war?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bath View Post
    To compare [Curly] to the beauty of the changing seasons or timeless stars would be an understatement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    But Koorly is the sweetest crime.

    Squid bones are lies.