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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2007
    Sin City

    Default Re: Shippingitp IV: Flattery Will Get You EVERYWHERE

    Ok. I got my cast of characters.

    Crazy Cristo

    starring Cristo; DK, LIBM,Destro, Draken, Wolfbane, and Magtok mentioned

    Back In Cristo's childhood...

    Cristo sat alone on the park bench. He was crying and sniffling. The cold winter wind snapped at him, making him shiver. His cheecks and nose were red from the cold.

    Other children had pointed and laughed at him, calling him names, they espcially loved calling him Crazy Cristo.

    Cristo didn't like being called that. It hurt his feelings. He sniffled again. They were always so mean to him, because he liked to dream big. He had grand dreams, dreams that he wished to accomplish someday.

    Dreams of building a giant chocolate factory in this small little town. There was only one problem. Poor little Cristo was allergic to chocolate. Even the tiniest amount made him very ill.

    Everyone aslo laughed at Cristo and his ideas. A chocolate factory ran by a man who couldn't even eat chocolate was preposterous to them.

    Cristo didn't give up on his dreams though. Somewhere, in the very back of his mind, he knew he would build his chocolate factory. Then he would laugh at them.

    But Cristo's life became worse. The bullying at school got even worse then usual. Dirk Kris taunted him and enjoyed making songs about him. Like how he had cooties and he smelled. Lyinginbedmon and Destro enjoyed playing pranks on him, and even managed to get Cristo's tongue stuck to a pole last winter. Draken always wanted Cristo's help in hurting or breaking stuff while Wolfbane tried to make him to good stuff and help the poor and homeless.

    At home, Cristo's life was no better. His father, Magtok, wanted him to become an evil overlord much like himself, and succeed where he had failed so many times.

    But Cristo didn't want to be an evil overlord. He just wanted to build his chocolate factory. So the months passed, and turned into years. The bullying got worse, as did his father's expectations. In the end, Cristo ran away from home.

    Up until recently...

    The Present...

    Cristo walked along the halls of his giant chocolate factory, a smug look on his face. He was about to do the grand opening for his chocolate factory. In his hand, he held five Crazy Cristo Chocolate Bars. Inside each bar was a golden ticket.

    He walked outside into the crisp cold air, and stood on a small rasied platform. A red ribbon was set behind him, and Cristo had his scissors in hand.

    In a loud voice he announced Crazy Cristo's Chocolate Factory is now Open!!! as he cut the ribbon.

    Cheering a a light appluase could be heard.

    In addition, he said, I have placed a present inside five Crazy Cristo Bars. Five lucky children will be given a tour of the factory, as well as a lifetime supply of chocolates. In addition, there will be one very lucky winner who will recieve a special prize. In my hand are these five golden tickets. Soon, trucks containing Crazy Cristo Bars will depart. Inside five of those trucks, 5 lucky winners will find the golden ticket. Good luck! he shouted. With that, he returned to his factory.

    Murmurs and whispers could be heard floating the crowds breath. No one had been inside the factory yet, and no one had seen the inside.

    Soon the trucks departed. By noon, the whole town had known of the prize.

    Last edited by Deathslayer7; 2009-01-05 at 06:44 PM.
    Not wearing your seat belt? See you soon!
    Thanks to Kwarkpudding for this excellent avatar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Tialait View Post
    This is perhaps the most amazing idea I have heard in eons. Thank you kind slayer of Death.