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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Farmer Felix's Fantastic FRandom FBanter #119 (may contain traces of fnuts)

    Quote Originally Posted by Felixaar View Post
    I don't mean to be offensive, but doesn't it bug you a little? I'm personally the "get up and go" type, and it's never to early to start "acheiveing".

    But, hey, however people want to live their lives is fine with me, so long as they don't hurt, physically or emotionally, others in the process. And I know you're not the type to do that
    Yes, it bugs me a little sometimes. But I doubt a five minute pep talk would fix me up, and I don't think seeing a shrink would be a good idea. Mainly because there's no way I could do it without my mother knowing, and I really don't want to put her under any kind of stress. I know she would worry a lot.

    So the only person who can fix me is me.

    We'll see how that goes.

    If I can muster up the effort.

    I guess I'm still holding on to my passive lifestyle in the rapidly fading hope that time will fix me, or college, but we'll just see how things turn out, I guess.

    I think part of my problem is also that I have so many things that I want to do that I end up not knowing where to start.

    I do travel a lot, though. I'm going to India and Laos this summer. And I'm going back to Thailand for a week to see some friends of mine there.

    Traveling is one of the joys of my life. Perhaps because I can forget my own world and immerse myself completely in another.

    And I'm rambling again.
    Last edited by Sneak; 2009-04-12 at 11:23 AM.