Jat slinks off into the darkness of the cave.

After a moment, Jat's eyes become accustomed to the general lack of light, widenening themselves impossibly. ((I am AFB here, so bear with me.)) You see Aortal fiddling with the string of a very large sack. The moment he gets it open, he is sick and vomits onto the floor. "Oh, that's disgusting! It is evident that mad ogres are very fond of their rancid meat and hard, moldy cheese." Aortal takes a swig from his waterskin and, swishing his mout out with it, spits it out in a hurry.

Looking around the cave itself, you find another bag, this one with a pleasant jingle to it, and nothing immediately malodorous about it strikes you. Upon opening it, you discover that it is in fact bulging with coins! ((Amount to be entered later, but it is a significant quantity.))

As you search about, one more wonder is discovered: A large wooden shield, certainly at least masterwork, only it is found under a pile of furs that the enormous creature has been using as a bed. In order for him not to have snapped it in half with his weight, you suspect it must be magical.