Quote Originally Posted by Zanaril View Post
I want!


"Who?" The drow asked from his seat on the single narrow bench in the cell.

"I know of no such person anymore than you do, drow" Vaarsuvius said dryly, turning away from the dark elf and walking over to the single barred window set in the stone. The elf gave the bars an tug, without much enthusiasm. They were completely solid.

"No way out. Already looked."

"I will make my own assesment of that, thank you" The red robed wizard replied sharply, going over to the door and peering through the small (also barred) hatch. "I take it this is an anti-magic cell...? Of course it is, since you would otherwise have wasted no time in enacting revenge for my previous victory over you."

"Not with Nale anymore."

"As if that makes any difference to one such as you; you went out of your way to be unfriendly even before you had revealed your true colours."


"Excuse me?" Vaarsuvius turned to face the dark elf, raising an eyebrow in an incredulous expression. Zz'dtri shuffled over to one end of the bench, indicating for the other elf to sit down. Vaarsuvius remained standing.

"I was mean. I'm sorry." Zz'dtri tried again, meeting untrusting eyes. Vaarsuvius paused for a moment then accepted the offered seat, leaning back against the wall and closing weary eyes.

"And what, may I ask, has caused you to review your past behaviour towards me? Why act as you did at the time?"

"I was... nervous. You made me nervous."

Vaarsuvius's eyes opened again "What do mean by "made you ner-" and then the elf jumped, because Zz'dtri had moved and was now sitting much, much closer, their robes only just not touching. Vaarsuvius leant away from the dark face that was looking earnestly towards the elf's own.

"N- no! For one thing, I am already in a relationship - although it is uncertain as to whether it will... endure recent events - and for another I have no interest in pursuing romantic engagements at the current time!"

"Sorry." The dark elf lowered his gaze to the stone floor, shoulders slumped, and for a long time neither spoke.

Then "Just... been alone too long." he said, still not looking up. "Even before they brought me here."

A sigh. "I, too, must apologize then - maybe I was too harsh when first adressing you." Tentatively, Vaarsuvius placed an arm lightly around the other elf's shoulders, and didn't shy away when he leant into the embrace. "And.. maybe I partly understand how you feel; it's easy to be isolated, even when surrounded by others. Especially when surrounded be others."

Vaarsuvius glanced down. When their lips met, neither pulled away.


"I knew this would happen if we put them in the same cell." Mr. Jones muttered, staring through the hatch in the door.

"Why, what are they doing? Can I have a look?" The other lawyer asked enthusiastically, trying to see around Mr. Jones' head.

"They're kissing and... doing other things." He said, shutting the hatch, which resulted in a dissapointed sigh from his associate.

"What other things?"

"I'll tell you when you're older, Phil."


Is it weird that I find that cute instead of acid-worthy?