Quote Originally Posted by Whyte_Widow View Post
the fuse arms trick is nice. but, now without the use of girallons blessing or any of the were ***** creature spells... how can i improve on my touch attack trasmuter/ buffer class?

i just lost my familiar this last session (dropped 1200 exp) so that leaves me a level behind the rest of the party.

banned stuffs:
War Weaver
Gilallon's Blessing
Were Creature spells
Octopus Familiar
If your DM has banned girallon's blessing, duskblade, and bite of the x spells, then he is afraid of anything that does a lot of damage in one round. Thus, anything you do that enables the party to deal more damage is likely to trigger a ban.

1.) I'd say it's time to start working on buffing other aspects. Buffing for AC or saves is ok up to a point, but I wouldn't do it consistently or he'll either ban more stuff or start cheating on attack rolls and save DCs.

2.) Better still, expand into battlefield control. Wind wall is a nice "armor class buff" spell if you want to think of it that way - your allies get +WIN to AC vs. arrows. Darkness and glitterdust are great for saving throws - casters can't target what they can't see.

3.) Ultimately, however, you should have a talk with your DM. If he's choking on extra arms and stat boosts, you're going to need 9-1-1 on speed dial when he gets around to looking at your 4th and 5th level spells. You need to prep him now for the spells you'll be taking later, with some kindly advice, along the lines of
"Now, this spell is called teleport. Once I learn it, you won't be able to run adventures that involve wilderness survival, or being kidnapped, or getting lost. Those things won't challenge us any more. This spell here is called magic jar. Once I learn it, all of your monsters belong to me whenever I want. Here we have polymorph. With this, the fighter turns into any of your monsters whenever I want. Even the good ones. Are you emotionally ready for that?"
Because I don't think he is.