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    Ogre in the Playground
    MrEdwardNigma's Avatar

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    Default Re: A Thread in Which Banter Most Random is Expulsed Into Existence, By Ravens_cry #1

    Quote Originally Posted by KuReshtin View Post
    That is disputed.
    The only countries or discoveries that were named after people's first names were named after royalty (king edward Island for example), so that America would have been named after Amerigo Vespucci would be unlikely.
    If the discovery was named after the discoverer, it was more likely to be named after his last name (Cook Island for example).

    America could well have been named after Richard Amerike and not Senor Vespucci.
    Exactly. This is the likelier of both theories. Really, has no-one here seen that QI episode?

    Also, why in heavens would I ask that if it weren't a trick question?
    Last edited by MrEdwardNigma; 2010-07-09 at 07:24 AM.
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