So, I said a while ago that I would go buy new guitar strings and a whammy bar from the local guitar store yesterday, cause my experiment in guitar strings did not work.

So I went, having handily forgotten that you need your guitar there to see if the whammy bar will fit into the little hole-thingy. So I said I would go back today, with my guitar.

Of course, my cousins (2 of the 3 maternal ones I mentioned earlier) arrived, and we ended up going around the city with them. Note: 'around the city' does not involve going anywhere near Steve's, the guitar store. Even if it did, that would require lugging my guitar around, in addition to our new tortilla press, and a whole bunch of fruit from the market.

But I swear to you all, I will go tomorrow, and get those damn strings, and maybe even the whammy bar. Because I neeeeed my guitar stringèd, and quite possibly whammyèd, if I want to
a) record!
b) practice that bloody song if I'm gonna have a gig at the Skydome!