I think what many people aren't realising, is that people are ot going to be the embodiment of these colours. A black primary person doesn't have to value themselves no matter the cost to other people. They just value and think of themsleves first, before other people. I myself am a little selfish, and I would probably be Black (probably not primary though) and I will still do stuff for the good of others, and I'm definitely not evil.

I'd also chip in that black being selfish makes it evil. IMO I believe that selfishness is more of a neutral trait, looking out for yourself. Evil, in itself, does not actually mean anything. It's just a label people created to slap on people they don't like to try to get others to not like them either.

I'll also say that people keep talking about summarizing colours with one word, but it actually takes about two in my eyes.
Blue: Logic (thinking coolly and planning ahead, knowledge is just a small facet of this) and Progress (moving forward civilization, changing things).
Green: Instinct (acting on your intuition and gut) and Tradition (things are fine as they are, we don't need to change it).
Black: Freedom (nobody can tell me what to do) and Selfishness/Ambition (I'd like to have that, I want to be that).
White: Order (organization, can apply to tyrants too) and Community (two heads are better than one).
Red: Freedom (nobody can tell me what to do) Emotion ( angry, hit stuff)