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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    'Of course.' Kaldrinn thinks to himself as the goblin attempts to go back on it's word and gouge them for a ransom. He always felt that drive goblins had to look out for themselves would be admirable if not for the depths they'd stoop to in order to do so. With the bugbear gone they would have very well been able to move on with life, yet they had to try and cheat some coin out of it as well. Regardless, with any luck the adventurers would be able to handle the whole den of the creatures without any further harm coming to Sildar.

    'Perhaps seeing both their leaders fall will pressure the others into a retreat.' He thinks as combat breaks out. But focuses his efforts on making sure Sildar was safe.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Move as appropriate.
    Action : Cure Wounds on Sildar. (1d8+3)[6]

    I stream RPG sessions, campaign preparation, and world-building via my Twitch Channel and upload them to my Youtube Channel.

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Ogre in the Playground
    Airatome1's Avatar

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Combat: Yeemik and Co.

    Spoiler: Sildar Hallwinter

    Spoiler: Sildar Hallwinter

    (currently unarmored, and without weapon, in just the leathers he'd wear under his armor.)
    Sildar is a human male of almost 50 years old, with short dark hair on both his head and face, and deep blue eyes that, while kind, have the look of years of combat. He has several very old scars that run along his left shoulder and part of his chest as if something had dragged their claws along him. For a man of nearly 50 years, Sildar is in very good athletic shape.

    Spoiler: History DC 12 or ties to Waterdeep
    The name Sildar Hallwinter is a name not long forgotten by the Griffon Calvary of Waterdeep, in which he holds a place of honor. He served along them, and their griffons, for many years.

    Yeemik was ambitious, a trait that had gotten him this far in the Cragmaw tribe, but he was also greedy. With Klarg removed, Yeemik could have taken his remaining goblins, whatever loot had already been taken from raiding the nearby Triboar Trail, and survived to do his own thing had he only released Sildar. Instead, Yeemik had demanded a ransom for his safe return, a ransom no one was prepared or willing to pay.

    Seeing the challenge in the Goliath's eyes, Yeemik snarled and let the human fall to his death. Bartholl was prepared for this, however, and pushing his body as much as he could, sprinted forward just in time to catch Sildar before he hit the ground. Turning his back to the goblins as if they were inconsequential, Bartholl set Sildar down and made sure he made it behind his allies before turning back to regard the creatures once more.

    An arrow from Ling Jun sails past Yeemik moments after releasing Sildar from his clutches and impacts the ceiling of the cavern a few feet behind him so hard that the arrow splinters into a thousand tiny fragments and loosens several small rocks that fall behind Yeemik.
    "Yeemik tried to give fair offer. Now you die with human!" Yeemik removes the scimitar from his belt and points it at Ling Jun. "The captive is escaping! Get him, and be careful of the archer!" Yeemik watches from his vantage point high on the ledge overlooking the cooking fires as his goblins jump to obey.

    From the back lines, two goblins let arrows fly at Ling Jun, hoping to bring down the enemy's archer. One hits Ling square in the shoulder with near deadly force as the other pierces into the flesh of his right side just above the hip.
    Yeemik draws a bow on Sildar as he watches the human weave through the adventurers who had dared to not pay his ransom. As Sildar reaches the twins, Ambriel and Umbriel, he lets the arrow loose but it goes wide, missing the weakened warrior. Yeemik curses in goblin and points at the Goliath. "Stop standing, get the large one!"

    At his command, several goblins move to surround the Goliath as best they can, every swing coming short or being parried by the skilled fighter who was much more dexterous than his size lets on. So focused on trying to bring down the front line and recapture Sildar were the goblins, that they didn't notice Ambriel weaving an enchantment to send them into a slumber.

    As soon as she saw an opening, the Aasimar released her spell into the world and 3 goblins immediately drop their weapons and collapse to the ground. (Bartholl?) Yeemik squints through the effects of the spell and once they clear, he realizes half his numbers have just been knocked out. "What?! What did you do to them?? Witch! Never mind archer, get the witch!"

    Spoiler: Sleep and relevant Conditions

    Sleep: AoE - 20ft radius of a chosen point - Chosen Point: Yeemik
    Duration: 1 Minute (10 rounds of combat)
    HP Total of creatures spell can effect: 24 (9 hp worth remains after deducting affected goblins in order of lowest HP first. If Bartholl suffered an Attack of Opportunity, then Bartholl falls asleep as well.)
    Effect: Creatures affected by the spell fall Unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper the awake. The Undead and creatures immune to being Charmed are unaffected.

    Condition: Unconscious - An Unconscious creature is Incapacitated, can not move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.
    The creature drops whatever it is holding and falls Prone.
    The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws.
    Attack Rolls (All Attack rolls, spell attack or otherwise) against the creature have Advantage.
    Any attack from within 5ft that hits the creature is a Critical hit.

    Incapacitated: Can not take Actions or Reactions

    Prone: The only movement option is to crawl, unless it uses half its speed to stand up and end the condition.
    The creature has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls.
    An Attack Roll against the creature has Advantage if within 5ft, otherwise the attack has Disadvantage

    Summary of Conditions: The sleep spell both knocks the creature unconscious and Prone, which mixes a few things together. ALL attack rolls have advantage against the creature, and if they are from melee range or within 5ft they are auto crits. A prone creature however is hard to hit with ranged attacks and falling unconscious also means it is prone on the ground. Any attack from farther away than 5ft has Disadvantage.
    The Advantage to ALL attacks from being Unconscious and the Disadvantage to attacks outside of 5ft from being Prone cancel each other out until the creature wakes up and is no longer Unconscious. Ranged attacks will be made as normal, without either Advantage or Disadvantage.

    As Yeemik gives new commands to the goblins who are obviously confused now from having changed targets 3 times, Kaldrinn pushes healing energies into Sildar and revitalizes the human. "Thank you, I thought I was done for when he pushed me off that ledge. We can introduce ourselves later. If anyone has a weapon I can use, I'll do what I can, but I'm vulnerable without my armor. We mustn't allow Yeemik to get away. He knows too much."

    Spoiler: How things are

    Sildar has been caught! He has been saved from hitting the ground and falling unconscious by Bartholl and has escaped to the back of the tunnel behind Ambriel and Umbriel. Most of his recent wounds have closed due to magical healing from Kaldrinn but he is still unarmed, and with no armor to speak of. He can not really lend any aid in this fight against the goblins in his current state.

    On R20 I have denoted which goblins are ranged (looks kind of like a mounted gun) and which are Melee (two swords crossed together) , and which an switch between either like Yeemik. Hopefully this will help you make more tactful decisions based on what kind of offense the creature's have.

    I have also denoted which ones are asleep by a clock symbol.

    Attacks: Purple Goblin - ranged attack on Ling - 22 to hit for 5 piercing damage - Hit
    Green Goblin - Ranged attack on Ling - 18 to hit for 3 piercing damage - Hit
    Yeemik - Ranged Attack on Sildar - 9 to hit for 3 piercing damage - Miss
    Yellow Goblin - Melee Attack on Bartholl - 5 to hit for 5 slashing damage - Miss
    Blue Goblin - Melee Attack on Bartholl - 7 to hit for 7 slashing damage - Miss
    Red Goblin - Melee Attack on Bartholl - 10 to hit for 4 slashing damage - Miss

    It is now Bartholls turn again, unless he's sleeping..... >.>
    Airannis Ragnok Kamui Draykhen
    IC IC IC None Yet

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Bugbear in the Playground
    TheManicMonocle's Avatar

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Umbriel "Goldharp"
    Level One Aasimar Bard
    "Allow Yeemik to escape?!" says Umber aghast. "I think we should be more worried about our own esca-" as he says this, the Goliath collapses. "By all the brothels in the hells!" He curses Vehemently, as their hopes of escaping with a full party just fell to the ground like a drunken farmboy. "Fine, fine! Let's get these goblins." So saying, Umbriel plucked the strings of his Lyre with a sigh and began to sing, focusing the arcane energies on one of the bow wielding goblins who was still awake.
    "Have you ever held a bow before?
    Perhaps you practice uncouth lore?
    For I've never seen methods so strange!
    Did you learn from a dog infected with mange?"

    Vicious Mockery

    DC 13 wisdom check
    on a failed save the goblin takes 1d4 damage and has disadvantage on his next attack.
    Roll: (1d4)[3]
    Last edited by TheManicMonocle; 2017-09-17 at 04:03 PM.
    "A necromancer is just a really late healer."

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Ettin in the Playground
    Bounty Hunter's Avatar

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    They had rescued one of their two allies but at what cost it wasn't quiet clear. A den full of goblins was currently worked into a frenzy against them; even if some of them had fallen victim to the sleeping magiks, so too had the largest and most fearsome of the group of adventurers. Whether on was worth the other would be clear soon enough the dwarf reckoned as blows were exchanged between both groups all around him. Numbers didn't favor them, combat prowess didn't seem to favor them now either with the brute snoozing, the archer full of arrows and the dwarf having exhausted his spells...but maybe a few witty words from a pair of circus performers could thwart a goblin tribe?

    Kaldrinn figured the best chance was still to remove the so-called leader from power. The goblins clearly listened to his commands--as erratic as they were--and perhaps seeing him fall would break their will. So the dwarf set out to do just that... make him fall.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: Move forward to put myself 30 feet from Yeemik if possible.
    Action : If above is possible, cast Thorn Whip on Yeemik
    - Attack : (1d20+5)[12]
    - Damage : (1d6)[4] and pull him 10 feet toward me.


    Move : None
    Action : Cast Produce Flame on Yeemik
    - Attack : (1d20+5)[12]
    - Damage : (1d6)[4]

    Use any remaining movement to move as far to the back of the group as possible.
    I stream RPG sessions, campaign preparation, and world-building via my Twitch Channel and upload them to my Youtube Channel.

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Ambriel Firehair
    First Level Sorcerer
    HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

    Ambriel almost lets out a cheer when she sees several of the goblins slump over in sleep. Then she sees the goliath go down. "Uhhhh.....guys??? That....maybe that wasn't me? He walked a long ways today, you know...." It's easy to tell that Amber doesn't even believe it. "Don't worry, I got this!" She weaves her way over to Bartholl and shakes him on the shoulder. "Sleepytime is over, buddy. We have some work to do."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Movement: To Bartholl's side.
    Action: Wake him up.
    Jophine Dustwallow avatar by Shades of Gray

    Spoiler: Other Avatar

    Avatar: Tarina Davenledge, Cleric of Mishakal by Gorgon_Heap

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona
    Spoiler: Status Box
    LN Goliath, Barbarian 1

    Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1

    Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 6/15

    Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None

    He'd barely set Sildar down when a wave of exhaustion overtook him. In mid turn as the spell took hold, Bartholl slumped awkwardly to the ground, his face and feet planted on the stone and his leathered rear sticking straight into the air, a fleshy mountain the goblins may have stuck a flag in given time. Fortunately Ambriel arrived first. In a daze, Bartholl slowly rises to his knees and his eyes go wide as a shortsword careens toward his now reachable skull. Rolling under the blade, the goliath collects his hatchets from the ground and brings them to bear against his attacker.

    Spoiler: OOC
    1/2 move: stand.
    Attack yellow: (1d20+5)[7] / damage (1d6+3)[7]
    BA attack yellow: (1d20+5)[10] / damage (1d6+3)[8]

    If yellow goes down with first hit, step forward to hit blue instead. advantage (1d20+5)[10] / crit dmg: (1d6)[4]
    Last edited by miinstrel; 2017-09-19 at 02:36 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Ogre in the Playground
    Airatome1's Avatar

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Once Ling Jun saw the Goliath go down with the nearby goblins, he cursed their luck once more. He had already missed an integral shot on their leader, Yeemik, with his bow and he couldn't risk anymore room for error. Placing the bow over his shoulder, he reached to his waist and pulled out two unique weapons. One was short but with a curved folded metal blade, the other of the same length but with a very straight edge that came to a slanted point.

    He wielded each weapon in a separate hand and closed in on the group of sleeping goblins, intending to thin their numbers before they could even wake up. Brutal, but efficient, just as his teachings had said. There was no honor in killing a sleeping foe that could not defend itself, but neither was pushing defenseless people off a ledge after terms had been agreed to. These goblins had no honor, and so honor they would no longer get from Ling Jun.

    Spoiler: Two-Weapon Fighting attacks

    Main hand: Shortsword attack on Blue Goblin - (1d20+5)[7] Advantage: (1d20+5)[18] Damage: (1d6+3)[7] Slashing Damage. Auto Critical on hit: + (1d6)[2] Slashing Damage.

    Off hand: Scimitar attack on Blue, or Red of blue dies on first hit - (1d20+5)[10] Advantage: (1d20+5)[19] Damage: (1d6)[6] Slashing Damage. Auto Critical on hit: + (1d6)[2] Slashing Damage.

    Inspiration: (1d6)[6] will use on anything between 12 and 14

    While Ling Jun moves in to cut down a few of the goblins, the archer along the far wall takes aim at Bartholl's prone form but misses even the large target such as he. The other goblin who had not fallen unconscious swings at Bartholl with a scimitar but misses, leaving Yeemik to take aim at the Goliath with his bow, shooting another arrow into the Barbarian.

    Ambriel quickly hurries over and wakes the sleeping half-giant , who wakes to the scene around him coming back in to focus as he swings and misses on the nearest alert goblin. Umbriel attempts to taunt the archer along the fall wall but his words don't seem to have the same effect they had been having this time.

    Spoiler: How things are

    Two misses from the other goblins and a hit on Bartholl by Yeemik for 5 piercing damage, bringing him down to 1 after the opportunity attack from the last round brought him down to 6.

    Several misses from everyone else while Ling Jun easily cuts down two goblins with his shortsword and Scimitar.
    Last edited by Airatome1; 2017-09-19 at 03:42 PM.
    Airannis Ragnok Kamui Draykhen
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  8. - Top - End - #188
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Spoiler: Ling Jun for next round

    Main hand: Shortsword attack on Green Goblin - (1d20+5)[15] Advantage: (1d20+5)[9] Damage: (1d6+3)[4] Slashing Damage. Auto Critical on hit: + (1d6)[4] Slashing Damage.

    Off hand: Scimitar attack on Green, or Move 5ft and attack Purple if Green dies on first hit - (1d20+5)[17] Damage: (1d6)[1] Slashing Damage.

    Inspiration: (1d6)[6] will use on anything between 12 and 14

    Spoiler: OOC
    Bartholl and the rest of you are up next. Ling goes right after Bartholl so putting this up now so I don't have to later :P

    Courtesy of Ling Jun, 3 goblins are down now and only Yellow melee, Purple archer, and Yeemik (both) are remaining.
    Last edited by Airatome1; 2017-09-19 at 03:49 PM.
    Airannis Ragnok Kamui Draykhen
    IC IC IC None Yet

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Ambriel Firehair
    First Level Sorcerer
    HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

    Spoiler: OOC
    Not able to look at the map from work, so let me know if this works....

    "That's right, guys! Go get them!" Amber looks around the room, impressed at what the others could do. She brings her left hand up to her ruby necklace, and points at Yeemik with her right. A bolt of flame jumps from her hand towards the new leader of the goblins.

    Spoiler: RNG don't fail me now...
    Attack: (d20+5)[7] for (d10)[10] damage

    Jophine Dustwallow avatar by Shades of Gray

    Spoiler: Other Avatar

    Avatar: Tarina Davenledge, Cleric of Mishakal by Gorgon_Heap

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Bugbear in the Playground
    TheManicMonocle's Avatar

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Umbriel "Goldharp"
    Level One Aasimar Bard
    The goblin archer sneered back at him as Umber tried to throw him off with a few well placed barbs. Well I never, thought Umber, and started up again.
    "Your countenance is unsightly
    your fashion's a mess
    your resemblance's rightly
    comparable to an abscess
    But I'll say it clear
    Incase you're not snide
    Your ugliness is severe
    at your birth Sune cried!"

    Vicious Mockery

    DC 13 wisdom check
    on a failed save the goblin takes 1d4 damage and has disadvantage on his next attack.
    Roll: (1d4)[3]
    Last edited by TheManicMonocle; 2017-09-19 at 04:17 PM.
    "A necromancer is just a really late healer."

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona
    Spoiler: Status Box
    LN Goliath, Barbarian 1

    Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1

    Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15

    Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None

    His attention fully focused on keeping the sword at bay, Bartholl didn't even notice Yeemik taking aim. HNNNNRGHHH he wheezes as the wooden shaft pushes aside muscle and tissue inside his torso, each end of the arrow poking out in separate locations. Dropping one of his hatchets from the pain he catches the goblin's sword arm as it comes in again and lifts the creature into the air as he brings his other arm down, leaving the hatchet in the little thing's skull. Holding his stomach, he shuffles past the twins and down the incline, stumbling to his knees at the water's edge.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Alright, no room for misses here... both attacks on yellow.
    (1d20+5)[21] / dmg: (1d6+3)[9]
    (1d20+5)[13] / dmg: (1d6)[2]

    Move out of range.
    Last edited by miinstrel; 2017-09-19 at 06:49 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    Kaldrinn attempts to lash out once more and rip the goblin leader from his little perch before retreating further into the cave and stopping near the wounded warrior. Quickly reaching for his scimitar, he hands it to the man. "It's not much..."

    Spoiler: Actions

    Action : If above is possible, cast Thorn Whip on Yeemik
    - Attack : (1d20+5)[25]
    - Damage : (1d6)[4](+1 crit damage rolled OOC) and pull him 10 feet toward me.
    Move: Retreat back toward Sildar
    Last edited by Bounty Hunter; 2017-09-19 at 09:56 PM.
    I stream RPG sessions, campaign preparation, and world-building via my Twitch Channel and upload them to my Youtube Channel.

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Ogre in the Playground
    Airatome1's Avatar

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Bartholl, the color draining from him from the pain of Yeemik's arrow, brutally ends the goblin that was before him, not even bothering to retrieve his weapons as he distances himself from the battle holding his wounds. ((Unconscious or not?))
    As Ling Jun notices the half-giant shuffling away, he strikes out with his dual weapons once more, taking down yet another goblin in a flurry of blade strikes before moving upon the archer.

    The goblin tries to take aim at Ling Jun as he approaches and, despite the close distance, manages to strike the warrior with a deadly shot. Ling Jun drops both weapons and clutches at the arrow in his chest just below his right shoulder before hitting the ground in front of the goblin.

    "No, no, NO! What have you done to Yeemik's goblins?? Stupid witch!" Yeemik, now furious that his goblins were slain before they could even wake from the spell Ambriel had cast, draws his bow back as far as he can to deliver a fatal shot to the Aasimar, but as a bolt of flame flies past the goblin and interrupts his focus, the arrow goes wide and misses her nimble form entirely.

    Umbriel, with a rhyme already formed upon his lips, takes a rhythmic jab at the goblin archer infused with magic. The goblin reels from the melodic insult but seems otherwise still in the fight. Kaldrinn, calling upon the magic of his teachings, creates a vine-like whip covered in thorns and lashes it out at Yeemik. The vine wraps around one of his arms with a loud snap and the thorns dig in deeply. With a strong pull, the Druid tugs on the vine and yanks Yeemik from his post at the top of the wall, sending him crashing hard to the ground below just like Sildar almost had. (( Yeemik suffers (1d6)[6] falling damage from this.))

    Looking upon the Dwarf as he hands him a Scimitar, Sildar thanks him with both the look in his eyes, and his words. "It may not be much, but it will be enough to end this." He grips the Scimitar tightly with bruised knuckles and shouts down the passage. "Yeemik! I come for you!" The warrior, with no armor and only the curved blade of the scimitar to defend himself with, rushes down the passage and launches himself at Yeemik as the goblin picks itself up from the ground and delivers a set of twin strikes with the borrowed blade.

    Spoiler: Sildar Hallwinter Multiattack

    Scimitar Multiattack: Attack 1 - (1d20+2)[6] Damage: (1d6+1)[3]
    Attack 2 - (1d20+2)[12] Damage: (1d6+1)[4]

    Damn it Sildar, why have you failed me!? That was TOTALLY your moment. And ouch on that max fall damage.... kind of makes up for rolling that 1 on the crit damage..... someone bring this goblin down!

    Despite his zeal, Sildar is simply not at full strength and Yeemik easily dodges one blow and parries another with a scimitar of his own. "Come for Yeemik, human guard, Yeemik will put you down like he should have earlier!"

    Spoiler: How things are

    Welp...Yeemik is very nearly dead and Sildar almost ended him were it not for his injuries (or a poor dice roller....) . The Goblin Archer took a shot at Ling Jun with disadvantage because of melee range but still got a 15 with enough damage to drop Ling unconscious. Depending on what actions he wants to take with Bartholl, the Goliath might also be unconscious near the water and making death saves.

    The Archer was afflicted with Viscous Mockery and will have Disadvantage on the next attack it makes. Yeemik was successfully pulled off the ledge and suffered almost near fatal damage. The goblin 'leader' is holding on by a thread Sildar couldn't manage to cut.

    Sildar has entered initiative but rolled a 1 so he went after Kaldrinn and will proceed to go after the druid.

    one of you is down, two of you might be down, but there's 3 of you left and only 2 of them. You can do this.

    Last edited by Airatome1; 2017-09-20 at 12:52 PM.
    Airannis Ragnok Kamui Draykhen
    IC IC IC None Yet

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Ettin in the Playground
    Bounty Hunter's Avatar

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    Kaldrinn turns to see the goblin leader picking himself up from the floor. He hadn't even waited to see if the whip worked; he'd simply lashed out and hoped his running deeper into the tunnel would constitute enough of a yank. For every step forward they made though it seemed two steps were taken back. The sound of a collapse in the cave bursts through the air and seems to have kept Sildar surprised enough to prevent a solid blow against the goblin--or perhaps he was simply too weak for proper combat. One could only imagine what he'd been through in the last few days.

    He'd hoped the old warrior would have ended the leader in a scene of dramatic tables turning. When this fails, the dwarf sighs and tries to draw on any remaining energies to lob another orb of flame at the filthy, cursing, cretin.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: If needed, advance to get line of sight on Yeemik
    Action : Cast Produce Flame on Yeemik
    - Attack : (1d20+5)[17]
    - Damage : (1d8)[1]
    Move: Retreat back to square I started this turn in.

    I stream RPG sessions, campaign preparation, and world-building via my Twitch Channel and upload them to my Youtube Channel.

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Troll in the Playground

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    Seattle, WA

    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona
    Spoiler: Status Box
    LN Goliath, Barbarian 1

    Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1

    Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15

    Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None

    The ledge gives out sending the already injured goliath tumbling down into the ravine, half buried by rubble and rocks and his face resting on a large stone near the creek. It's so cold. But just on his hand? Opening his eyes he sees the water rushing through his fingers, the blood slowly peeling off them to flow downstream, much like his consciousness. His eyes shut again and the cold spreads.

    Spoiler: Death Save


    Success: 0
    Failure: 1
    Last edited by miinstrel; 2017-09-20 at 01:42 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #196
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Ambriel Firehair
    First Level Sorcerer
    HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

    Ambriel watches in disbelief as the goliath goes down one more time. She shakes her head as she makes her way toward him. "I'm having to do this all by myself, it seems. These guys would be in so much trouble if I weren't alone," she mutters to herself as she crosses over to Bartholl. She lays her hand on his chest and wills some of her own life force into the half-giant man. "Okay, big boy. Waking you up is getting to be a habit. Let's try and finish this up, huh?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    Finger Bartholl to heal one point.

    Last edited by Fishybugs; 2017-09-20 at 01:54 PM.
    Jophine Dustwallow avatar by Shades of Gray

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    Avatar: Tarina Davenledge, Cleric of Mishakal by Gorgon_Heap

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    With combatants going down on both sides, things seemed chaotic, but the adventurers were winning this fight over the goblins. Yeemik, mortally wounded, flicked his eyes back and forth between those still remaining to be killed and the bodies of his goblin tribe laying dead upon ground around him. This was no longer a battle in his favor, but there was no way they would let him go after crossing them once already with Sildar. No. A fight to the death was inevitable, and Yeemik would take out as many of these adventurers as he could.

    With a groan from the Goliath, who was receiving lots of information for later use on the applications of pain, Bartholl slipped closer to death as the noise of the stream just inches from his face began to quiet until no sound reached his ears. After a period of time Bartholl could not measure had passed, a very subtle but warm energy passed through him, bringing him back from the brink of death. Opening his eyes, the Goliath saw Ambriel kneeling before his prone form, a faint glow from her hands already disappearing.

    Spoiler: Ling Jun Death Save

    Ling Jun, also growing closer to meeting Death, fights against the pull, unwilling to go down just yet.

    With Sildar now the greatest threat, the goblin at the rear takes aim but the mocking voice of Umbriel echoes in his head and distracts him from lining up the perfect shot. The arrow goes wide, sailing over Yeemik's head as the leader takes a swing at Sildar.

    Spoiler: Sildar Reaction: Parry

    If a melee attack that Sildar can see hits him, he can roll 1d6 and add that total to his AC against the triggering attack, provided his is wielding a melee weapon.

    Sildar tries to parry the blow, but the lack of armor and the unfamiliar weapon makes his attempt clumsy and Yeemik's blade slices into his left shoulder anyway, eliciting a cry of pain from the warrior.

    Umbriel, certain that the time to stop using words and start using steel had arrived, pulls out his dagger and rushes to Sildar's side, throwing the small blade at the archer.

    Spoiler: Umbriel Thrown Dagger Attack

    Damage: (1d4+1)[3]

    The dagger flies through the air over one of the cooking fires and finds purchase in the goblins abdomen, nearly bringing the archer to its knees.

    Kaldrinn ignites the small orb of fire he had been using throughout their foray into the Cragmaw den and lobs it at Yeemik, which finds purchase and sends the goblin down screaming and cursing in the goblin tongue as the orb explodes in a small burst of flame, leaving his body singed and motionless. Capitalizing on the fall of Yeemik, Sildar leaps over a small cooking fire towards the archer and delivers a set of two scimitar strikes.

    Spoiler: Sildar Multiattack

    Scimitar Attack 1: (1d20+3)[19] Damage: (1d6+1)[5] Slashing damage.
    Scimitar Attack 2: (1d20+3)[7] Damage: (1d6+1)[6] Slashing damage.

    With the goblin archer on its last legs, it had no chance of surviving the assault from Sildar and is cut down in an instant; leaving the battle won, but hard fought. "Someone help this warrior, he's not looking very well!" Sildar shouts at the others, looking down at Ling Jun who was still battling against death.

    Spoiler: How things are

    Success! The combat is over and Yeemik has been defeated. Sildar is wounded, and heavily injured from the goblins, but alive. Bartholl is critically wounded but alive, and Ling Jun is critical wounded and (I assume alive after the next round of posting).

    Treasure: On Yeemik there is a pouch containing 3 gold teeth worth 1 GP each, and 15 SP.
    That is all.

    Resting is among your most pressing priorities, but you have several options as to what to do now, and someone will most likely want to talk with Sildar, Kaldrinn perhaps, to figure out what happened and where to go from here.

    Instead of posting small little posts back and forth in the IC, anytime you need to do full Dialogue with an NPC or even each other when it cannot include a larger post or actions in combat, you can do a Dialogue post in the OOC and once the dialogue is concluded I can gather them all up and place them into one back and forth post that makes more sense and adds length to it. We used to...maybe still this 'Dual Posting' on RPG message board where we'd do so in PM's and then post the full conversation in the IC.
    Last edited by Airatome1; 2017-09-20 at 08:56 PM.
    Airannis Ragnok Kamui Draykhen
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  18. - Top - End - #198
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    Kaldrinn barely has time to breathe a sigh of relief as the goblins fall before realizing the gravity of the situation. He scampers into the room and surveys the scene to find the collapsed shape of Ling Jun laying among the mangled corpses. Doing his best to staunch the bleeding and apply pressure to some of the wounds he hopes to buy the warrior some precious time. "He looks bad. No more surprises waiting for us I hope?" He asks Sildar.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Medicine: (1d20+3)[4] To stablize the Fighter.

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  19. - Top - End - #199
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Umbriel "Goldharp"
    Level One Aasimar Bard
    "Move aside!" Says Umber to Kaldrin as he moves to assist Ling Jun. He does not say it rudely, or at least not with the intention of being rude, he simply knew that with life threatening injuries, time was not on their side. So saying, he kneels down and touches Ling Jun, the man's blood staining his hand and the knee of his leggings. Usually, he would mind the blood. Usually, his friends lives weren't at stake. He sings softly, much softer than his mocking songs, and with no instrumental accompaniment. His tone is slow, and sorrowful.
    "Oh Ling Jun
    Thou warrior so brave
    What have they done
    To make you crave
    The embrace of death?"

    His song begins to build, losing its sorrowful tone and gaining a triumphant tone. The hand on Ling Jun begins to glow like the barest beginnings of the dawn.
    "Mighty stone dragon and warrior bold!
    Stand once more, and reconquer your breath!
    Deny the courier from the one grim and old!
    Fight for the right to reject that light!
    Let no man deny your might!"

    As his song finishes, his hand glows ever brighter, and Ling Jun's wounds begin to knit shut.

    Umber feels an exhaustion come over him as the last of his bardic magic leaves him, at least for the day. He slumps, his usually proud visage compromised. He was too tired to care.

    Cure Wounds

    Please excuse any error, I'm doing this from memory. I'm p sure cure wounds is 1d8 + spell casting ability mod, which is proficiency plus charisma, so 1d8+5?
    Roll: (1d8+5)[9]
    Last edited by TheManicMonocle; 2017-09-21 at 11:24 AM.

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    Kaldrinn finishes removing an arrow lodged in the mans armor and begins to scoot out of the way since the nature of the wounds clearly required magical healing. 'Sure, the twins had been little more than pin cushions during the ambush... and had acted as if they were above heading into the woods to save their patron ... and of course there was deciding to play with the wolves instead of worrying about the cave full of goblins ... and on top of all that of course was putting their best fighters to sleep in a room full of goblins ... but hey ... at least there was minor healing.' He thinks as he wipes the blood from his hands on a scrap of leather from a nearby fallen foe. He wonders if any of this had started to sink in though and that in the future they'd posture themselves in a manner that wouldn't result in half their numbers nearly bleeding out.

    "Sildar, do you know what they've done with Gundren?" He asks the tired warrior with a crack of worry creaking into his voice. Rather than rifling through the downed goblins he decides to head up the natural stairs to the top of the cliff where the goblin leader had been. He looked for some sign that his kin had been here as well, or at the very least what they might have done with the armor and weapons that belonged to Sildar.
    I stream RPG sessions, campaign preparation, and world-building via my Twitch Channel and upload them to my Youtube Channel.

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona
    Spoiler: Status Box
    LN Goliath, Barbarian 1

    Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1

    Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15

    Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None

    Barthol's eyes flutter open at Ambriel's touch. He looks up slowly at first then with a sudden start moves to a sitting position, wincing deeply as the arrow shaft is twisted inside his body. "It's over?" he asks simply. With Ambriel's confirmation a sadness forms on his face as his shoulders sag. He looks down at the wound, takes a few deep breaths, and breaks the fletching from the shaft with a loud grunt of pain. "Pull," he instructs, gesturing around his back side at the bloody arrow head.
    Last edited by miinstrel; 2017-09-21 at 12:02 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #202
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Quote Originally Posted by Bounty Hunter View Post
    "He looks bad. No more surprises waiting for us I hope?" He asks Sildar.
    Sildar shakes his head. "None that I'm aware of. Yeemik and those other goblins were holding me here as a means of bargaining with Klarg to usurp control over this group. If you have dealt with Klarg, then whatever goblins may have survived have surely fled to Cragmaw Castle."

    Quote Originally Posted by Bounty Hunter View Post
    "Sildar, do you know what they've done with Gundren?"
    After Umbriel brings the dying Ling Jun back, Sildar helps the warrior to his feet and then follows Kaldrinn up the stairs to where they had kept Sildar hostage. "As a matter of fact, I do. Yeemik thought he was gaining valuable information from me, but I was the one gaining information from him and listening to his conversations in between beatings."
    Sildar turns the blade over and hands it back to Kaldrinn, handle out, before continuing.

    "Thank you for this, my friend, you may have it back. My own gear was unfortunately sent off along with Gundren. As for Gundren himself, his two other brothers contacted him recently about having discovered the entrance to the long-lost Wave Echo Cave, which was the site of the Phandelver's Pact. Klarg, a bugbear charged with taking over operations, had orders to waylay Gundren. I heard from Yeemik that the Black Spider sent word that Gundren was to be brought to him, but I have no idea who or what the Black Spider is." Worry finds its way to the eyes of Sildar and he takes a moment to gather a few breaths.
    "Gundren had a showed the secret location of Wave Echo Cave, but the goblins took it when they captured Gundren. I'm positive that Klarg sent the map, along with Gundren, to the chief of the Cragmaws at a place called Cragmaw Castle, their place of operations. While I do not know where the castle might be, I'm positive my contact in Phandalin, Iarno Albrek, or someone else might know. I just need to get word to the Lord's Alliance once I arrive. It was why I was accompanying Gundren in the first place; Iarno is a human wizard who traveled to Phandalin about two months ago to establish order there on behalf of the Lord's Alliance, but they have not received any word from Iarno since his departure, so I was on my way to investigate. In fact, if you can help me get the rest of the way there, I'll pay you fifty gold pieces for the courtesy once I secure a loan from the Alliance."

    Spoiler: The Rockseeker Brothers

    Gundren is one of three brothers belonging to the Rockseeker Clan of Dwarves. Gundren, Tharden, and Nundro. While Gundren was overseeing things in Neverwinter and helping your group make a small name for itself, his brothers were in Phandalin following leads on a long lost secret. When they found that secret, they sent word to Gundren immediately.

    Spoiler: Wave Echo Cave and the Pact of Phandelver

    More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver's Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge called the Forge of Spells, or Spellforge, where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path.

    A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked Wave Echo Cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost to mystery and time....
    Last edited by Airatome1; 2017-09-21 at 12:56 PM.
    Airannis Ragnok Kamui Draykhen
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  23. - Top - End - #203
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    "What have you gotten yourself into this time Gundren...?" Kaldrinn mutters as he kicks through the goblin leaders encampment and listens to the details that Sildar spills forth. The druid had always been cautious when it came to dealing with members of The Lords Alliance but the man's heart was clearly in the right place. If the were going to find out where this supposed castle was or who it was that was seeking out their patron and his map, they would need all the allies they could. Questions swirled in his mind about this Black Spider, who they were, how they had heard of the Rockseeker findings, and just what they were prepared to do to claim the cave for themselves.

    "Doesn't smell the greatest, but I suppose we could set up a camp of sorts here." He says from atop the cliff; oddly reminiscent of the goblin leader's position to bark orders. "With only one entrance and the cliff for defense hopefully we could put it to better use than they did."

    I stream RPG sessions, campaign preparation, and world-building via my Twitch Channel and upload them to my Youtube Channel.

  24. - Top - End - #204
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Ambriel Firehair
    First Level Sorcerer
    HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

    Ambriel starts hyperventilating when the goliath asks her to pull the arrow out of him. She blinks a few times, looks down at the shaft protruding from her companion, then blinks a few more time. Her breaths start to get deeper and faster as she reaches down to get a grip on the arrow. She shifts her fingers a few times, trying to work up the nerve to pull. She looks at the others for a few moments, panic in her eyes. Finally, she looks back down at the arrow and pulls....and the arrow comes out.

    She stands a few moments looking at the arrow, the color draining from her face. "That's...that's..." she says between rapid breaths. "not how I saw today going..." The final bit trails off as she sits on the ground and passes out.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Just some RP rolls in the OOC thread. 19 strength to get the arrow out. The other rolls were in case she needed a few pulls. The other roll was a DC 10 roll not to pass out. That one failed. She'll wake up in a turn or so and help set up the camp.

    Jophine Dustwallow avatar by Shades of Gray

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    Avatar: Tarina Davenledge, Cleric of Mishakal by Gorgon_Heap

  25. - Top - End - #205
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona
    Spoiler: Status Box
    LN Goliath, Barbarian 1

    Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1

    Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15

    Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None

    The arrow rips a howl from the goliath as it's pulled out at a slight angle, but out it comes with little more damage. Taken a bit by surprise at the aasimar's squeamishness, he rushes his arms forward weakly to catch her as she slumps to the ground. The arrow resting gently on her stomach and her head against his bicep, Bartholl stands and looks confusedly at her a moment before raising his head to look for the others. "The girl fainted," he calls out loudly, beginning the steep climb up the debris-ridden hill.

    A few long and sluggish steps later he's at the top, and sets Ambriel down gently by the fire before sitting back against one of the walls, giving a twisted grin to Ling and the others. "Wicked fight," he says with bravado.

    Drawing from his pack some paper and a pen that's almost comically small in his enormous hands, he sets to writing with slow determination until the fire reduces to coals, and the weight of his eyelids informs him it's time to rest.

    Spoiler: Insight DC 13
    Despite his machismo, there's a sunken and withdrawn vibe to Bartholl's demeanor during this LONG REST, and he doesn't speak much unless conversations are directed his way.
    Last edited by miinstrel; 2017-09-21 at 05:55 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #206
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Umbriel "Goldharp"
    Level One Aasimar Bard
    Umber jerks up at the Goliath's words. "What did you do to my-! Oh." He stops. Seeing all the blood, it clicks. She fainted. He thinks. He looks down at his own clothes and grimaces. More blood. He would need new clothes. Whatever the case, he tiredly began to look around. If they were going to set up camp, they would need something to burn. After looking around, he slumps back down dejectedly. No fire I guess.. Umber begins to pull out his bedroll.

    Investigation Check

    I want to explore the cave for something to make a campfire out of. And I'll keep a look out for loot while I'm at it.
    Last edited by TheManicMonocle; 2017-09-21 at 11:43 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #207
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    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    "We've got the wagonload of Gundren's supplies up by the road where you were ambushed." Kaldrinn informs Sildar. "Based on the amount of supplies in Klarg's chamber, I think the goblins have been at this for at least a little while. We're thinking about brining the cart down their trail and loading it up, brining some of the more intact crates into town with us." The dwarf watches over the goings-on down below from the raised platform. "One or two of us could set out for it now so we have it here for the night. Or we could hope it fairs the night near the road and retrieve it come morning and then promptly load up and set out."

    "How far of a journey into town do you think?"
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  28. - Top - End - #208
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Chapter 2: The Redbrands of Phandalin

    After a much needed rest after dealing with Klarg, Yeemik, and securing Sildar from their clutches; Umbriel and Ambriel wait in the wagon that had been brought to the cave mouth the night previous as the others take up what room remains inside the wagon with the supplies the goblins had raided. The ones stamped with the symbol of the Lionshield Coster were of the most important pieces and once those were loaded, the rest had to be left behind.

    Once the group had made it back to the main road of the Triboar Trail, it was a swift half day journey to the mining town of Phandalin. The rutted track emerges from a wooded hillside, and you catch your first glimpse of Phandalin.

    Spoiler: Map of Phandalin

    The town, quite small compared to Neverwinter, consists of only forty or fifty simple log buildings, some of which are built on top of old fieldstone foundations. More old ruins - crumbling stone walls covered in ivy and briars - surround the newer houses and shops, revealing that this must have been a much larger town in centuries past. Most of the newer buildings are set on the sides of the car track, which widens into a muddy main street of sorts as it climbs toward a ruined manor house on a hillside on the eastern edge of town.

    As you approach, you see children playing on the town green and townsfolk tending to chores or running errands at shops. Many people look up as you approach, but all return to their business as you go by. While something seems to be troubling the warrior, Sildar seems much more at ease than he did in the caverns of the Cragmaw tribe.
    "My friends, let us secure lodgings. I'm told the local Stonehill Inn is very quaint, and it takes us right passed Barthen's Provisions. The Lionshield Coster, who I'm sure will be happy to have their supplies returned, is just a ways down the trail from the Inn and right across from the Townmaster Hall. I'll have business there in the morning to locate my contact; Iarno."

    Spoiler: OOC

    So you have arrived with a wagon full of supplies belonging to two separate places, and while Phandalin is small and takes only 5 maybe 10 leisurely minutes to go from one side to the other, unloading supplies from the cart will leave you with enough time to visit one maybe 2 other places, maybe more if you split up. Then you'll need to find lodging for the night and start at visiting more places the next day.

    Anywhere you see on the map is an available place to visit, with people and possibly events to interact with. So the obvious question is: Where do you want to go (first) ?
    Airannis Ragnok Kamui Draykhen
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  29. - Top - End - #209
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Kaldrinn Redstone
    Level One Dwarven Druid

    For the first time in a long while Kaldrinn was actually glad to see the bastion of civilization sprawled out before them as they plodded along the road. His need to wander and being among the wilds of the world had always kept him uneasy in larger cities such as Neverwinter, but after their little adventure in the dank filth of the goblin den, a warm meal and a real bed would suit him well. He wondered if Sildar and the other members of his faction had planned to rebuild the walls that once ringed the town and establish a more proper hold here.

    "If you give us a description of this Inaro we can ask around to the townsfolk as we offload the cart, turn over the supplies, and secure a room for the night. Are there any places you'd reckon he would have headed first upon entering town?" The dwarf figures they'll head to the Lionshield Coster first to offload the supplies liberated from the goblins before turning over the cart at the designated drop-off. Should any of them wish to split off and see to other errands though there shouldn't be too much harm in that.

    "I reckon I'll take the supplies back to the Lionshield if anyone wants to come along. If anyone wants to see about securing rooms at the tavern or the like I certainly wouldn't say no."
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  30. - Top - End - #210
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] On the Wings of Fate: A Tyranny of Dragons Epic

    Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona
    Spoiler: Status Box
    LN Goliath, Barbarian 1

    Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1

    Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15

    Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None

    Phandalin was much more to Bartholl's liking. The streets weren't crowded or paved, and the residents were weathered and hardened from an earned life. He caught a few folks staring, and gave an intimidating grimace at a youngster who looked a bit too long, sending the boy around the corner of a building, his eyes wide with fright. The goliath smirked as they carried on.

    Following Kaldrinn's lead he replies, "I'll help unload them boxes, Treekeeper. Maybe Dainty the Fainty here can find some beds for us. Oooh, maybe with some blood sausage! I like the sound of that Stonehill place," he adds, giving a tauntingly playful nod to Ambriel. He'd been teasing her about fainting off and on all morning and still seemed to be getting a kick out of her dislike for blood.
    Last edited by miinstrel; 2017-09-26 at 11:02 AM.

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