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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Kira is surprised by something.


    One coordination save, tn 5: (7d10)[9][6][10][3][5][2][1](36)

    Kira disappears behind the bar. The guards don't seem to notice.
    Last edited by Squeejee; 2011-04-20 at 09:41 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    "This man was poisoned," said Vasic as he stood up and presented his empty hands for handcuffing, "I can identify the poison. No-one in this room touched him and he's unmarked. I'll go quietly if you like, but he mentioned someone named Katrina before he fell. You may want to look into that."

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Linn takes a step back as the guards enter the room. He is uncertain who the guards plan to arrest, but would prefer it were not him. His possessions gathered, he attempts to slip out of the place.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Willhelm doesn't move from his spot at the bar where he finishes pouring himself a drink, but he does make sure the signet ring on his hand is very obvious to the guards.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Havokfett (opposed presence to convince the guards)

    Havokfett's presence, tn 7: (3d10)[2][3][2](7)
    Guards' presence, tn 7: (3d10)[9][2][9](20)

    ImperialPsycho (opposed agility vs wits to be unnoticed)

    ImperialPsycho's agility, untrained in sneaking, tn 9 (6d10)[6][3][9][6][6][2](32)
    Guards' wits, tn7 (3d10)[2][9][4](15)

    The guard captain doesn't believe Vasic, but points at Willhelm, "You! I've seen you at court before, what do you have to say about this?" As he says it, he positions himself between Linn and the back door, one deputy blocking the front, and the other heading out the door, in the direction of castle Irontooth.
    Last edited by Squeejee; 2011-04-22 at 02:26 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Linn stops his motion towards the door, a displeased expression flitting across his face. Looking around furtively, he too spoke up. "It is as they say. As...far as I saw."

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    "Well, first of all I have to say your manners are rather lackluster," Willhelm says and takes a sip of his drink, savoring both it and the anticipation of the guard's reaction.
    "But if you mean the dead man over there," he continues just before the guard responds, "he has been drinking the whole evening, so if he was really poisoned I would wake up the bartender right h...", Willhelm points at where he saw the bartender faint earlier, only to see nothing. "Yes, I would definitely say the bartender might be a good point to start."


    I assume that Willhelm will have noticed the disappearance by now, seeing as he is actually looking for the bartender and standing right at the bar.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Owain turns towards the guards. "On my honor as a knight, what they say is true. I was sent to watch the man, and I never saw it happen. But he was drinking heavily throughout the night." On noticing the disappearance of the barkeep. "Damn. Anyone see anything?"

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    The guard pauses, as if having a very difficult time figuring the odds that everyone here is in on it. He eventually puts his sword away, saying "I guess you can't all be assassins, but I can't let any of you leave until the duke's men get here."


    "Weren't there... More of you people? A second ago?"

    Looking behind the bar, Willhelm does indeed notice the missing bartender. It's strange though - everything behind the bar looks exactly as you would expect.

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    "Well, I think we have a suspect. How long till the Duke's Men arrive? I'd like to explain this as few times as possible," said Vasic as he scanned the room, "Did anyone see where the Bartender went?"

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    "I did not. But I believe we are indeed missing more than just the barkeep." This is the first time during the whole incident Willhelm seems bothered by something.

    "It is a good thing that it isn't me who has to solve this," he adds after a moment's thought and sits down at his table again.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    After some time passes, the duke's men arrive. Three knights in full shining battle plate, with varying colors in their liveries.

    The one in front has green trimmed with gold, and a number of decorations attached to himself. Anyone who is a noble knows exactly who he is: Heir Johannes Southmark IV, the duke's son. He looks over the scene carefully as a complement of town guards take position behind him, and a look of disgust passes his face.

    "Gol's blood? Nasty bastards, I should have them all wiped out for this treason!"

    As he surveys the scene closer, the guards try to gather all the witnesses into one spot - the bar wench has been found and brought here as well as all of the other patrons in the area.

    "As of right now, by the authority of the house Southmark, I'm placing you all under arrest until the nature of Heir Stielmann's death is known. Yes, even you." He looks at Wilhelm. "If any of you know something about the location of our prime suspect, the bartender Tarol, speak up now or follow these men to the stockade."

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    A long, long time seems to pass, as Southmark sizes up everyone in the room.

    "Very well. Let's go."

    The guards flanking him confiscate weapons and lead you all up the very steep road to the castle. Once their, those of you wearing armour are stripped of it, and you are all sorted into three common room - one for the men, one for the women, and one for the nobility.

    Women's Room:
    The bar wench gets along fine, all things considered. Strangely enough, there's no PC in the room to notice...

    Men's Room:
    The stock is a featureless cell with two benches along the wall and one blanket to go around. Thankfully, the shackles hanging on the wall remain unused - but so does the latrine unless you're accompanied by a guard. After several hours, you are approached by a guard captain.

    "My name's Black." He's a short man, with a stout build and arms muscular enough to strain his mail. He has a beard as lightly colored as his hair, styled in the fashion of a Savaxon raider. Finally, his liveries are cut in an unconventional fashion, blue and yellow with a sick picture of an axe and a ketch.

    "You've all been given a new lease on life by the duke - looks like the watch spotted a guy riding south out of town like a bat out of hell, so you've almost been cleared of the charges. But." He looks at the wall where your weapons and armour are being kept, and continues. "But, the duke doesn't trust just anyone, so you've all been drafted into the search. You can decline, but then you're guilty of tax evasion."

    Noble's Room:
    The cell is clean, to say the least. Several tables and couches line the walls, all of them mismatched and some appear broken and recently fixed. There are cards and not much else besides the commode, naturally behind a curtain. After some time, you are brought a bowl of fruit, and Southmark jr enters the room.

    "I've just had reports from the south gate - it looks like somebody was fleeing the town, so you two are basically off the hook." But. "You've also both been put on the case. Servants are loading your horses now, but you'll need to leave fast if you want to catch him at Alesport."

    Kira witnesses the bartender loading his horse with various things - but mostly gold. He doesn't appear armed or aware of her presence - but moving closer would certainly to him off, as the area is dead quiet. In the distance, another horse with rider can be seen silhouetted against the moonlight, traveling south at breakneck pace.

    The area is at the exit of an inactive - but potentially very wealthy - silver mine, which glimmers in the moonlight. The rocks from the cave end after a few feet, turning to wet grass studded with tall, white weeds. A dirt road leads to the cave from the main road, just out of sight to the west. The main road to the north leads back into Irontooth, while heading south turns to Ferrenshire. The nearest town in that direction, however, is a turn west away - into Anghorad, the Stahl-occupied city of Alesport.

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Willhelm opens his mouth as if to speak but thinks better of it and just bows in resigned acknowledgement before he bites into a very non-proverbial sour apple.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Kira creeps as close as she can get under cover, then waits until his back is turned away from her. She then leaps from cover with running jump kick, trying to catch him off guard.


    So.. I'm new at this combat thing, but I think the first thing that needs doing is he needs to roll against a target number you determine for surprise

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    "Yeah, sure, I will get right onto that. Can I have my weapons and be on my way please?" Linn says, seeming displeased at the entire arrest.

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Glad that got cleared up, said Vasic, Do you have any idea where we should start?

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Kira: The Bartender rolls surprise against TN 13: Blindsided!



    So, to refresh everyone's memory, hitting a TN higher than 10 requires an explosive roll. In the background, I also rolled Kira's stealth, and she won.

    If he's caught unawares, the surprise action is not actually a combat round. Kira will simply roll her unarmed combat pool against TN 7, dealing her margin of success + brawn - the bartender's brawn in damage levels to her target body part.

    You'll also have to decide whether to use your full unarmed pool and risk a deadly injury or hold back ; ). Then again, breaking his knees will probably not be deadly no matter how hard you hit.

    If he succeeds, then we're in combat. Kira declares her attack and he declares his defense in response.

    Edit: He failed to turn around in time, waiting on a roll for unopposed damage. I'll get everyone else in a bit.
    Last edited by Squeejee; 2011-05-07 at 05:50 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    OOC details

    Well, the plan is to aim for the head, I figured that the 'decapitation' result isnt really possible, but it should give the best odds on a knockout.

    I will use the swing maneauver, with a target number of 6, and a damage of Brawn+0 (4) base.

    My combat pool is a base of 7 from coordination, plus 2 from unarmed skill, for 9 total.

    I need a strong hit, I'd rather he be dead than completely unwounded. A level 3ish would would be idea though. I will roll 8 dice to be safe.


    Sorry if its a little wordy, I just want to explain what I am doing since I'm new to the system. Thats why I put it spoiler tags to not clutter up the thread too bad.

    As she slips quietly out of cover behind the bartender, she launches a roundhouse towards his head, he doesnt even turn around as Kira's foot connects soundly with the back of his head.

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel


    Kira's kick connects with the bartender's skull with enough force to knock him unconscious before he hits the ground. He still seems to be breathing, but he's also bleeding.


    The impromptu search party has been assembled in the courtyard. For those of you who aren't nobles, the castle guard will provide a horse - it's not ready for battle, but it's fast. Aside from those picked up in the bar, captain Black and two other knights (who are quite content to stand in the corner and be quiet) will be joining you. If there's anything else you need from the castle, you can ask - but otherwise, the party will be leaving at sunrise.

    Black suspects that the horseman riding south was heading for Alesport, a lawless pirate hub two days' ride away. If you can't catch the suspected assassin there, the back up plan is to take a war band into the mountains to hunt down the Gols responsible. Hopefully it won't come to that, but reportedly the High King has been looking for an excuse to kill some Gols for some time now.

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Kira quickly makes sure the man wont die

    I use wits with my first aid skill (7d10)[36] vs an 8 vocation I believe

    Next I rifle through the bags of the horse, and the possessions of the bartender, removing any possible weapons, and keeping what I want of them (ie, pm me a list of what there is, and I'll let you know what I pocket).

    I then with significant effort, heave him up on top of the horse, across the saddle. Lashing his hands together, and under the saddle to tie them to his feet, tightening it to keep him in place.

    I then take stock of the location of the town, and start walking, leading the horse, towards the castle.

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Linn is a bit twitchy, looking for the chance to slip away. Seeing none, he sighs and has a look for this horse.

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Willhelm seems to have completely resigned himself to the circumstances and passes the time until their departure in silence.

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Irontooth Gate:
    A watchman posted at the gate stops Kira, only glancing at the horse.

    "State your business or return to town, citizen. The castle is off-limits until further notice."

    The sun has yet to creep over the mountains, but a natural mist has begun to fill the air. Realizing that it's already tomorrow, a wave of weariness overcomes the search party, who have all been denied a night's rest.

    The horses being given to the draftees are brought into the yard, loaded down with all of the survival gear (that way, if the real warhorses need to move fast, they can). They are a ragged bunch of horses - all of them the same discolored black, and quite a few of them with several noticeable scars. They breath heavy, but still move with a sure foot - proud, old horses who've outlived their ability to carry a knight into battle, but remember it all the same.

    Captain Black is in the corner of the courtyard, yelling at a pair of squires who aren't moving fast enough. "But sir, we can't pack Sir Valien's things until he's finished with his armor!" "Well then, help him put it on faster!" "He won't let us!"


    Everyone is at -1 die to all actions until they get a night's sleep or similar rest period. And no, you can't get adequate sleep on your horse. The party leaves in a couple IRL days, when I get my laptop back from a repair shop. In the meantime I'll be around here by phone, in case you need to talk to an NPC or something.

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Riddle of Steel

    Kira pauses, sizes the watchman up, and replies

    "This man is responsible for a murder last night, I'm pretty sure whoever is in charge will want to question him when he comes to." She pauses a moment before continuing, "Of course I will leave if you prefer, and come back during normal hours to explain the delay"

    She leans back and crosses her arms, waiting for the guard to respond, almost hoping he tells her to leave anyhow, at least her duty will be fulfilled, and she wont have to risk getting dragged to prison by association.

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