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  1. - Top - End - #901
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    So, yesterday, instead of pony shenanigans, I spent the day over with an old friend. Who sheepishly admitted to me that, yes, he had, after my glowing recommendation and exposure to my magical pony phone folder, watched the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. (His favorite ponies are Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy.) So, that was good, and thirteen pages are you crazy

    Midnight/Talespinner/Mask Stuff:
    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    "Ah yes, I forget about your imaginary nobility sometimes. I suppose you are arguably richer than I am, though - it's not like you've got anything inside that head of yours except dreams of money."
    "Mae cherie, there are many dreams within my glorious, expansive mind, but I do not dream of money. Whyever would you dream of something that you already possess in abundance? Now, a ragamuffin commoner like yourself, I could see you dreaming of money, but really, me, dreaming of money? Aha, it is to laugh."

    Quote Originally Posted by MetalMask
    "Look, Talespinner. There are situations where 'Only a crazy pony would think of a plan that crazy' work as a valid defence. Those situations require us to begin with a belief that that pony isn't totally crazy."
    Talespinnerette snorts.

    "Please, I only use my insanity for good. And to defeat you. And to get into Celestia's bedchambers for a panty raid. And I think you should completely forget what I just said, but the point is that there are limits to the method of my madness! Besides, I didn't even know that there were genie traps around here that could be activated by explosions!"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetalMask
    Mask: "... some part of me kind of expected her to ask me to take off the mask first."
    "Well... who's stopping you?" Eyebrow waggle, not-very-convincing giggle.

    Quote Originally Posted by InkwellPony View Post



    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    My own, far less skilled, contribution to this whole harem politics art thing:

    Talespinner doesn't look very filly-ish, but other than that it's excellent! (But I think you also promised me a shocked gender-bent Talespinner...? )

    Quote Originally Posted by MetalMask
    Mask: "You wouldn't care to phrase your three wishes soonish? I've got... important things... to do. Like..."

    *Mask visualises her mental checklist:
    - Polish Mask
    - Mope
    - Build global conspiracy of lies
    - Escape from moon*

    "... Like things, okay?"
    "What makes you think that she only has a mere three wishes? Just because that's a staple of genie folklore these days, doesn't mean that she built it into the spell. For all we know, this will last FOREEEEEEVER.

    Also, would you mind admitting what those things are, hmmmm? This probably won't be used against you in a court of law, honest."

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    Also I'm really starting to think that this additional RPG needs its own thread. I practically live here some days and I can't make hide or hair of it.
    Well, much like Airshipping, the Love Harvesting, and the original Shipping/Bondage, the roleplay just... happened, you know? Like, we all roleplay our various parts in the thread already, it's not much of a stretch to turn that into a more fantastical, continuity-based roleplay, and we often only get the hint when someone yells at us, "Hey, you're roleplaying" and we go "Oh, right!"

    But, to honor you, seigneur, the RP has been spoilerized. Continue.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    You don't need to worry; this thread isn't the source of the problem. If anything, it's more of a haven from it. And honestly I doubt the problem is even as big as I'm making it out to be so much as it is a reaction to a bad mood. Also, this is going to sound weird considering what I last said on the subject, but Heroics has been one of the things that has kept me going more than almost anything else, and I'm always giddy anticipating the next chapter.
    Yea! I'm glad that this community is keeping you going, Phoe - remember that we're all behind you, possibly with ropes and gags, possibly with support and backrubs!

    Also, I am totally working on Heroics, it's just that my perfectionist streak has chosen this moment to rear its ugly head and make more than a paragraph every couple of days extremely difficult. Working on breaking it.

    (Then again, maybe the anticipation is what's keeping you going, and if I were to deliver a chapter, the anticipation would fade away, causing you to crash. And I can't let that happen! So maybe I should just stretch this out until Season 2 starts... )

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    I read this just now and imagined the simile in question taking place. Trying to frame context for a winning lottery ticket being struck by lightning (twice) only makes it funnier. I need to see this happen. I need to make this happen.

    The look of transcendent joy, the hopping up and down in the streets. The lightning bolt frying the ticket to a charred outline of itself. The second lightning bolt following right after an attempt to "look on the bright side", reducing it to cinders...

    edit: Also bobcat, we should get together for a "sleep would fix all my problems but I can't get it anyway" party.
    Thank you for the chuckles, Phoe. You have earned them. The only thing that could possibly make that funnier is if it was Twilight's lottery ticket.

    And while, usually, I wouldn't join that party... today, I might. I get real flaky when I have less than seven hours of sleep. Wheeeeheeee.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    I fear that if we ever meet, I will be crushed to learn that you are not, in fact, an adorable purple unicorn.
    Yeah, you are totally not alone when it comes to the imagining of the Esper as an adorable purple unicorn. When I imagine Esper doing his production job, it's always as Filly Midnight running around in business casual, trying to get everything organized, with a clipboard under one arm.

    Quote Originally Posted by dromer View Post
    I always imagine people as their avatar, to the point that sometimes I don't remember the names of the posters. Cue confusion when I wonder where that one guy went when all he did was change his avatar.
    Ah, the power of avatars. Perhaps it's time to dig out an old one to forever change the way the thread thinks of me, yesss...

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    Out of curiosity (and since you seem to be the voice of regular sanity in an otherwise very ponysane world), how do you picture me? *cue flood of posters asking Bobcat for his insight into the world of his imagination*

    Ehe... maybe you shouldn't tell me after all. <.<

    Although now that I'm thinking about it, I'm kind of curious how I come across to the rest of y'all, too.
    How do I picture you... for some reason, I can only imagine you as being pleasantly plump, with long nails and brown hair pulled back into a bun. Like, I've got a picture in my head of Maree Mallory from Deep Secret, and that picture pulls double duty for you. That is, when I'm not imagining you as Silver Lining.

    That said, I am also very curious about how the various posters of the thread imagine me. (Hint: I do not often wear formal attire.)

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    Ah, the old days when I thought the only options were Robin/Starfire or Robin/Raven. With the occasional Beast Boy/Raven, and Cyborg/Jinx.
    Kid Flash/Jinx is the one true ship that defines all ships and I will never relinquish it. EVER.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS
    I will admit to finding that at odds with what I pegged you as. You seem like a saucy writing kind of guy, but not pictures? I will admit though, I don't differentiate good writing from good drawing/painting; they both show images and tell stories.

    Then again, your Rock from Jordan I found interesting as well. I am continually pleasantly surprised to fins you all have depth in ways I'm not expecting; it means you all aren't solipsistic hallucinations on my part.

    I am occasionally fearful you're all one pony, pranking the cloak from my back <<;
    I am actually not a saucy writing guy either. I joke about sauce a lot, but most of it elicits a reaction of "meh" or "heh" from me, not "HOTNESS", whether it's a drawing or writing. I don't even really look for the stuff. Unless it's Shimmer- or tying-related. But I am slightly surprised that you had me pegged as... well, actually, I'm not surprised.

    I find it interesting that you find my Jordanian rock interesting - but, due to forum policies, I am like an iceberg in that respect. There's a whole 90% underwater that you're not seeing.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS
    thanks mate, ya made me smile. Twice.
    I do my best to entertain your wit, sirrah.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS
    Oh, sure, Midnight. I see.

    >Turn attractive colts into attractive fillies
    >watch them make out
    "... I Uh, have to go to my room. To sleep. Definitely for sleep. Goodnight. *ZOOOM*"
    Sssssshhh, don't call Talespinner attractive where he can hear you, or he'll shoot you with the Midzooka! He already has an ego the size of a small moon, you know!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS
    ... *points at Tale Spinner*
    It is, in fact, true that I am the biggest Flash (especially Kid Flash) fanboy. How did you know?

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS

    Why by Fires of the Radiant Day are you still on the moon?!

    I've gotten you off the moon three times. Three. Times. you've been put there once.
    Because I'm pals with Trollestia, that's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS
    Also, how do you see me? I've given pls Ty of descriptive clues but I don't know how they'd fit together.
    You're an average-looking guy, dark-haired, clean-shaven. Your face is frozen in some kind of constant, bemused half-smirk. Also, you're wearing a green t-shirt.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS
    But! The reason I quotes this part;
    Being here helps my depression get to manageable levels. The sense of community is astounding and soothes my often-ridiculous anger levels.

    I'm glad to see that such things help other ponies out, too. Especially you, since you've been all depressed.

    Well, also Welf, and Gadora, and such. Stupid pony thread, making me care about stuff.
    We're a band of lost ragamuffins, all disheveled and tatterdemalion, and all we have is each other. When the wind's blowing cold east, when the snow's all about and it covers the green fields, when the rain comes to call on the day when it should have shone gold and silver - well, then there's a place, warm and safe, where everyone doesn't know your name, where they just know that you enjoy that which is good and that you, too, follow the path of Friendship. The winds can howl their fury, the rain can melt our faces and leave us vulnerable, the snow can bury everything that we thought was good, but here? Here, it doesn't matter. You're among friends, take a seat and pull up near the fire and laugh about the most ridiculous things.

    Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
    It's great to know that ponies are discussing the proper method for hold me like a weapon.
    Absolutely! You need to hold the portable haremizer like a bazooka, not a machine gun, or else the portable haremizer will start blushing and turn on you, even if you hold your hooves really still!

    Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek
    I am a harem gun apparently!
    Yes, you are! What kind of cutie mark would a harem gun have, anyway?

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    3) When I comment on feeling out of the fandom, it's because I'd like to see more stuff in my mold made by other people. Like, I'd like to see a non borderline clopfic Soarinjack. I'd like to see more people give Photo Finish a fic, shipping with Hoity Toity or even just "The Devil Wears Prada" type stuff. I'd like to see less Twixie and Luna and more... just about anything else. Like, as a prereader, I've been inundated with Trixie and Luna to the point where I don't especially care if they appear in Season 2. I'd like to see fanart of something besides Appledash when I go through my deviantart stuff.

    I just had a bad morning, too little sleep, etc, was already grumpy, looked at my fanart bin inundated with 300 pieces of stuff that didn't make me happy in the slightest and just felt out of place.
    Hey, man, you're unique! So what if nopony else thinks like you on the internets? That means that you don't have to stress out about people stealing your ideas, and that you can see the truly unique pieces of work for what they are!

    So what if Twixie is ridiculously popular, and Luna's all over the place? It's up to writers like us to change that! What's the value of a hero if he has no monsters to fight? What's the value of a hero who sees that no one stands by his side, and so lays down his sword and allows the dragon to devour him? Fight, darthbobcat, for Soarinjack and Phototoity! Pick up your pen and your shield, and stand tall, proud to be a man!

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat
    Also, I fear not the Harem Gun. Because anybody who was forced to view me in a harem girl outfit would curse the God who saw fit to give them eyes.
    But cute filly!darthbobcat would probably be a lot easier on the eyes, right? *locks and loads the Midbazooka*

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    I'm actually curious about what the perception of me is. I'm intellectually extremely interested in perception, and shifting perceptions.
    You are my tall Australian brother, who happened to be separated from me when we were banished from Faerie and placed upon the earth. C'mon, we've been over this before!

    Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
    I am honestly vaguely curious to what you do picture me as, because 'a Canadian guy' is such a wide-open field that it could basically be anything.
    I am now imagining you with a ginormous golden beard, wearing a plaid button-down shirt and scuffed-up jeans, in a log cabin, hunched over a keyboard. Above the computer monitor is your prize-winning lumberjacking axe and the antlers of the moose you wrestled to death. Next to you is a plate of pancakes, smothered in gravy, with a fork sticking out of the top pancake. It is also snowing outside, just like it does for eleven months of the year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    Mask: "At least you have a mouth. If I want to pick something up I have to get Talespinner to do it."
    "And then he starts laughing and won't pick it up until I admit that his hooves are things of incredible dexterity and strength and his smile blinds people with charisma and if it weren't for the fact that my special talent is lying I probably would have choked on the words."

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol
    Mask: "I'm not on the moon right now, obviously. I'm just under the impression that being sent there will be the natural result of building a global conspiracy of lies."

    "Thanks for the rescues by the way"
    Remember, Metal Mask: CRIME DOESN'T PAY! Unless you like free vacations to the moon, in which case it totally pays. For several hundred years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post

    What do you guys, who see someone as predominately their avatars, see when someone like inkwell or me post? We don't have our Avatars yet.
    I see you like everyone without an avatar: a faceless person wearing perfectly average clothing, typing on a generic PC. Except, in your case, the faceless person has bewbs.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    HAHAHA! AT LAST! At last, we ca--

    Oh you meant Phoe's again, didn't you?

    Hrm. Ah well. I can conquer all of Equestria with a different musical pony. COME OCTAVIA!

    I can't go anywhere. Little Flügel has the flü. And who are you to command me like that? I don't take that from Hans, I won't take it from you...

    Er... Oh right! Blackmail!
    I show everypony the pictures from that bachelorette party! So do as I say!

    No deal. Besides, we got you drunk and stole the film. I think Bon-Bon put a jello shot in it's place as payment.

    ... *checks, flavored vodka drips out of film dock*
    huh. Raz_Fox is gonna be real unhappy when he gets his camera back.

    Who, Fox Raz? Nah, we love that guy. He's pure and honest.
    We gave him a copy of the reel as payment for his camera being jello'd. I mean, it has his name carved on the front. Who did you think you were fooling?

    ...only myself, apparently.
    Meanwhile, the presses are hot, as the Pure and Honest Fox Raz prepares the special edition of the Bunbunmaru photo shoot: FILLIES GONE WILD: MUSICAL EDITION. Nothing personal, after all, it's just business. The money for a new, properly old-fashioned camera isn't going to come from just anywhere, after all.


    For those of us who are musically inclined:
    - My audial inspiration for my (other-than-Heroics) Ponyfic right now
    - Trixie! Trixie! Trixie!

    And a question (other than: what do y'all make of me?): Would you continue reading a fic if its opening chapter was all about OC ponies in an exotic environment, with more canon ponies only coming in later chapters?
    freedom in the flame

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    Raz, you scoundrel! You planned this!
    Quote Originally Posted by BladeofObliviom View Post
    Great, and now I'm imagining what Raz's profile on a dating site would look like. "Must be okay with veils."
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post
    I don't think there is such a time to have veils that it is not the fault of Raz_Fox.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dervag View Post
    It's a freaking Romulan dump truck. The Romulans are no more likely to build an unarmed warp-capable ship than they are to become a hippy commune.

  2. - Top - End - #902
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    And a question (other than: what do y'all make of me?): Would you continue reading a fic if its opening chapter was all about OC ponies in an exotic environment, with more canon ponies only coming in later chapters?
    Depends on if it is good writing and an interesting story to that point. I generally follow quality writing when I find it, but I'm not necessarily inclined to read through something just because it promises something different. (I have tons of books, possibly quite literally, which offer "something different".)
    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    There are no bad ideas, just bad execution.
    Thank you to zimmerwald1915 for the Gustave avatar.
    The full set is here.

    Air Raccoon avatar provided by Ceika
    from the Request an OotS Style Avatar thread

    A big thanks to PrinceAquilaDei for the gryphon avatar!
    original image

  3. - Top - End - #903
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    And a question (other than: what do y'all make of me?): Would you continue reading a fic if its opening chapter was all about OC ponies in an exotic environment, with more canon ponies only coming in later chapters?
    Depends on how you handle it. Do it right, and you get a story that meshes well with the established universe, and is better off for it. Do it poorly, and you get a story that has canon characters out of obligation, and not necessity.

    So I'm not opposed to the idea in principle, it's all about the execution, as our good no-longer-a-falcon DBC would say.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  4. - Top - End - #904
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    And a question (other than: what do y'all make of me?): Would you continue reading a fic if its opening chapter was all about OC ponies in an exotic environment, with more canon ponies only coming in later chapters?
    Possibly! Depends on if I like the OC. Personally I tend to not like OCs because they stray heavily into Mary Sue territory. For the most part I'm fine with OCs if they're isolated from canon ponies or have minimal interaction with them.

    Of course that's my general view. That'll change on a case-by-case basis. Midnight's cool in my mind, probably because the one story I've read seems to be more about her than it is about the canon ponies in relation to her. (Her relation to them is more a plot device or something. My mind works in strange ways, don't ask me why I'm cool with Midnight) Alternatively you can make a pony that's massively over-the-top and whatnot and as such is entertaining to read about anyway. I can't remember right now, but it was you doing the Ponyard Kipling thing wasn't it? If so he sounds like he'd be cool, it would just entirely depend on how good your writing is.

    (For a better example of the type of OC I don't like, there's about half a dozen pictures out there of OCs protecting/saving/etc canon ponies that by all means shouldn't need their help. Actually maybe that's my problem, that I can't stand seeing the canon ponies turned into something they clearly aren't for the sake of the OC as opposed to the OC itself...)

  5. - Top - End - #905
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Brazen Shield's Avatar

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    In SiuiS' loving arms

    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post

    You're an average-looking guy, dark-haired, clean-shaven. Your face is frozen in some kind of constant, bemused half-smirk. Also, you're wearing a green t-shirt.


    I see you like everyone without an avatar: a faceless person wearing perfectly average clothing, typing on a generic PC. Except, in your case, the faceless person has bewbs.
    Wow. Ô.ô
    This was an interesting learning experience. ;p
    Last edited by Brazen Shield; 2011-07-22 at 11:57 AM.
    Thank you ShadowySilence for the awesome policepony avatar!
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    I love my filly~

  6. - Top - End - #906
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    1) My friends and I started Teen Titans fics at season 1. So, by the time Kid Flash showed up, Jinx had already been paired up in our universe. Also, I think that episode was my favorite from Season 5. ... then again, I didn't really like ANY of Season 5 aside from that one.

    2) True, there are benefits to thinking differently. I just had one of those moments; I was exhausted, a whole bunch of stuff happened all at once to hit my annoyance buttons juuuust right that going through my fanarts and seeing very little that actually interested me, then seeing the list of fics that had been submitted that morning, then seeing the fics that had been posted that morning, it all just lead to this moment of supreme isolation.

    It's a bit like Todd in the Shadows talking about Enrique Eglesias' song, "Tonight I'm "Loving" You," where he realized that as much as people were watching him and loving his reviews, he wasn't going to ever change the face of pop music. Sure, my fics have been successful, but my influence on the larger fandom has been, as far as I can judge, VERY limited. Nobody's followed my lead on anything; if anything, since the season ended and we stopped having new information on the main 6 and new background characters to explore, the fandom's output of stories and fanart on the topics I'm weary of has INCREASED.

    So I'm not giving up or anything. It's just that I feel out of step. And it's a lonely feeling, like if you were at a Star Trek convention and your favorite series was Voyager, or you admitted that as much as you like the other movies, The Empire Strikes Back was your least favorite Star Wars movie. Minority opinions aren't invalid, but it feels lonely to have them.
    Last edited by darthbobcat; 2011-07-22 at 12:50 PM.
    My anime review podcast is coming back after a one year hiatus!

  7. - Top - End - #907
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post
    I post a little bit more on dA too. Here, I kinda feel swept away a lot of the time. I don't really have much to say about what you guys talk about (I'm such a lurker at heart)~
    I generally prefer drawing women and cute things. So the vast majority of my avatars tend to either be women or cute things. Go figure. ^^

    I did draw one guy avatar for my Steam Account though... lemme see if I can dig it up...

    It's not pony, but it shows my love for all things Bioshock...


    And for those that weren't able to locate my account and what not...:

    and my original protoplatform game was at:

    There, all sorts of sharing. ^^

    And I am aware there is no ending on the platform game, and that if you jump from the top platform, you can go flying off the side. ^^ Those were just quirks with the initial game.
    Last edited by InkwellPony; 2011-07-22 at 12:53 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #908
    Ettin in the Playground
    PhoeKun's Avatar

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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post

    Yea! I'm glad that this community is keeping you going, Phoe - remember that we're all behind you, possibly with ropes and gags, possibly with support and backrubs!

    Also, I am totally working on Heroics, it's just that my perfectionist streak has chosen this moment to rear its ugly head and make more than a paragraph every couple of days extremely difficult. Working on breaking it.

    (Then again, maybe the anticipation is what's keeping you going, and if I were to deliver a chapter, the anticipation would fade away, causing you to crash. And I can't let that happen! So maybe I should just stretch this out until Season 2 starts... )
    Too much anticipation would kill me. As much as I don't want to be the kind of pony who would lean her hooves gently atop your withers, lean in and whisper in a husky voice, "Razziekins... finish the story or get in The Box.", I really would be happier having a lovely and fun story to read than I would be waiting for it forEVER.

    When your progress seems to grind to a halt, just think of my smiling pony face. Which... I hope is motivation. Is it? I've never tried being a muse before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    How do I picture you... for some reason, I can only imagine you as being pleasantly plump, with long nails and brown hair pulled back into a bun. Like, I've got a picture in my head of Maree Mallory from Deep Secret, and that picture pulls double duty for you. That is, when I'm not imagining you as Silver Lining.

    That said, I am also very curious about how the various posters of the thread imagine me. (Hint: I do not often wear formal attire.)
    Well that's... huh. Most certainly the most interesting description I've heard yet. Particularly as I don't have the wherewithal or steady enough hooves to actually let my hair do much besides lie where it will, and have a chronic inability to eat. But it's a pleasant mental image, I think, so thank you for flattering me.

    Also, I don't care what you say, I will never picture you outside of formal attire. We could be at the beach, and you'd still be wearing a tie, in that universe that exists solely in the back of my mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    Sssssshhh, don't call Talespinner attractive where he can hear you, or he'll shoot you with the Midzooka! He already has an ego the size of a small moon, you know!
    I don't know whether to be relieved or insulted that Midnight hasn't been aimed at me even once.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    For those of us who are musically inclined:
    - My audial inspiration for my (other-than-Heroics) Ponyfic right now
    - Trixie! Trixie! Trixie!

    And a question (other than: what do y'all make of me?): Would you continue reading a fic if its opening chapter was all about OC ponies in an exotic environment, with more canon ponies only coming in later chapters?
    That Trixie song wound up being my favorite among the round 2 Remix War submissions. With a very close second going to this little ditty, notable for being the thing that finally sold me on Derpy's fanon voice. Prior to hearing this, I hated it. And honestly I'm still loathe to hear her in an episode (it's too squeaky and childish - she wouldn't sound on par with the rest of the adult ponies), but darn it, that pony can rap.

    In answer to your question, I will read any story with a strong enough hook, and will continue reading until it falls apart. OCs, canon characters, these are not the things I care about. Are you telling an interesting story in an interesting manner? I'm there.

    Quote Originally Posted by InkwellPony View Post
    And for those that weren't able to locate my account and what not...:
    I have a phobia of using DeviantART in its intended ways, but I am totally watching you, despite not actually "watching" you.
    Last edited by PhoeKun; 2011-07-22 at 01:11 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #909
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    That Trixie song wound up being my favorite among the round 2 Remix War submissions. With a very close second going to this little ditty, notable for being the thing that finally sold me on Derpy's fanon voice. Prior to hearing this, I hated it. And honestly I'm still loathe to hear her in an episode (it's too squeaky and childish - she wouldn't sound on par with the rest of the adult ponies), but darn it, that pony can rap.
    Sounds like the same VA for Muffinproof.
    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    There are no bad ideas, just bad execution.
    Thank you to zimmerwald1915 for the Gustave avatar.
    The full set is here.

    Air Raccoon avatar provided by Ceika
    from the Request an OotS Style Avatar thread

    A big thanks to PrinceAquilaDei for the gryphon avatar!
    original image

  10. - Top - End - #910
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Also it's lonely being an Applejack fan in a world where she's ALWAYS at the bottom of popularity polls.

    Oh well. Music soothes the pain.
    My anime review podcast is coming back after a one year hiatus!

  11. - Top - End - #911
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Has anyone watched "The Mentally Advanced Series" (NSFW). I much enjoy the crazy murder Pinkie.
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  12. - Top - End - #912
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by InkwellPony View Post
    I generally prefer drawing women and cute things. So the vast majority of my avatars tend to either be women or cute things. Go figure. ^^

    I did draw one guy avatar for my Steam Account though... lemme see if I can dig it up...

    It's not pony, but it shows my love for all things Bioshock...


    And for those that weren't able to locate my account and what not...:

    and my original protoplatform game was at:

    There, all sorts of sharing. ^^

    And I am aware there is no ending on the platform game, and that if you jump from the top platform, you can go flying off the side. ^^ Those were just quirks with the initial game.
    Yeah I found your account a while back, I love the fact that your art is always covered in color!

    Whoo!! Much love for BioShock!!! Listed as one if my three favorite game series (along with the Mass Effect's and Gears of War games).

    So, ummmmm you like drawing cute and women? I have an avatar needs making that's cute and a women.... I'm just saying~ Seriously though, you can ignore me: all this talkings bout being a "blank flank" is getting to me s'all.
    Last edited by Brazen Shield; 2011-07-22 at 01:51 PM.
    Thank you ShadowySilence for the awesome policepony avatar!
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    I love my filly~

  13. - Top - End - #913
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    Also it's lonely being an Applejack fan in a world where she's ALWAYS at the bottom of popularity polls.
    Filly Applejack? I can do filly Applejack.


    Extra spoilered for extra huge and extra cuteness.
    You were warned!

    And have some Octavia, for good measure.
    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    There are no bad ideas, just bad execution.
    Thank you to zimmerwald1915 for the Gustave avatar.
    The full set is here.

    Air Raccoon avatar provided by Ceika
    from the Request an OotS Style Avatar thread

    A big thanks to PrinceAquilaDei for the gryphon avatar!
    original image

  14. - Top - End - #914
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    So I'm not giving up or anything. It's just that I feel out of step. And it's a lonely feeling, like if you were at a Star Trek convention and your favorite series was Voyager, or you admitted that as much as you like the other movies, The Empire Strikes Back was your least favorite Star Wars movie. Minority opinions aren't invalid, but it feels lonely to have them.
    Bobcat, I have spent my entire life - and undeath - in the minority1 (as often intentionally as not.) You should revel in your difference, that which separates from the other lowly mortals; for, after all, is it not said that only those with the audacity to believe change the universe shall do so...?

    Oh, and for the first time: Image dump - C&C edition!


    Oh gods I wish this was a real mod...


    Uploaded with

    It'd probably have been better than the real one. Not that that'd be hard... (Burn!)

    I are fails at internets. It took me half an hour of pratting around to get the top images to work, because I was trying to link the image page, not the image. Duuhhh... *skullpalm* This is why I don't image dump.

    Picture entirely un-pony related (as yet...), but related to the above (and I really wanna show off what I've been pratting around on for the last couple of days...)

    1Of course, by virtue of being me, the "minority" is in this case the most important and valid position...
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2011-07-22 at 02:06 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #915
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by erikun View Post
    Filly Applejack? I can do filly Applejack.


    Extra spoilered for extra huge and extra cuteness.
    You were warned!

    And have some Octavia, for good measure.
    Every time you don't label these you send 20-40 bronies to the hospital from exposure *grumble*
    Ask me about our low price vacation plans in the Elemental Plane of Puppies and Pie

    Evoker avatar by kpenguin. Evoker Pony by Dirtytabs. Grey Mouser, disciple of cupcakes by me. Any and all commiepuppies by BRC

  16. - Top - End - #916
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    Bobcat, I have spent my entire life - and undeath - in the minority1 (as often intentionally as not.) You should revel in your difference, that which separates from the other lowly mortals; for, after all, is it not said that only those with the audacity to believe change the universe shall do so...?

    Oh, and for the first time: Image dump - C&C edition!


    Oh gods I wish this was a real mod...


    Uploaded with

    It'd probably have been better than the real one. Not that that'd be hard... (Burn!)

    I are fails at internets. It took me half an hour of pratting around to get the top images to work, because I was trying to link the image page, not the image. Duuhhh... *skullpalm* This is why I don't image dump.

    Picture entirely un-pony related (as yet...), but related to the above (and I really wanna show off what I've been pratting around on for the last couple of days...)

    1Of course, by virtue of being me, the "minority" is in this case the most important and valid position...
    I seen the Generals one. Pretty awesome mod if indeed made. Also, I see I have fellow C&C fanatic here in this thread. Hee Hee.

    Mammoth tanks always win.

    Added you to my DA watchlist.

  17. - Top - End - #917
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    Bobcat, I have spent my entire life - and undeath - in the minority1 (as often intentionally as not.) You should revel in your difference, that which separates from the other lowly mortals; for, after all, is it not said that only those with the audacity to believe change the universe shall do so...?

    Oh, and for the first time: Image dump - C&C edition!


    Oh gods I wish this was a real mod...


    Uploaded with

    It'd probably have been better than the real one. Not that that'd be hard... (Burn!)

    I are fails at internets. It took me half an hour of pratting around to get the top images to work, because I was trying to link the image page, not the image. Duuhhh... *skullpalm* This is why I don't image dump.

    Picture entirely un-pony related (as yet...), but related to the above (and I really wanna show off what I've been pratting around on for the last couple of days...)

    1Of course, by virtue of being me, the "minority" is in this case the most important and valid position...
    Is it weird that I had momentary disappointment that this wasn't a Cutie Mark Crusaders dump? That's what I thought you meant by CC, glanced at briefly.

    Also, that is cool. It was an alright game (my first RTS was Starcraft, so any RTS that's as easy as C&C feels off to me. It's like "where's the feeling of constant paranoia?"), but ponies would make it better.
    My anime review podcast is coming back after a one year hiatus!

  18. - Top - End - #918
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    Oh, and for the first time: Image dump - C&C edition!


    Oh gods I wish this was a real mod...

    These are indeed awesome! I would totally play an MLP/C&C crossover. So much!
    This Machine Surrounds Hate And Forces It To Surrender

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    DD, your unicorn is stronger, prettier, and higher-ranking than mine, and her secret lab has a better name than mine. THERE SHALL BE NO QUARTER.
    Ponythread Learns to Draw!

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    Avatar by Aruius

  19. - Top - End - #919
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    Is it weird that I had momentary disappointment that this wasn't a Cutie Mark Crusaders dump? That's what I thought you meant by CC, glanced at briefly.

    Also, that is cool. It was an alright game (my first RTS was Starcraft, so any RTS that's as easy as C&C feels off to me. It's like "where's the feeling of constant paranoia?"), but ponies would make it better.
    Since I started with C&C (C&C: Red Alert to be precise), any RTS as intense as Starcraft makes me throw my hooves in the air. Which is why now I stick to more strategic RTS like AI Wars and Supreme Commander now.

    Supreme Commander.

  20. - Top - End - #920
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    Oh, and for the first time: Image dump - C&C edition!


    Oh gods I wish this was a real mod...

    Those first six are great. It would be awesome to have the mane cast as playable... factions...
    I need to go play some GalCiv now...

    In unrelated news:
    I think my MP3 player has come down with a case of Pony. I was out for a walk and it played 3 different versions of Art of the Dress in a row. On shuffle. With a playlist of just under 500 songs.

  21. - Top - End - #921
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    I play 'em mainly for the stories and the base-building. (Which is why Tiberian Sun is still pretty much my favourite, though I really liked Red Alert 2 as well.)
    Starcraft 2 is awesome (though there was too much rushing around for my tastes; some more sedate missions would have been nice), Starcraft 1 had a good enough plot to keep me interested the first time; but when I played through it last, I abused the cheats; SC1 just felt too much like hard work otherwise. I play games to relax and/or curbstomp the computer, so I play my RTS completely non-competatively.

    (Heck, I don't even play my table-top wargames competatively. I'm just not naturally competative, really. (Don't like sports, not even to watch. Not even Quidditch, aside from the short bursts in the mobies, and that's by far the most entertaining "sport" I've witnessed. Unless you count Pokemon.)

  22. - Top - End - #922
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    I play 'em mainly for the stories and the base-building. (Which is why Tiberian Sun is still pretty much my favourite, though I really liked Red Alert 2 as well.)
    Starcraft 2 is awesome (though there was too much rushing around for my tastes; some more sedate missions would have been nice), Starcraft 1 had a good enough plot to keep me interested the first time; but when I played through it last, I abused the cheats; SC1 just felt too much like hard work otherwise. I play games to relax and/or curbstomp the computer, so I play my RTS completely non-competatively.
    All these years...I never thought I'd find a kindred spirit...s-so beautiful...

    *a small, hydraulic tear spills out*
    This Machine Surrounds Hate And Forces It To Surrender

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    DD, your unicorn is stronger, prettier, and higher-ranking than mine, and her secret lab has a better name than mine. THERE SHALL BE NO QUARTER.
    Ponythread Learns to Draw!

    Bleeeeh! Alfalfa Monster!

    Avatar by Aruius

  23. - Top - End - #923
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    It was funny; a friend of mine tried to get me into command and conquer and so bought me the big collection. Or they convinced me to buy the collection; I forget which.

    My two favorites were Red Alert 2 and Generals. For entirely different reasons; I though Red Alert 2's gameplay was kinda boring, but I LOVED the silly cold war cut scenes. Generals was a better gameplay experience, but without the full motion video, it was really lacking.
    Last edited by darthbobcat; 2011-07-22 at 02:31 PM.
    My anime review podcast is coming back after a one year hiatus!

  24. - Top - End - #924
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    Also it's lonely being an Applejack fan in a world where she's ALWAYS at the bottom of popularity polls.
    Would it help to know that, in part because of IASiF and Semper Fidelis, I've taken another look at my pony ranking? I've realized that Applejack was really only at the bottom because I was miffed at her not really having had a good focus episode. I'm not really sure where she'll land, but she's definitely moved up. (Sorry Titanium Fox, looks like our rankings are no longer exact mirrors. We'll have to find some other reasoning if we want to remain nemeses.)

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    Is it weird that I had momentary disappointment that this wasn't a Cutie Mark Crusaders dump? That's what I thought you meant by CC, glanced at briefly.

    Also, that is cool. It was an alright game (my first RTS was Starcraft, so any RTS that's as easy as C&C feels off to me. It's like "where's the feeling of constant paranoia?"), but ponies would make it better.
    Starcraft? But it's got the mouse buttons reversed from the sensible setup used by C&C! Seriously, you've got no idea how much that irks me.

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    It was funny; a friend of mine tried to get me into command and conquer and so bought me the big collection. Or they convinced me to buy the collection; I forget which.

    My two favorites were Red Alert 2 and Generals. For entirely different reasons; I though Red Alert 2's gameplay was kinda boring, but I LOVED the silly cold war cut scenes. Generals was a better gameplay experience, but without the full motion video, it was really lacking.
    Heh. To be honest, I bought that collection mostly so I could have TibSun again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    I play 'em mainly for the stories and the base-building. (Which is why Tiberian Sun is still pretty much my favourite, though I really liked Red Alert 2 as well.)
    Starcraft 2 is awesome (though there was too much rushing around for my tastes; some more sedate missions would have been nice), Starcraft 1 had a good enough plot to keep me interested the first time; but when I played through it last, I abused the cheats; SC1 just felt too much like hard work otherwise. I play games to relax and/or curbstomp the computer, so I play my RTS completely non-competatively.

    (Heck, I don't even play my table-top wargames competatively. I'm just not naturally competative, really. (Don't like sports, not even to watch. Not even Quidditch, aside from the short bursts in the mobies, and that's by far the most entertaining "sport" I've witnessed. Unless you count Pokemon.)
    You speak great sense.
    Last edited by Gadora; 2011-07-22 at 02:36 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #925
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    It was funny; a friend of mine tried to get me into command and conquer and so bought me the big collection. Or they convinced me to buy the collection; I forget which.

    My two favorites were Red Alert 2 and Generals. For entirely different reasons; I though Red Alert 2's gameplay was kinda boring, but I LOVED the silly cold war cut scenes. Generals was a better gameplay experience, but without the full motion video, it was really lacking.
    Idea for crossover: Rainbow Dash and his pet turtle.

    This is Sam. Like Uncle Same.
    *dash pokes the turtle, it makes a strange noise*
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  26. - Top - End - #926
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadora View Post
    Starcraft? But it's got the mouse buttons reversed from the sensible setup used by C&C!
    This gentlemen speaks the truth. The mouse setup of C&C should be the golden rule by which we judge all RTS.

    I also totally downloaded TibSun when it went free. The nostalgia... *sniff*

    (Parking a whole line of NOD Artillery at your base never gets old.)
    Last edited by Grif; 2011-07-22 at 02:35 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #927
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadora View Post
    Would it help to know that, in part because of IASiF and Semper Fidelis, I've taken another look at my pony ranking? I've realized that Applejack was really only at the bottom because I was miffed at her not really having had a good focus episode. I'm not really sure where she'll land, but she's definitely moved up. (Sorry Titanium Fox, looks like our rankings are no longer exact mirrors. We'll have to find some other reasoning if we want to remain nemeses.)

    Starcraft? But it's got the mouse buttons reversed from the sensible setup used by C&C! Seriously, you've got no idea how much that irks me.

    Heh. To be honest, I bought that collection mostly so I could have TibSun again.
    Ah, but to a Starcraft player, C&C has the mouse buttons reversed! I kept getting messed up!

    ... also, Generals is so broken in so many ways. See: the American defense network... where as long as you place the turrets right, the missiles rain down from all over your base to any one spot.
    Last edited by darthbobcat; 2011-07-22 at 02:37 PM.
    My anime review podcast is coming back after a one year hiatus!

  28. - Top - End - #928
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    This gentlemen speaks the truth. The mouse setup of C&C should be the golden rule by which we judge all RTS.

    I also totally downloaded TibSun when it went free. The nostalgia... *sniff*

    (Parking a whole line of NOD Artillery at your base never gets old.)
    I prefer the 'giant crater' defense. Spam Titan artillery on the ground until it takes forever to get anything through it, then fire up the DEATH LASER GRID so they're stuck in the kill zone.
    Ask me about our low price vacation plans in the Elemental Plane of Puppies and Pie

    Evoker avatar by kpenguin. Evoker Pony by Dirtytabs. Grey Mouser, disciple of cupcakes by me. Any and all commiepuppies by BRC

  29. - Top - End - #929
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    Ah, but to a Starcraft player, C&C has the mouse buttons reversed!
    Ah, but C&C came first! Therefore 'twas Starcraft that broke with (what I am going to spontaneously declare to be) tradition by going with a counter-intuitive control scheme.

    Also, random Applejack to keep this on topic:

  30. - Top - End - #930
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    I prefer the 'giant crater' defense. Spam Titan artillery on the ground until it takes forever to get anything through it, then fire up the DEATH LASER GRID so they're stuck in the kill zone.
    What the... how the hell did you even get the power to build a giant laser grid...

    (Admittedly now you have piqued my interest sufficiently to try this out later. Need to find my copy my Tib Sun now.)

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