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  1. - Top - End - #1021
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    I looked at Karen too, I'm confused.
    How does a passive that makes autos happen without stopping movement cause tankiness? It makes her better at chasing, yes, but tanky?
    Karen's passive grants armor and MR after casting. You're looking at a different champion. Also, The passive you're referring too is kind of broken, that probably needs to be changed.
    Last edited by Duos; 2012-11-30 at 11:34 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #1022
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivellius View Post
    Hecarim, even if I'm terrible with him. He seems like a champion I would be decent with given my style, but I can't get the hang of him.

    My love of ponies is presently unsurpassed.

    His S3 jungle will probably be kinda weak, if anything, but I agree that Spirit of the Lizard Elder+Rampage will be SO GOOD.

    Iceborn Gauntlet and new Spirit Visage also look sick for him, though Iceborn Gauntlet vs Trinity Force is a bit of a tricky comparison. While he'll do less sustained autoattack damage with the Gauntlet, I suspect the CDR, armor, and more consistent slow are better. Depends on how you're doing, I guess.

  3. - Top - End - #1023
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Arbitrarity View Post
    Iceborn Gauntlet and new Spirit Visage also look sick for him, though Iceborn Gauntlet vs Trinity Force is a bit of a tricky comparison. While he'll do less sustained autoattack damage with the Gauntlet, I suspect the CDR, armor, and more consistent slow are better. Depends on how you're doing, I guess.
    Isn't the Iceborn Gauntlet slow AoE, making it better for team fights?
    Tarvek needs to die in a fire.

  4. - Top - End - #1024
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Thrawn183 View Post
    Isn't the Iceborn Gauntlet slow AoE, making it better for team fights?
    The slow and the extra damage are AoE, making it even better for teamfights.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deophaun View Post
    It doesn't so much as demean the celestial monkey's existence, so much as fulfill it. Without the ability to be summoned to set off traps, retrieve objects from dangerous situations, and all and all be a party's guinea pig, the Celestial Monkey would languish in obscurity in the MM and do nothing more legendary than eat celestial bananas.

  5. - Top - End - #1025
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Reynard View Post
    The slow and the extra damage are AoE, making it even better for teamfights.
    Especially for Hecarim, with Spirit of Dread. SO MUCH HEALING.

    Still less single target damage, and no 12% movespeed though. And there's no way you're getting both items. Probably going to be Gauntlet almost all the time, really.

  6. - Top - End - #1026
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei View Post
    6300+ IP time and I refuse to choose this time for myself. The Playground can help me!

    • Zed
    • Jayce
    • Hecarim
    • Lulu
    • Fizz
    • Shyvana

    Yeah. So. Thanks, boiiiiiiiiis.
    I vote Lulu.

    Faeries and squirrels, what's not to like?

  7. - Top - End - #1027
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Thing is, Trinity is freaking expensive that by getting Iceborn Gauntlet, you can put that extra money towards getting your Spirit visage faster (Which, notably, is more expensive now with the Neg cloak and the recipe cost increase). Even with jungle gold buffs, Trinity Force adds almost no defense and Hecarim scales much harder with defensive items that let him tank the enemy team for longer for more rampages than with just the damage from Trinity.

    New Hecarim build
    Merc Treads
    Spirit of Lizard Elder
    Iceborn Gauntlet
    Spirit Visage
    Shurelyas for Team Utility or Black Cleaver for more damage
    Guardian Angel (Because it's just too strong now with the 30% HP+20% more from Spirit Visage making it a 36% revive, and your W will be back up most likely by the end of the revive since you have 40% CDR)

  8. - Top - End - #1028
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Guys, This game is all the silly. Like, its absolutely hilarious!
    My own webcomic. Idiosyncrasy.
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  9. - Top - End - #1029
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Silverraptor View Post
    Guys, This game is all the silly. Like, its absolutely hilarious!
    Be garen, use support set up, win 2v1 lane?
    Last edited by 9mm; 2012-11-30 at 01:34 PM.
    Rule of Cool former designer

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  10. - Top - End - #1030
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Moar talk about that champion concept I posted, I guess. Spoiler'd for your convenience.
    I'm not on PBE, anyway, so I'm fairly confused about these S3 changes ya'all are talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nadevoc View Post
    Passive: Hugely problematic. First, is it a 1:1 conversion ratio? AP is cheaper point for point than AD, so giving a straight conversion is a problem. Secondly, stacking resistances becomes very powerful because they stack and you end up with 400 resist that applies to ALL incoming damage. Part of what balances resists is that they only work on about half of incoming damage. Second, this COMPLETELY shuts down mages. There is no counterplay. They can't build any penetration without going way out of their way. I understand that this is supposed to be a counter to mages, but super hard counters are just no fun to play against.
    I wasn't aware that AP was cheaper than AD. I admit, I was intending for a 1:1 conversion, but it seems like there's going to have to be MATH/balancing to make it somewhat equal. The stacking resistances are, well, kind of the point. He is designed to be a hard counter to mages. He's SUPPOSED to kill dem mages good. Passives need to give Champions some sort of edge, take away the stacking resistances and... he has no passive, at all, so we need a new one that works with his flavour.
    Yes, there is counterplay. There's the same counterplay as any AD carry facing a physical tank. Teamwork and Armour pen. Good enough for Twitch v Armour-stacking Malaphite, good enough for a mage.

    Energy: I'm assuming you mean the ninja energy resource?
    Well, I can't exactly give him mana, can I? The martial artist "energy" seems like the best fit.

    Q: Alright, basic nuke with snare

    W: Again, fine, not much to say
    Great! Yay! I did something right!
    Wait a second? Q? Isn't that Summoner Spell 1?

    E: Damage to mana is a mechanic that was removed from the game (Wit's End used to have it). It might be okay to be added in a champ-specific case, but it's screwy. One, resourceless or alternative resource champs ignore it. Second, mages ignore it. Yeah, you read that right. Who it really ends up screwing over is people like Rammus who have a small mana pool and don't build mana; old WE ended up not really affecting mages because their pool was large enough that it didn't affect them much. And for people like Rammus, it's extremely anti-fun. If you're a champ that relies on abilities to do anything, and then you're not allowed to use any abilities, the game because extremely lame.
    I main Twitch. I know how hard it is to be out of mana and have a small mana pool. I imagine it being somewhat closer to Expunge, a huge nuke that shuts the enemy down/drives them out of lane/forces them to pop off a summoner spell to escape.
    However, as you said, attacking the resource is a bit screwy. Do you have any other/better ideas? Specifically anything which is designed to shut down a mage? The man is already flinging around Silences. I'm wary of just adding another one. I want this to synergise with his other two actives.
    Also: E? That's Summoner Spell 2. If I was dedicated to playing out this joke, referencing my superior keyboard layout, I'd say I was confused.

    R: Fine, but that's a second skill that is worthless against resourcless/alternate resource champs, which I struggle with
    Again, suggestions are great! (Also: There's been at least once where someone used "R" to refer to the ult and I was genuinely confused for a second. "R" is "Recall" in my head. "S" is the Ult. That's why I used Active 1, Active 2, et. cetera in the original document.)
    Last edited by Thanatos 51-50; 2012-11-30 at 01:34 PM.
    NaNoWriMo Beat Me
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  11. - Top - End - #1031
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Silverraptor View Post
    Guys, This game is all the silly. Like, its absolutely hilarious!
    Spellpen Annie to stronk. Me and Ryze just ran around insta-gibing people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deophaun View Post
    It doesn't so much as demean the celestial monkey's existence, so much as fulfill it. Without the ability to be summoned to set off traps, retrieve objects from dangerous situations, and all and all be a party's guinea pig, the Celestial Monkey would languish in obscurity in the MM and do nothing more legendary than eat celestial bananas.

  12. - Top - End - #1032
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Silverraptor View Post
    Guys, This game is all the silly. Like, its absolutely hilarious!
    Yes. This. Duo Annie/Ryze top lane destroys things.

    I say... Lizard Elder/Mercs/Gauntlet/Spirit Visage as core (30% CDR, healing, good defenses all around, solid AD and AOE damage, slow), with Bulwark/Randuins being my first extra choices, maybe GA instead, Cleaver for offense (wow, Ghostblade is still... really bad. This is depressing)

  13. - Top - End - #1033
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Is the thing recorded in spectator mode? It says it is, but some people say the file doesn't open as spectator. Still new to using lolrecorder, so I may need some help.
    My own webcomic. Idiosyncrasy.
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  14. - Top - End - #1034
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    I'm having the same problem. Then again, I'm testing it in bot games. Since I don't think you can spectate those, that might be the problem.

    I'll try some normals and see what happens. And Silverraptor, see if you have the record both option in there. That might be why; you could've uploaded the wrong one.

    EDIT: Yep. You can't spectate bots. Played a normal draft pick (which I'll be uploading, btw. It was an 18:45 game.) as jungle Nunu. Waiting on the spectator stream.

    EDITEDIT: Less impressive since J4 AFKed at level 6, but I'm still posting it. The 18:45 match.
    Last edited by McDouggal; 2012-11-30 at 03:37 PM.
    I'm mostly here for Warframe and a tiny bit of RWBY.

  15. - Top - End - #1035
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    So guys, based on my experience watching IPL5 and playing 2 games of Top Rengar I'm gonna say its op as all hell and will be nerfed soon.

    But until then: Spirit Visage Kindlegem is now a viable build on certain bruisers again.

  16. - Top - End - #1036
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Rule of Cool former designer

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  17. - Top - End - #1037
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Since I got three real-life votes for Jayce, that amounts to 4 v. 3 v. 2 for Jayce, Hec, and Lulu. Hecarim is next, followed by Lulu, then. Thanks, everyone.
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

  18. - Top - End - #1038
    Math_Mage's Avatar

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by 9mm View Post

  19. - Top - End - #1039
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Regarding Energy: I was just making sure I understood that it was the same as ninja's energy as opposed to some champ-specific resource.

    Oh, glancing over the original concept again, I notice you talk about him using hextech stuff. That seems an odd choice since hextech is a hybrid of magic and tech, from my understanding.

    AP -> AD conversion might be balanced with a smaller than 1:1 ratio, though it does have a LOT of edge cases to be checked - AP item effects have been balanced with the assumption they're not available to AD champs unless they go way out of their way for them. Not sure off-hand if any of these could cause issues, but it's possible. Also needs to be decided whether Deathcap has any effect or not (is the 30% added pre-AP conversion?)

    The other part of the passive I just think is a big no.
    1) I don't think offering Malphite as a counterexample is that valid. Saying, "Look, this champ is poorly designed, too" doesn't really excuse using poor design. Malphite in particular is a very early champion from before Riot learned a few design lessons. It's also notable that he has some secondary scaling from stacking armor, but it's not super impressive (0.3 ratio on one skill). He does shut down auto-attackers pretty hard, but that's a smaller percentage of the champ pool and they can build ArPen to still do *something* to him. You've essentially set out to say, "I want this champ to COMPLETELY HARD COUNTER 50% of champions (AP/magic champions)". That's a HORRIBLE goal, in my opinion.
    2) "Well, they can pick up armor pen. Twitch does." Yes, but Twitch is an AD champion. He has armor pen itemization items. There are zero AP armor pen items. There are zero defensive armor pen items. Could they pick up, for example, Last Whisper? Yes. But that's 2300 gold and an item slot that does NOTHING for them except give them some penetration against ONE CHAMPION. AD champs get the penetration on *all* champions, plus 40 AD that they actually use. Yes, mages get that, but they have zero ratios and don't even auto-attack much at all. Also, the items that build into it are literally worthless for mages.
    3) The doubled up scaling actually makes him stupidly tanky against AD champs, too. One, because it makes stacking armor and only armor suddenly a completely valid tactic. Two because there are suddenly more big-ticket armor items around. Combine the two and this guy's gonna constantly have 400 resists that apply to all incoming damage. That's, quite frankly, stupid. You can kinda negate the second part by not having a 1:1 ratio, but still... I'm going to pick up Randuin's/Thornmail and GA and laugh as no one can kill me.

    As for changing E/R (That's how I think of abilities, so I'm afraid you're gonna have to deal with it :-P).... hrm...

    Maybe have E apply a debuff called 'Arcane Lock/Leak' that lasts a few seconds and increases the resource cost of the first ability used by a percentage, or does damage if they cast an ability. There's a bit of burden of knowledge, but proper graphics should help negate that, plus it's not the sort of burden of knowledge that just suddenly kills you. It's something you'll learn during lane and then know about.

    For the ultimate... Not sure. I'd have to think for awhile about it.

    EDIT: I realize that I'm being very negative here. I hope you understand that it isn't that I'm just trying to tear down your idea. It's that I see some very problematic elements in the core of the champion and I'm hoping to show/explain the problems so that you can take the lessons and move forward with either a rework or future ideas.
    Last edited by Nadevoc; 2012-11-30 at 07:58 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #1040
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Math_Mage View Post
    I especially loved the world hunger one. Absolutely wonderful.

    Really, some of those are so good I would have to think long and hard about reporting someone for that, just because of the sheer grace with which they bring across their...criticism.
    Not Person_Man, don't thank me for things he did.

    Old-to-New table converter. Also not made by me.

  21. - Top - End - #1041
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Holy ****.

    IPL5 Spoilers:
    Fnatic is on goddamn fire right now! Sure they lost to WE in Group Stage but that was close and that was a BO1. They just 2-0d TPA from behind each game, especially with those Blitz Grabs. The season 1 champs are back!
    Last edited by Eldariel; 2012-11-30 at 08:13 PM.
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  22. - Top - End - #1042
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Nadevoc View Post
    Regarding Energy: I was just making sure I understood that it was the same as ninja's energy as opposed to some champ-specific resource.

    Oh, glancing over the original concept again, I notice you talk about him using hextech stuff. That seems an odd choice since hextech is a hybrid of magic and tech, from my understanding.

    AP -> AD conversion might be balanced with a smaller than 1:1 ratio, though it does have a LOT of edge cases to be checked - AP item effects have been balanced with the assumption they're not available to AD champs unless they go way out of their way for them. Not sure off-hand if any of these could cause issues, but it's possible. Also needs to be decided whether Deathcap has any effect or not (is the 30% added pre-AP conversion?)

    The other part of the passive I just think is a big no.
    1) I don't think offering Malphite as a counterexample is that valid. Saying, "Look, this champ is poorly designed, too" doesn't really excuse using poor design. Malphite in particular is a very early champion from before Riot learned a few design lessons. It's also notable that he has some secondary scaling from stacking armor, but it's not super impressive (0.3 ratio on one skill). He does shut down auto-attackers pretty hard, but that's a smaller percentage of the champ pool and they can build ArPen to still do *something* to him. You've essentially set out to say, "I want this champ to COMPLETELY HARD COUNTER 50% of champions (AP/magic champions)". That's a HORRIBLE goal, in my opinion.
    2) "Well, they can pick up armor pen. Twitch does." Yes, but Twitch is an AD champion. He has armor pen itemization items. There are zero AP armor pen items. There are zero defensive armor pen items. Could they pick up, for example, Last Whisper? Yes. But that's 2300 gold and an item slot that does NOTHING for them except give them some penetration against ONE CHAMPION. AD champs get the penetration on *all* champions, plus 40 AD that they actually use. Yes, mages get that, but they have zero ratios and don't even auto-attack much at all. Also, the items that build into it are literally worthless for mages.
    3) The doubled up scaling actually makes him stupidly tanky against AD champs, too. One, because it makes stacking armor and only armor suddenly a completely valid tactic. Two because there are suddenly more big-ticket armor items around. Combine the two and this guy's gonna constantly have 400 resists that apply to all incoming damage. That's, quite frankly, stupid. You can kinda negate the second part by not having a 1:1 ratio, but still... I'm going to pick up Randuin's/Thornmail and GA and laugh as no one can kill me.

    As for changing E/R (That's how I think of abilities, so I'm afraid you're gonna have to deal with it :-P).... hrm...

    Maybe have E apply a debuff called 'Arcane Lock/Leak' that lasts a few seconds and increases the resource cost of the first ability used by a percentage, or does damage if they cast an ability. There's a bit of burden of knowledge, but proper graphics should help negate that, plus it's not the sort of burden of knowledge that just suddenly kills you. It's something you'll learn during lane and then know about.

    For the ultimate... Not sure. I'd have to think for awhile about it.

    EDIT: I realize that I'm being very negative here. I hope you understand that it isn't that I'm just trying to tear down your idea. It's that I see some very problematic elements in the core of the champion and I'm hoping to show/explain the problems so that you can take the lessons and move forward with either a rework or future ideas.
    If you have the time, Nadevoc, I would appreciate it if you could browse through the folder of concepts I posted. Your feedback is highly technical, which I find to be immensely useful. Since I do not have all the champs and items memorized and I only really took a cursory glance at other champs to make sure base stats were ok, a more critical, technical eye would be of great help.

  23. - Top - End - #1043
    Ettin in the Playground
    Thanatos 51-50's Avatar

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    More nattering on about the Magebane:

    Quote Originally Posted by Nadevoc View Post
    Regarding Energy: I was just making sure I understood that it was the same as ninja's energy as opposed to some champ-specific resource.
    Right on.

    Oh, glancing over the original concept again, I notice you talk about him using hextech stuff. That seems an odd choice since hextech is a hybrid of magic and tech, from my understanding.
    Some of the basic ideas in my head have him as a cyborg. I've been unable to note any cyborg-level technology being extant that isn't hextech. Obviously, this is a writing issue here on my end and I admit, I was using hextech as a convenient shorthand. You're right to call me out on it.

    AP -> AD conversion might be balanced with a smaller than 1:1 ratio, though it does have a LOT of edge cases to be checked - AP item effects have been balanced with the assumption they're not available to AD champs unless they go way out of their way for them. Not sure off-hand if any of these could cause issues, but it's possible. Also needs to be decided whether Deathcap has any effect or not (is the 30% added pre-AP conversion?)

    The other part of the passive I just think is a big no.
    1) I don't think offering Malphite as a counterexample is that valid. Saying, "Look, this champ is poorly designed, too" doesn't really excuse using poor design. Malphite in particular is a very early champion from before Riot learned a few design lessons. It's also notable that he has some secondary scaling from stacking armor, but it's not super impressive (0.3 ratio on one skill). He does shut down auto-attackers pretty hard, but that's a smaller percentage of the champ pool and they can build ArPen to still do *something* to him. You've essentially set out to say, "I want this champ to COMPLETELY HARD COUNTER 50% of champions (AP/magic champions)". That's a HORRIBLE goal, in my opinion.
    2) "Well, they can pick up armor pen. Twitch does." Yes, but Twitch is an AD champion. He has armor pen itemization items. There are zero AP armor pen items. There are zero defensive armor pen items. Could they pick up, for example, Last Whisper? Yes. But that's 2300 gold and an item slot that does NOTHING for them except give them some penetration against ONE CHAMPION. AD champs get the penetration on *all* champions, plus 40 AD that they actually use. Yes, mages get that, but they have zero ratios and don't even auto-attack much at all. Also, the items that build into it are literally worthless for mages.
    3) The doubled up scaling actually makes him stupidly tanky against AD champs, too. One, because it makes stacking armor and only armor suddenly a completely valid tactic. Two because there are suddenly more big-ticket armor items around. Combine the two and this guy's gonna constantly have 400 resists that apply to all incoming damage. That's, quite frankly, stupid. You can kinda negate the second part by not having a 1:1 ratio, but still... I'm going to pick up Randuin's/Thornmail and GA and laugh as no one can kill me.
    Entire point is valid. Let's add "Rework the passive" onto our Brainstorm List. How do we give him a passive that plays off the "Walking anti-magic/mage-hater/mage-hunter" fluff? Let me throw down the prior incarnation of his passive:
    "Discipline of Hatred: Damian deals bonus physical damage on all attacks based on his opponent's AP and SpellPen, the higher the AP+SpellPen, the more damage dealt."

    As for changing E/R (That's how I think of abilities, so I'm afraid you're gonna have to deal with it :-P).... hrm...

    Maybe have E apply a debuff called 'Arcane Lock/Leak' that lasts a few seconds and increases the resource cost of the first ability used by a percentage, or does damage if they cast an ability. There's a bit of burden of knowledge, but proper graphics should help negate that, plus it's not the sort of burden of knowledge that just suddenly kills you. It's something you'll learn during lane and then know about.
    ... I quite like it. Especially the damage variant. Works against alt-resources, and I want him to be a glass cannon (because that's a playstyle I both understand and love, personally)

    For the ultimate... Not sure. I'd have to think for awhile about it.
    I really like the PBAoE idea (It's one a friend gave me) that pops off to deal more damage after bursty champions have bursted and are trying to not die before they can unleash a second salvo. I think our main issue here is taking on resourceless/alt. resource champions, right? Would the primary issue be wording?
    "... deals damage based on the amount of missing resource the enemy champion has. Cooldown-only champions take damage based on how much of their ability cooldown is remaining."

    This part Intentionally Outside of Spoiler:

    EDIT: I realize that I'm being very negative here. I hope you understand that it isn't that I'm just trying to tear down your idea. It's that I see some very problematic elements in the core of the champion and I'm hoping to show/explain the problems so that you can take the lessons and move forward with either a rework or future ideas.
    Pfffft. I encourage people to insult/belitte me/tear me down. No need to apologize for literally any insult anybody may hurl my way, intentionally, unintentionally, in the past or in the future, no matter who you are. If my character or my work haven't been attacked in a given day, well... it's like Christmas without the presents, to steal a cliché.
    Last edited by Thanatos 51-50; 2012-11-30 at 08:24 PM.
    NaNoWriMo Beat Me
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  24. - Top - End - #1044
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
    I especially loved the world hunger one. Absolutely wonderful.

    Really, some of those are so good I would have to think long and hard about reporting someone for that, just because of the sheer grace with which they bring across their...criticism.
    Yeah, there's very few of those I would report as opposed to laughing hysterically at and in some cases honoring the guy after.

    "But at least she didn't die from the wraith camp." Priceless.
    Last edited by Renegade Paladin; 2012-11-30 at 09:42 PM.
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  25. - Top - End - #1045
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Damn. Just how do you lane against a Mordekaiser? I was just midding against one as Lux and I had absolutely no idea how to handle him. Tips?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok
    She’s graduated from child soldier to unstable teen sorceress, way to go.

  26. - Top - End - #1046
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Don't stack health? I haven't played against a Morde for a long time.
    I'm mostly here for Warframe and a tiny bit of RWBY.

  27. - Top - End - #1047
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Kris View Post
    Damn. Just how do you lane against a Mordekaiser? I was just midding against one as Lux and I had absolutely no idea how to handle him. Tips?
    One: Avoid fighting him with no allies or minions around. If there's only one target, his Q *CRUSHES* you.
    Two: He's going to farm out your minion wave and generate a full shield. Don't hit him then. Hit him just before the minion waves clash, when his shield has decayed as much as possible. If you hit him when he has a shield up or targets in range, you'll just be burning down the shield that he can get back no problem.
    Three: Ganks. Mordekaiser naturally pushes really hard, and he has no CC or mobility moves. These things combine make him very vulnerable to ganks. This is of course your jungler not you, but try to take advantage of this to make the most of opportunities; don't blow all your minions or hang out with low hp or you won't be able to help. Stuff like that.

    That passive seems much more reasonable. The ratio would need a bunch of tinkering to nail down, and it would probably do almost nothing early on when enemies don't have that much AP/SpellPen, but still gives him a nice bonus against APs especially late game. So, maybe 10% of target's AP. At level 1 it's only 1-2 bonus damage, but late game it can scale up to 40-60 extra damage which is a pretty darn hefty bonus.

    I considered the effect based on missing resources, but it has a number of issues:
    1) Your idea for CD-only champs works, but is really clunky, difficult to wrap your head around, and obviously forced
    2) What about champs like Rengar? He could easily have zero fury when this goes off, and it feels bad that he's randomly either punished really hard or not at all based on where in his fury rotation he is
    3) It actually hurts mana champs the least by far. Energy champs are designed to blow all their resource, then have it back soon, so they'll probably have very low resources when it goes off. CD champs also front-load all their abilities and put them on CD. But mana champs? Late game, they often have huge mana pools that they don't have to worry about; they could easily be at half or 3/4 mana at the END of a fight, let alone towards the beginning of a fight when you probably want to use this (especially to take advantage of the silence)...

    I'll let you know if I come up with an ultimate I think fits with the theme.


    Eh, my feedback isn't THAT technical; in fact, I actually tend to just completely ignore base stats when looking over champ suggestions. They're cool to have and show you put some thought into the champ, but they don't really matter and are 100% the last thing to be finalized, I'm pretty sure.

    Also, fair warning, my critiques tend to be pretty negative. I tend to concentrate on what I think needs to be fixed. So fair warning there. Anyhow, a quick glance...

    Baradyne, the Living Fortress
    Overall, seems like a pretty decent tank. I really worry about his early game, though; I just don't know where he'd manage to fit in a comp before teamfight stage. I hate trying to shove everything into the meta, but...
    Solo Lane: All his AoE utility goes to waste. He's melee with no sustain, so just passive farming won't work in most matchups. I don't really see him being able to harass or bully people out of lanes, either. Seems like a weak solo laner.
    Jungle: Doesn't really have a good way to clear the minions at any speed. His Q gives some AoE, but the damage will probably need to be on the low end and/or the CD high in order to counter the strong utility it offers. W and E or basically utility, so not really helpful here. He'll be a pretty decent ganker, but I think he'll fall really far behind on farm, especially in S3 jungle. Unless there are always good gank opportunities, I feel like he'll struggle in the jungle.
    Duo Lane: As I realize you only gave him scaling on one move, I realize you probably meant for him to be support. He does give some survivability and some peel, which is good here. I feel like he would struggle to engage, though, since his CC is short range and he doesn't have a gap closer outside a somewhat small MS boost. I'm pretty bad with the aggressive melee supports like Leona, though, so he might fit here. Not sure.

    Passive: Switch it to +X/X armor/MR, I think. Riot's been swapping out % damage reduction moves for armor/MR bonuses.

    Ultimate: A cool ability. I've mused over this type of ability before, and I'd suggest making it so that the damage diverted is still calculated using the target's armor/MR, then that amount dealt to Baradyne as true damage. Bara's essentially intentionally putting himself in harm's way, so there's an in-lore explanation for it being (probably) more effective against him. And... I forget why I decided it was better design, which makes it hard to really argue for/suggest it >.> I'll leave it here anyhow

    Barnabus, the Roughhouser
    I like the passive. Fits the theme, makes potential kiting a bit less painful, and means ranged champs have to make a difficult choice when trying to help out a friend: stay back where I'm safer, or move in for full damage and risk becoming a target. The tricky part is going to be on the graphic designers; I think with something like this, it's important that opponents have some sort of indication to tip them off. Both for people who haven't dealt with him before, and so those that do know his passive so they know whether they're close enough or not (otherwise it'll really suck for the dude standing 401 units away and wondering why you're so tanky).

    Wallop: Change the passive to give Tenacity. There's a mechanic in the game to handle exactly this, so we should be using this. It makes sure it's consistent with stacking and execution. Seems minor and a super simple wording fix, but I feel the need to point it out.

    Flying Tackle: Why is this magic damage? Seems like thematically it should be physical, and all his other damage is physical, too. Making this magic means that it'll end up really getting hurt by MR since he won't have any MPen.

    Flying Piledriver: Is this like a knockup where they're both targettable and everything, or more like Panth's ult where they're untargettable during the jump? Kinda leaning towards the latter in my mind, except I'm not sure how I feel about making an enemy untargettable (and thus possibly foiling ally abilties. If you accidentally save him from Veigar's ult, there will be anger.) I think the untargettable thing works, and it'll feel a bit more ultimate and prevent the super lame feeling of, "Barnabus uses ultimate! Taric uses Dazzle! It's super effective! Barnabus ultimate fizzles!" I also kinda want this to have a secondary targetting effect, kinda like Fizz's trollpole. If you don't target anything, you land where you went up; otherwise, you can choose to land up to like 500 units away (1.5 second delay still applies).

    Jedah, the Geometer
    I really like this idea. The way I'm reading this, abilities drop a glyph for each target hit; if they don't hit anything, they don't drop anything. Is this accurate?

    Might need to limit the healing he gets from multiple glyphs since he should be able to easily hit 4+ minions with Q and 3+ with W. Essentially, to prevent that from being an abuse case you'll have to make it not do much when you can't hit a bunch. Seems better to do some sort of dimishing returns.

    Exponentiate is really, really strong. I want to say it should only increase damage from ALL sources by a much smaller amount; maybe 5% from all sources, up to 20% for him or something. Otherwise he just becomes absurd paired with anyone with any burst. Consider that Vlad's ult only increases damage by 12%. Sure, it's AoE, but still... it's an ultimate. And it's noted as being quite powerful. I also probably wouldn't put any scaling on the glyph's CD, but I dunno there. 0.01 AP scaling probably isn't a problem. One thing to note: when does the glyph drop? When the spell is cast, or when it finishes?

    The ultimate is REALLY powerful when you realize that all allies will automatically pick up their glyph. Strong damage, massive healing, and a second of invulnerability in a sizable AoE is probably too much, in my opinion.

    Actually, the ult makes me think each ability only drops one glyph. But then where do they drop for the line skillshots? The beginning? Middle? End? First target hit? I think I prefer the idea of dropping multiple glyphs to reward hitting more targets, and the stats chosen for Q and W won't really be abusive if someone manages to grab a bunch, I don't think. Maybe make it only enemy targets hit drop glyphs. That won't affect anything but the ultimate, and might bring it in line.

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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Anyone else having horrible horrible lag when watching IPLLOL? Even in 240p I am stuttering badly.

  29. - Top - End - #1049
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by LordShotGun View Post
    Anyone else having horrible horrible lag when watching IPLLOL? Even in 240p I am stuttering badly.
    Yeah, I had that the entire day.

    Only has the mainstream, but streams in 720p without stutter.

  30. - Top - End - #1050
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Nadevoc View Post
    One: Avoid fighting him with no allies or minions around. If there's only one target, his Q *CRUSHES* you.
    That's actually contrary to how you should be fighting Morde. Sure, his Q does more damage to solitary targets, but he has exactly one way to deliver that, and its high-cost(flash). Standing outside his auto-range(and if you're the ADC late-game, his flash+melee range) is an easier and stronger plan than taking his Siphons while standing in your own minion wave. The bigger issue is his shield generation capabilities, which are stronger if he can AoE your minions and/or allies. Mordekaiser is at his weakest against a ranged foe in open river. Having full teams jump into his AoE range is exactly what he wants, since his shield becomes massive.
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