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  1. - Top - End - #211
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Pit Fighters (DESP 3)

    To Morag Tong

    The creature will meet its end soon. Since the hunt is taking place all over the city, we will be using a more subtle touch to catch the beast. We will have resources to put to other tasks.

    To Order of the Sainted Blades

    It seems to be a non issue. Just keep an eye out for the werecrocidile, and remember the bounty

    To the Arcane Cabal

    We sent the trainers, including our leader to help train your men. Is the sword under construction?

    OOC: Did you forget to put the sword in your EOT, or did it get lost in processing somewhere?

  2. - Top - End - #212
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    The Morag Tong

    To Krut's Pit Fighters: [4]
    Okay, I just wanted your help to fight the Thieves Guild."

  3. - Top - End - #213
    Troll in the Playground
    ForzaFiori's Avatar

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Thieve's Guild

    Krut's Pit Fighters (PM 3)

    What do you think? We need allies against the Tong. Our organization has deep roots in this city, and is quasi-legal already. The Tong are yet another cabal of murderers, and need to be stopped.

    To: All those who call theirselves knightly orders or agents of law:

    How are you capable of defending murderers as you do! You work with them, accepted them in with open arms! You are hypocrites, one and all. How can the rooting out of a den of thieves be more important than a cabal of murderers!
    Last edited by ForzaFiori; 2012-12-04 at 06:06 PM.
    Avatar by Lycunadari

    Go Tigers!

  4. - Top - End - #214
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    To The Imperial Senate [public]
    We residence in the territories formerly belonging to The Dark Brotherhood. They are shielded from the sun and we will thrive there. We will leave Weye if we are granted the Dark Brotherhood's territory. We believe that this will please many because they seem to object to our residence there.

    To Thi'Kit, Morag Tong, Thieves Guild, and Guiding Hand
    We find it hard to understand what happened. We have gathered that the The'Kit, Morag Tong and Thieves Guild were working together to attack The Guiding Hand for manipulating senate votes and other crimes. They killed a philanthropist who may or may not be related to The Guiding Hand. The Morag Tong betrayed the alliance and attacked The Thieves Guild. Now the Thi'Kit are asking for protection, The Guiding Hand says that they are completely innocent and it was an unprovoked attack and that we need to break our alliance with the Thi'kit, The Morag Tong say that they just need to kill off the Thieves guild and that the Thi'kit will be spared, Thieves guild says that by not killing people they are somehow better than The Morag Tong and that The Morag Tong should be killed.

    Order of Sainted Blades
    We understand we shall try to avoid conflict between us.

    We hear your suggestion.

  5. - Top - End - #215
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    The Morag Tong

    To the Lost Legion
    Two weeks ago, The Thi'Kit hired myself and the Thieves Guild to destroyed the Guiding Hand.

    At that point though, I already had a contract to kill the Thieves Guild.

    I pretended to accept the Thi'Kit's contract. The Thieves Guild genuinely accepted. The plan was that the Thieves Guild would provide non-lethal support, while I did the actual assassinations.

    When the time came for the operation against the Guiding Hand, I instead attacked the Thieves Guild. They defended themselves violently. The Thi'Kit were there, and got caught in the crossfire.

    The Guiding Hand, House Hlaalu, Knights of the Abyss and Heartland Smugglers were all on my side of the conflict. The conflict concluded with casualties on all sides.

    Since that was not enough to destroy the Theives Guild, we will be continuing the conflict until they are destroyed.

    It is true we do kill people for our living. Almost all of those are with official sanction from the five houses of Morrowind. Before our actions of the last two weeks, the last person we killed in Cyrodil was Potentate Versidue-Shaie, roughly 1100 years ago.

    The Thieves Guild on the other hand are known criminals, guilty of countless crimes against the empire. They more than willing to assist with an assassination attempt, which really is no different from being who actually does the deed.
    Last edited by razovor; 2012-12-04 at 06:39 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #216
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC


    To Lost Legion (Guiding Hand, Morag Tong, and Thief's Guild may read as well)
    To note we are asking for protection merely as a precaution. The Guiding Hand have more or less promised to not attack and the Morag Tong have promised to leave us out of the fighting between them and the Thief's Guild as well. However our major trade rival House Hlaalu was involved as well and may seek to attack us. Or they may not. Like we said, it's just a precaution.

    Our contract with the Thief's Guild has ended and while we are sympathetic to their plight we have no desire to get involved beyond what we already have done so.

    As for the Guiding Hand being innocent, well simply check their history for proof otherwise.
    Spoiler: I'm a writer!
    Spoiler: Check out my fanfiction[URL=""
    ]Fate Stay Nano: Fate Stay Night x Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

    I Fell in Love with a Storm: MLP

    Procrastination: MLP

    Spoiler: Original Fiction
    The Lost Dragon: A story about a priest who finds a baby dragon in his church and decides to protect them.

  7. - Top - End - #217
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    The Guiding Hand

    To Thieves Guild (2)

    My apologies for the previous missive. I may have been to hasty in judging the actions of that terrible night. I still believe your Guild to have thrown away any honor it might have posessed for being a part of the coalition that intended to and succeeded in slaying my friend, but what you yourselves may have done is, I regret to say, entirely understandable. With the gods' own luck, we will never speak again.

    Your humble servant,


    To the Thi'Kit Caravan (5)


    I do not entirely understand what you are trying to accuse me of. I am a simple man of no great means; the machinations of the Senate are as far from my door as the moon itself. You speak of a "stranglehold over the Senate" as though such a thing were possible for a man such as me to achieve. I assure you, sir, it is not. I am but a humble grocer who has had his friends unjustly marked for death by what amounts to a foreign power, for reasons beyond my comprehension. Should you wish to purchase fresh fruit, I can easily arrange that, but I am not a man for politics and dark deeds. For that, I fear, you may have to look inward.

    Your humble servant,


    To the Lost Legion (also, Thi'Kit, Morag Tong, Thieves Guild)(2)

    I am not entirely sure what the Tong and the Thi'Kit mean when they refer to "the Guiding Hand." Certainly no such organization exists that I am aware of. What happened, as should be clearly evident, is a simple case of thievery and murder. I myself am a man of humble means, but I have friends of greater estate whose business I manage upon occasion, and it was these individuals who were targeted for death and destitution. The plan was, as I understand it, envisioned and proposed by the Thi'Kit Caravan, who hired the Tong and the Thieves Guild to assist in their proposed murder and burglary. Unfortunately for them, my friends were neither blind nor dumb, and found out the plot. When the assassins came, they were ready. The Tong betrayed their allies and refused to take part in the deaths of innocent men, for which I laud them. In the fighting that followed, however, my dear friend Cane was cut down despite all his bodyguards could do.

    I, truly, do not bear any ill will towards the Thieves Guild or the Morag Tong. They have both acted according to their natures in this unfortunate situation. It is the actions of the Caravan that concern me. They have, repeatedly, accused myself and certain of my associates, including the late Casius Cane, of somehow controlling the Senate from behind the scenes, which could of course be dismissed as nothing more than the ravings of a lunatic if it were not for their own disturbing interest in the highest institutions of our city and Empire. I do not claim to know what their true motives are, for either me and my friends or for the Empire in general, but I do know that what they are claiming to do is nothing more than a foreign power attempting to interfere in the workings of the Imperial government. Indeed, I am entirely uncertain as to why they think such a motive would garner trust from Imperial legionnaires and citizens such as yourselves, and would invite them to explain further if I thought their elaboration would be any less obtuse.

    As always, your humble servant,

    Kaeso Clodian
    Total War

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  8. - Top - End - #218
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    To The Thieves Guild [PM]

    We are not defending them, we might seek order but we will use any means necessary to reach our goal even if we have to use some assassins to get rid of you and all of your kin Gray Fox

  9. - Top - End - #219
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Order of the Sainted Blades

    Thieves' Guild Public
    The Order of the Sainted Blades are not witless pawns that charge blindly at any potential threat ot the city we are shown. The city and the surrounding areas are full of factions who would do harm to the innocents we defend. It is we who will determine who is the most dangerous foe to the city, an answer which unfortunately is likely not you or the Morag Tong.

    The Order stands firm in its ways, and we do not accept having our morality questioned by criminals.

    Mad Crag Trolls Esp Def 7
    Perhaps. There are several troubling factions in the city, the monster around the Arcanum the most distressing. Currently we are seeking wisdom from the Archmage himself. We will let you know if we decide to attack, and with what forces.

    Thalmor Esp Def 6
    Currently the Entaniomorph seems to be the greatest of evils around the city. We are inclined to help, but we are waiting for response from the Archmage. We're seeking a way to protect our warriors against the dark magics of several of this city's factions of ill repute. If we can gain his assistance in such a matter, we are far more likely to join you in this fight.

    Morag Tong PM 3
    We are both aware that the Dark Brotherhood was not completely wiped out. Their leaders still lurk within the city. We can hold our celebration for their destruction when the deed is done. We are looking for ways to get our influence into the old Temple District to see if we cannot truly destroy their presence from the city.

    I would know two things from the Morag Tong. First, what do you know of the Guiding Hand and of House Hlaalu. The Guiding Hand is a troubling entity, and though we have seen no wrongdoing from them, we question the group that hides its own existence. Both factions are known to be wealthy, and I have concern that they will have sway over where your daggers are pointed at in the future.

    The second thing I would know is what damage has been done to all sides? I cannot promise any committment, especially since we are being called upon to fight a truly heinous foe, one that makes others pale in comparison. However, I can say for certain that unless I know exactly what happened, exactly what losses every side incurred, I cannot be involve by men.


    Senate PM 4
    Corwin Revis visits key members in the Senate. He tells them that the Order of the Sainted Blades is willing to deal with this Enantiomorph if the Archmage Hannibal can provide them with the means to protect themselves magical from this creature and its cult followers.

    Mechanically: Basically talking to the Senate to reinforce my request with the Archmage. Trying to utilize Hannibal's call for assistance against necromancy and undermining factions, and the Senate's investigations into the Enantiomorph to get the support to make my anti-magic cloaks without having to invest my own stats. Worth a try.
    Last edited by daelrog; 2012-12-05 at 09:14 AM.

  10. - Top - End - #220
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    To Theives Guild
    We have no objection to The Morag Tong killing you off.

    We will give you protection. Please explain what the Guiding Hand is though.

    Morag Tong
    You made a deal under false pretenses. We do not approve of it. However killing off a group of thieves isn't justification for us to attack you. If the senate does declare you outlaws though, we shall destroy you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    The Guiding Hand
    We wish to discover more about your nonexistent organization before making judgement.

  11. - Top - End - #221
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Pit fighters

    To thieves guild (desp 3)

    We cannot take actions against the morag tong, our members put their life on the line for show very often, and angering the killers could end up destroying us. We do know of a chest with some treasures in it that may end up in your territory soon.

  12. - Top - End - #222
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    D.ESP: 6

    To Lost Legion

    We thank you for agreeing to aid us.

    To Archmage

    The arcane university itself appears to be teeming with necromancy according to the latest investigation. This cannot be allowed to stand. We are organizing a coalition to deal with the, however the official support of the archmage would likely have yet more factions join in the assault. Additionally given your previous defeat of Manimarco it stands to reason that you would be an amazing advisior/warrior against the necromancers. Do you have any advise on how to organize the assault? Do you have any artifacts that would help in the fight against the Entaniomorph?
    "The AI does not hate you, nor does it love you, but you are made out of atoms which it can use for something else" - Eliezer Yudkowsky

  13. - Top - End - #223
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    The Senate

    The speaker stands up to make an announcement:
    "A proposal for a vote has been handed in annonymously. While unconventional, this is perfectly legal. The question is this: should the Senate demand that the Mage's Guild depose Hannibal Traven and declare him unfit to be archmage, following recent developments?"
    Resident Vancian Apologist

  14. - Top - End - #224
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Thi'Kit Def Esp 5

    To Lost Legion
    Our thanks.

    The Guiding Hand is a group of blackmailers and spies who seek out the dirty secrets of senators and their families in order to gain political power. They are led by a man known as the 'Laughing Man' though we don't know if that's a mere title or not. It's very difficult to get any solid information on this group which is why we hired the Morag Tong and the Thief's Guild in the first place.

    To Senate (Public)
    In light of what developments?

    Also we would like to propose that a temporary curfew be put in place in order to guard the people against the recent conflict between the Thief's Guild and their rivals. If this reduces the fighting as well, so much the better.
    Spoiler: I'm a writer!
    Spoiler: Check out my fanfiction[URL=""
    ]Fate Stay Nano: Fate Stay Night x Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

    I Fell in Love with a Storm: MLP

    Procrastination: MLP

    Spoiler: Original Fiction
    The Lost Dragon: A story about a priest who finds a baby dragon in his church and decides to protect them.

  15. - Top - End - #225
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    D.ESP: 6

    To Thi'Kit (Public)

    I think the bill probably refers to the results of the investigation finding out that half of the university is under necromancer control.
    Last edited by hydroplatypus; 2012-12-05 at 02:15 PM.
    "The AI does not hate you, nor does it love you, but you are made out of atoms which it can use for something else" - Eliezer Yudkowsky

  16. - Top - End - #226
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    We made no such promise. We were investigating the war in the shadows to see who is to blame. Until we can find that out we will not know how to allocate our resources.

    OOC: I'm really sorry for forgetting to respond to you. I made a long post but the forum ate it. Then I recreated it from memory and apparently forgot about your message.

    The people which you believe to be The Guiding Hand told me that someone who certainly was not the laughing man was murdered. Them bringing up "The Laughing Man" is suspicious and I believe that you might not only be right about there actions but that you successfully executed their leader.

  17. - Top - End - #227
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC


    To Lost legion

    We are sorry for misinterpreting your message.
    "The AI does not hate you, nor does it love you, but you are made out of atoms which it can use for something else" - Eliezer Yudkowsky

  18. - Top - End - #228
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Thieve's Guild (D ESP 2)

    Pit Fighters:

    Interesting. Do you have any more info, or is that all?

    Illiac Bay Corsairs/Fisherman's Guild

    We still have received no word from you on whether you will be assisting us with the plan sent to you. (way back up at the very start of the turn, in my huge post)

    Senate/Lawmakers of the city:

    How would/can I go about charging someone with a breach of contract?
    Avatar by Lycunadari

    Go Tigers!

  19. - Top - End - #229
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    pit fighters

    To madcraig trolls

    Would your military like to join in the hunt for this werecrocidile?

    To thieves guild

    There may be about 3 wel. That is ask the information we have

  20. - Top - End - #230
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Order of the Sainted Blades

    Senate (Public)
    Master Corwin Revis speaks to the Senate in support of Archmage Hannibal.

    "Gentleman, ladies, knaves, we see this day that the city is not only threatened by assassins and necromancy, but by politics as well. It's just as well this culprit, and yes I do say culprit, who would demand the Archmage to step down, hid his or her identity for we would know who is a threat to the people of the fair city.

    The Archmage is the one who came to us with information of necromancy. He asked for the resources to combat this threat, but was denied. Now someone asks for him to give up his title? For being a herald of bad news? For not having the political clout to get money? To the first I say I am glad someone has the courage to give bad news. To the second I say I am glad we had an Arcanum which is master of only magic, not influence amongst us.

    The Order of the Sainted Blades is ready and able to stand with Archmage Hannibal Traven against the plague of foul magic, but only Archmage Hannibal Traven. If he is forced to step down, we will not work alongside his replacement and you will have to find another the fight this dire foe. I also challenge anyone to bring forth a compelling argument to release Hannibal from his duties and I will be more than happy to correct the individual."
    He smiled jokingly at the last, at least mostly jokingly.

    DMs (PM)
    Few questions...

    First, now that the Order has put in strong support for the Archmage, can I get a response as to whether he'll help with the research project?

    Second, as I asked before, what is the general benefit I can expect from the Armourers and Weaponsmiths trait? Just curious so I know what to expect from it. I assume I no longer have any penalties for working in the market district, is there anything else gained?

    Third, Lizard Lord asked in the OOC if the Dark Brotherhood were still in the game or not. I'm inclined to believe yes, and some of my actions this turn may be affected by that. Wanted to make sure though.

    Last, did Exthalion indeed drop out? Cause it looks like I'll be locking horns with his silly, vaguely written, mirror image god Enantiomorph, and in the past Exthalion has used the OOC to try to get an advantage in the game. Just wanted to make sure if I'm going up against an NPC, or PC who's claiming to be a NPC.

  21. - Top - End - #231
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Darkest Part of your mind

    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Madcrag Trolls, Vilverin Sel Sancremathi

    "K Oldvoice, I knowz ya's not liken it so much, but we gonna have ter hold off on da trip ter Belda fer a week. The Caravan, them needin guards, can't spares much, but then wez also gotta hunt dat crocskin in dem sewers. But most o the boyz gotta hit dat god thing up near der Cheif Shamans tower. So, we send in most of the boyz, and we smash a god!"

    "Felblade, lets face it. We could be spending the week doing something productive. Instead, you want to split the tribe to try and curry favor with the fractions in the city. Personaly, I say your a idot. But, it could work. Just hope this doesn't backfire on us."

    To the Thi'kit Caravan
    We gotta do a lot dis week. We'll send some boyz over, they'll look tough, scare off dem buggers.
    OOC; Sending 1 MIL and 1 MOR. Sorry, but got a lot this turn

    To the pit fighters
    We'll send some boys ta hunt and smash dat Croc. But can't send as much as we wanna, gotta smash da god thin dis week.
    OOC; 2 MIL and 2 ESP and 1 MOR for you. Purely because there is a higher chance of me taking losses, so more MIL is good. Also, capture, not kill?

    To the Sainted Blades
    We sendin in da boyz. We'l smash dat God bugga up so bad, i's ma no kno who it be!
    OOC; 4 MIL, 1 ESP, 5 MAG and 4 MOR, along with both my VIPS. Lets take it down.

    To the Senante [Public]
    "Why ya wanna dismiss yer chief Shaman? He beat da Necrogod, right? He warnds ya's dat necro's gainin a hold. Now, we help him smash da necros! Probobly dat god thin, wantin no attack gainst it."
    Power restored for christmass. I'm back!


  22. - Top - End - #232
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Arcane Cabal

    [Will write up my typical fluff post tomorrow or this weekend...]

    GM: What happened to the sword I was forging for the Pit-fighters?

    to Sacred Blade
    We would be delighted to send a couple archmages to provide some fire support for the attack against that Tribunal cult in the University. I can also have my spies in before the actual assault, causing chaos within their ranks. Then once my agents report everything is in place, we move in for the kill.

  23. - Top - End - #233
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    The Morag Tong

    To the Order of the Sainted Blade [PM #2]
    We are friends with House Hlaalu out of necessity. A conflict with them here means a war with them back in Morrowind. Their goal here is primarily to strengthen themselves, which means strengthening the empire. They would do this by eliminating criminal elements, an idea I'm sure you would agree with, and by opposing separatist movements, which is a less clear-cut move.

    What do you think of the separatist factions in the city? They would weaken the empire, indirectly causing many to suffer.

    The Guiding Hand are more worrying. They have much power in the senate, and we can not be sure what they will do with it. House Hlaalu assures us they can put that power to good use, direct the guiding hand to strengthen the empire. I am not so confident, but I am willing to wait and see, while the more violent criminal factions in the city are dealt with.

    Guiding Hand: 1 espionage, 1 VIP Lvl
    House Hlaalu: 1 espionage, 1 military
    Morag Tong: 1 espionage, 1 VIP Lvl

    Theives Guild: 1 espionage, 2 morale, 1 magic, 1 VIP lvl
    Thi'Kit Caravan: 3 espionage, 1 military

    Last edited by razovor; 2012-12-07 at 05:54 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #234
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Black Vista (3)
    Madcrag Trolls
    Your actions are your own to take, but would you explain why, after our faction produced proof that the pit fighters framed and then systematically murdered the Red Spear (except the wercrocodile, who managed to flee) you wish to aid them in pursuing the only surviving individual? The forces of the city seem preoccupied in their own interests, however the actions the pit fighters take are illegal and aiding them in doing so is not only illegal, in shows that you support the precedent they set, namely that factions who's individuals have poor reputation can be killed with no consequences if a more powerful and conventional faction wills it. If you have not followed that last point, your actions would allow the murder of your entire faction to be not only unremarked upon, but also justified. Also realize that we have no intentions of allowing this person to be killed for the crimes of his killers; should you show up to aid the pit fighters, we will strike you down.

    Red Spear survivor
    We will aid and defend you.

  25. - Top - End - #235
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Order of the Sainted Blade

    Morag Tong PM 5
    For now it seems we are of the same mind concerning other factions in the city.

    However, for the moment it seems all but certain that our forces will be pulled into fighting this Enantiomorph. On the side we will try to do what we can to corner whatever leaders the Dark Brotherhood escaped with what resources we have left.

    OOC: Given the Dark Brotherhood lost a total of 17 stats between the first two turns, I'm inclined to believe they have at least 11, perhaps a couple more, stats still running around.

    13th Legion PM 6
    General Gaius Aricanus,
    For the past two weeks we fought together against the Dark Brotherhood, crippling them, and buying us time. Although the Morag Tong were vital to our success, and though their actions have split apart the shadow factions within the city, I still do not trust them fully, I still cannot condone an order of assassins. Though they have given me reason to pause in actively searching for their removal, I cannot lawfully support them at this time.

    Join me in attacking the Enantiomorph. The Trolls are already sending their forces, and unlike before, I will use the full weight of my Order's military power. Let us remove this threat early on before it grows with overwhelming force. From there we can assess what needs to be done to save the city, and the empire, and we will do so from a afar more advantageous position.

    To attack either the Thieves Guild or the Morag Tong at this time is nigh synonymous to supporting the other, wile the Enantiomorph is a clear threat to all.

    Your ally,

    Grand Master Damascian Urn of the Order of the Sainted Blades
    Last edited by daelrog; 2012-12-07 at 06:07 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #236
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Darkest Part of your mind

    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    To Black Vista and Pit Fighters
    We wanta ta track him down ter ask him some questions. Pit fighters killed most er them last we try. So, we'll leave alone.
    Power restored for christmass. I'm back!


  27. - Top - End - #237
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Open Senate votes:
    Should the Praetorians be mobilized against the Thieves' guild?
    Should the Morag Tong be outlawed outside of Morrowind?

    Archmage Hannibal to the thalmor

    "As it currently stands? I am thinking of taking the field myself. My powers have returned sufficiently that I'm confident of being amongst the dozen or so strongest mages currently alive in Tamriel. I will also petition the Temple for help, and maybe even the city's cult of Meridia.

    Archmage Hannibal to the Order of the Sainted Blades [PM]

    "That could normally be easily arranged, but as it currently stands, the Unversity is under a lot of pressure. If this continues, I will have to go out and battle the Enantiomorph on my own, and I am not sure I can take him, slayer of the worm god or not.

    Perhaps an exchange of favours can be arranged, instead.

    The Corsairs and Fishermen to the Thieves' Guild [PM]
    You have our back. Food can be delivered, but Illiac Bay is far away, it would take a long time for our fleets to make their way around half of Tamriel.
    Resident Vancian Apologist

  28. - Top - End - #238
    Troll in the Playground
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    Dec 2009

    Default Re: Total War: Imperial City - IC

    Order of the Sainted Blades

    Archmage PM
    Then let us show the first gesture of what will hopefully be a partnership in saving the city from the myriad of corrupt and dangerous factions within the city. The Order will be striking out against the Enantiomorph's cult followers, and we believe at the very least the Mad Crag Trolls and Thalmor will do the same. We are investing 2 magic to begin the research into our cloaks defend us agaisnt fell magics. It's our hope that by end of next week, with some of your assistance, we may face the Enantiomorph itself with a degree of protection. We have a particularly gifted mage in our order named Brielle Smithy finishing another project. I believe the two of you would have much to discuss in relation to magic and its usage.

    -Grand Master Damascian Urn

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