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  1. - Top - End - #241
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Red Zone

    "Section JJ49D4FD586S8F4D56S745F5D56S4F5D5S5S5S5S4F5D4F6S4F S6, Subsection a."

    She states this simply, and then a moment later speaks again.

    "Additional information will be necessary... I do some maintenance work when automatic repairs fail; I do some transport when automatic transport is not an option. I do what I am assigned. I currently have nothing assigned to me, and cannot receive directions without a connection to Master Memory."

  2. - Top - End - #242
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Red Zone

    Ace does his best to listen to Robot Lady's series number, he really does. But it doesn't take long for his eyes glaze over. Fortunately, Basta roughly shoves her head against his knee as Robot Lady reaches the end and starts talking about hat she does.
    "So what do you do when Master Memory doesn't have an assignment for you?"
    "You tied your wings on tightly but they always come undone"
    ~ ClumsyMonkey, Montreal
    Beautiful red panda avatar by Eldar Tsufo!

  3. - Top - End - #243
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Red Zone

    "I wait for an assignment, barring some kind of apparent issue. In this situation, there is an apparent issue, but it cannot be resolved. However, the issue prevents me from receiving any directions. I don't know what to do."

    This is the issue with having a system based on one central power: when things just don't work, no one can fix it.

  4. - Top - End - #244
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Quote Originally Posted by Gulaghar View Post
    [Near the Red Dog Tavern]

    Kirk shows up shortly after. For once he isn't actually wearing a suit, which would be odd if Cassidy knew him better. The situation calls for being a little more low key. Of course, the dark red, long sleeved, button up shirt he's wearing is still pretty nice, but it's not a suit.

    "Fancy seeing you here." He comments casually with a slight smirk on his face.
    Cassidy lowers her goggles to look at Kirk without some information overlay. "Right. You're dressed to kill, so you'll be able to head inside without raising eyes. I can keep watch for the mark here." Nit many pleasantries to exchange.

  5. - Top - End - #245
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post

    Lex exhales heavily. It's really not nice to lead people on like that, you know. He's clearly more relieved than annoyed, though.
    Still, everything has a right to exist peacefully, so as long as no one's getting hurt I don't mind playing along. Provided, of course, he adds with a toothy smile, that this time my stuff stays my stuff and not fuzzy animals.
    He taps at his replacement Gauntlet absent-mindedly, still trying to decide if the jury-rigged blade is appropriate or not.
    Riftside - Lex

    The Rift expresses relief, and then paints him a picture of the problem. There is a man in a tan suit who wants to stop all of this, and Lex is the only one in position to stand between him and the Rift itself. The Rift will help in any non-fatal way it can, but it's up to him to confront it.

    Through vague feelings of intent and the diagrams formed from painting rain on the ground, all of this is explained. Hopefully it will be enough to give him a good idea of what he has to do because there's no time for questions. The holo-deck fades away and is replaced by the vast rocky desert that Mr. Ecru is currently traversing, just as the man uses his beam of imposed reality to teleport much closer to the Rift and Lex himself.

    ((Lex is now facing Lost Deep's character Mr. Ecru, who is a bit miffed at losing his chance at what he saw as a method of ascending to godhood, just in case you haven't been following those scenes.))

    Quote Originally Posted by Lost_Deep View Post
    Riftside - Mr. Ecru

    There is a better way.

    Mr. Ecru jumps up, so that he can see the orb clearly. He stops and stands in midair, and then opens his briefcase and points it at the reality-breaking sphere. A long prismatic beam emits from the suitcase, headed for the orb.

    If it succeeds, Mr. Ecru's will will begin to be forced onto the rift. At this range, the most he can do is will it to put him MUCH closer so he can actually DO something.

    Of course, Mr. Ecru cares nothing for the Charity in the orb, but that doesn't mean that she can't fight the influence. It just means he doesn't expect her to.
    Riftside - Mr. Ecru

    The beam doesn't put him directly touching the rift, but it does put him within spitting distance of it. Another complication arises though, as a dinosaur with a rather technological looking bladed gauntlet fades into view in between him and his goal. One last obstacle, or something more insidious?

    Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
    Riftside- Fool's Gold

    "You seem rather hot. So does he." Iron Pyrite then turns to the newcomer. "Rather a bucket of meat than a bucket of bones. Less likely to run away, although put meat in bread and it makes music." The tone is all the same throughout his speech, and he shows no signs as to whether he's aware of the flirting.

    Meanwhile, the knowledge spirits float out to try and find out things about the newcomer. Such as what he is, any weak points and anything that might be common knowledge about him in particular or his race in general.
    Riftside - Fool's Gold

    The "man" in question is a disguised rock elemental, mostly made of coal and quartz. He's rather hotheaded, but fractures easily compared to some of his harder cousins.

    The lava nymph waves him off, he's just a bouncer for the spa that misunderstood the situation, "We were just having a chat, weren't we?" She asks leadingly, hoping the strange dwarf will play along and not aggravate the aggregate elemental more.

    "That so?" The burly "man" asks gratingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post

    "Don't you know it's gonna be alright?"
    Charity asks. Plan? She's busy using the sky as a canvas to paint a massive portrait of her sister's dog, lying on its side and snoring.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Riftside - Within the Glow

    "You say you got a real solution
    Well, you know
    We'd all love to see the plan."

    Charity seems the type to recognize the words of Lennon when she hears them. Let's hope she knows the rest of the song, and can get the gist of the criticism Needs is trying to communicate here. Any more coherence and he's liable to twitch the wrong way and give someone a stroke.
    Riftside - Charity and Needs

    If I fail, I'll know before the end that it won't work and put things back to boring old normality. If I succeed, I'll have sculpted a paradise out of a small chunk of Inside. Either way, what does everyone have to lose except for a few weeks of inconvenience? Is this any more crazy than anything else that's going on that it deserves your attention? Okay, that was a bit less Charity and a bit more Rift that time, but it's trying to be reasonable with the only person that's currently in a position to stop it dead and Charity-thoughts aren't exactly being helpful there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terumitsu View Post
    'Who?' 'For what reason?' 'What is there?' These questions were the most accurate interpretations of the Entity's next inquiry although there remained that same sense of nebulous lack when transcribing it into terms that were more commonly understood. Still, the pace would not slow unless either prompted or potentially blocked in some fashion.

    Another 'intonation' resulted in a second set of questions; this time in pertanance to their guides rather than their destination. 'And of yourselves?' 'Who are you?' 'Why do you know of all this?' 'Of what is your origin?' And other, similar phrases could be constructed to try and make full sense of this un-utterance of Intent. Or perhaps it might make more sense as an ur-utterance although it was mostly semantics at this juncture.
    Riftside - Entity

    "Figments, preprogrammed messages, imaginary friends made of color and emotion. We don't know, we just do what we were made for by the Rift, to ease the story along." There is a sense of relief though, as if the Entity's part in this 'story' has been completed. Most of the coinfaces begin to wink out, facing reality along their infinitely thin edges and ceasing to exist.

    A few remain though, to answer the rest of their questions, "If you want to know who, you can meet her. At the center, hurry-hurry, she's in peril and might not be there if you dawdle. She'd like to thank you before she has to go."

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
    Riftside - Correl

    How convenient but this was more like it. It almost felt like home except he had never stood upon the roof except that one time when he was escaping from Lady Magdalena. Now that was a crazy woman, at least he was wearing more this time around, much more appropriate for a showdown then underwear. He had to admit though, whatever beast he was supposed to face, it would be better then Lady Magdalena.

    The knight carefully moves around, scouting the area, trying to figure out what he was to do and what he was supposed to be fighting this time. His sword is always ready in case something leaps at him.
    Riftside - Correl

    No beasts, only disappointment and a strange sense of serenity. Wasn't this much better than heading into expected danger because of some expected fate? Everyone gets the path they picked, because that's what they ask for.

    But with a perfect, shining white castle to call his own, does a life fighting monsters that would otherwise not exist really mean anything? Is his story truly so pointless that he still expects only anguish and confrontation when presented with peace?
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  6. - Top - End - #246
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Red Zone

    "Ooookay then." Ace purses his lips. "So you've never been under your own direction, then?" He links his arms behind his head and leans back against the make-shift pillow. "Yeah. I guess I can see how that would be disconcerting for you. Thing is, Miss Robot, there is no Master Memory here. So you're going to have to find some way to adapt to that, scary as it sounds." She could feel fear, right? She sounded pretty scared.
    "You tied your wings on tightly but they always come undone"
    ~ ClumsyMonkey, Montreal
    Beautiful red panda avatar by Eldar Tsufo!

  7. - Top - End - #247
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaotic Bob View Post
    [A Slightly More Crowded Alley Again]

    Raven and Pinkie Pie's shenanigans beyond the veil of reality are rather in the open now it seems.


    From rather literally out of no where, the pink party pony dives out with a giant fan, slapping it down between Twilight and the others (well, the creation mostly), before flicking it on.
    Probably to blow away the weird gas? Or maybe them?
    Probably won't do anything to them, that'd be silly.

    "Shoo! Leave Twilight alone you meanie heads!
    Hi Maggy! Hi Princess!"

    Will this stop the creation at all? Maybe.
    Probably not. Remains to be seen!

    Raven would notice it first, from a position of seeing beyond the three primary dimensions. Something else casually coiling out from within Twilight. A familiar white fog.

    Everyone else, Magtok, the creation, Luna, they will see a pale cheshire grin of marble fangs materializing behind the kneeling woman.
    "Hello, data points. I feel it courteous to inform you that Twilight Sparkle has been dead for quite some time.
    So what are you attempting to pacify?"

    No apparent hostility.

    Hovering above, a princess hears something familiar. Can't quite put a hoof on it, but she can feel that grin searing itself into her memories long gone.

    She lands on one of the buildings, and begins trotting around to a place behind Twilight. Perhaps a stealth maneuver will work here, whilst the others act down in the alley.
    The fan does little to stop Black.

    The creepy grinning thing does more to make it stop. More ponies...more...unidentified things. Definitely something pretty big going on here.

    And since Magtok is unlikely to want the Nexus to go boom either, Black decides after a moment's pause to resume doing what it was doing before. Namely, making the sure the woman who is maybe called Twilight but apparently dead, is restrained. "Unless someone cares to explain why I should be doing otherwise, I'll be making sure this lady doesn't do anything else for the time being."
    Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  8. - Top - End - #248
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Red Zone

    "You are using several terms that I do not understand. Is there some kind of database I could access? I require some kind of information influx to understand your aid."

    Hmm... she doesn't sound emotional, but her word choice might imply some emotions. It's up in the air whether she actually has them.

  9. - Top - End - #249
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    [Near the Red Dog Tavern]

    "Sounds like a plan. We'll be in touch as soon as I find something." The drow nods to her and goes into the tavern. He steps up to the bar and takes a seat. "Barkeep. A glass of rum if you would." He casts his eyes around the tavern, looking for their mark.

  10. - Top - End - #250
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Glory, Glory

    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    As Dalton tries to make his escape, he'll hear a voice from the street below.
    "Hold it!"
    If he looks down, he'll see two of the bikers looking up at him. He is in a rather compromising position, what with being on a building opposite to the one that's currently burning down.

    "Hell no, fire!" Dalton shouts, hoping that will come off as the sort of thing a random bystander would yell before running away from the cops. Fire, big and scary and ugly to the eyes of the commonfolk. Deadly and monstrous, not at all the thing of beauty Dalton sees it as.

    He keeps running. He leaps off the building, and reaches one beside it, but only just makes it. His legs hit the side of the building, scraping his knees up something fierce, stabbing little knives of pain up and down his legs as he pulls himself up by his arms. Gods, that was painful and tiring and hard, and he's hardly any farther from those Remmies, how the hell is he supposed to get out of this one?!

    Riftside - Charity and Needs

    Quote Originally Posted by Slii Arhem View Post
    Riftside - Charity and Needs

    If I fail, I'll know before the end that it won't work and put things back to boring old normality. If I succeed, I'll have sculpted a paradise out of a small chunk of Inside. Either way, what does everyone have to lose except for a few weeks of inconvenience? Is this any more crazy than anything else that's going on that it deserves your attention? Okay, that was a bit less Charity and a bit more Rift that time, but it's trying to be reasonable with the only person that's currently in a position to stop it dead and Charity-thoughts aren't exactly being helpful there.

    "A small chunk of Inside," Needs repeats, in almost precisely the same voice and tone as Rift-Charity. "Not very like chaos to confine itself. To establish limits, rules, boundaries. To tame itself for the zoo-going public."

    Suspicion is lodged towards Charity and Rift-Charity. Who's to say they'll stop here? Shouldn't someone be around to prevent them from ruining everything?

    Alley With Ornery Order Abominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnrlshrimp View Post
    The fan does little to stop Black.

    The creepy grinning thing does more to make it stop. More ponies...more...unidentified things. Definitely something pretty big going on here.

    And since Magtok is unlikely to want the Nexus to go boom either, Black decides after a moment's pause to resume doing what it was doing before. Namely, making the sure the woman who is maybe called Twilight but apparently dead, is restrained. "Unless someone cares to explain why I should be doing otherwise, I'll be making sure this lady doesn't do anything else for the time being."

    Magtok puts a hand to his temples, and spits out another gobful of blood, before shaking his head in resignation. So either weird HarmonyGhost is lying, or this whole adventure has gotten even more screwed up than it was before.

    "So we never even had a chance, then. This whole quest has been one big, stupid lost cause from the start." Magtok states blandly, getting back on his feet and staggering towards the thing rising out of Twilight's body.

    "I hope you understand that's not going to stop us from stopping you, though. You know that, right? Sparkle's a goddamn tragedy, and I'll be there for her funeral, provided you're not lying, but I'm not done here, okay? Nobody tries to take my Nexus away and lives. Worse things than you have tried."

    Magtok staggers forward a step, and clumsily pulls a huge green gun from his robe, pointing the thing vaguely in the direction of that stupid grin.

    "Stand and fudging deliver, you revisionist piece of ****."
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
    "You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs."
    -Daniel H. Wilson
    Unhooded Magtok avvie by urodivoi

  11. - Top - End - #251
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    The barkeep is an older man with a graying ponytail and goatee and quite the belly. He smiles and snatches up a glass and bottle. "Absolutely."

    Unfortunately it doesn't seem like she is here right now. There are two fairly large looking men sitting down on the other end of the bar together. A trio are also at a table in the corner, two men and a woman, all dressed in similar looking armor.

    "Anything else I can help you with?" The barkeep asks setting Kirk's drink in front of him.
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  12. - Top - End - #252
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50


    Lex gets a pretty decent understanding of the Rift's message before he's warped. He quickly takes in his new surroundings. What do you know? Just like home.
    He starts fidgeting with his Gauntlet, his clawed fingers working surprisingly fast at a spell. After a few seconds he'll turn his head and engage conversation with the newcomer, with whatever volume is appropriate for their current distance. He's also still using Truespeak, meaning he'll sound more like a native speaker of whatever Mr. Ecru's first language is, with only a hint of the deep reptilian voice Lex actually possesses.
    Good afternoon to you, sir. I'd tip my hat, but I haven't got one. Might I ask what you're doing here, in the middle of this comfy place within a rift in the multiverse? It's not quite the sort of place you'd expect a dapper-dressed gent such as yourself.
    At this point a soft rip can be heard as Lex appears to pull a thin film off his Gauntlet's screen. The small rectangle hovers in mid-air where he lets go, its surfaced covered in blocky runes. He immediately goes back to tapping, although he's still looking in the direction of Mr. Ecru.
    Spako Highclaws by Ceika.

    [Sorry Boss, but as always, I get the last word.]

  13. - Top - End - #253
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Quote Originally Posted by Morcleon View Post

    Skyfellow's - Upstairs

    "You're welcome..." mumbles Hikari with a small smile. She curls up beside Sam and begins to doze off as well...


    As the dawn's light streams in from the single window, the magical girl is still asleep. During the night, she's clamped tightly onto Sam, using her as essentially a giant teddy bear. "Haa... mugyuu... burn... ufufu... burn little Ilinthar-san, burn..."

    She appears to still be dreaming... and her speech color voice seems a bit different...
    Sam frowned upon hearing those words (and voice) but didn't pry. Hikari was still dreaming, and Sam didn't want to disturb her. Especially not if it turned out that this was her other personality.
    Of course, she was sort of eager to meet Hikari's alter-ego. Alter-personality. Whatever you called it.

    Jake slept soundly, mumbling something about chocolate.
    You've nothing to fear but fear itself.
    And that crazy guy with a chainsaw behind you.
    The Cost to Save the World - My POKEMON fanfiction RECENTLY UPDATED
    Morality is for people who don't have other people trying to kill them every five minutes - Gordon Freeman

  14. - Top - End - #254
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Near the Red Dog Tavern

    Cassidy is going to be surveying the nearby area using her goggles and AR display, and can be skipped for now.

  15. - Top - End - #255
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnrlshrimp View Post
    The fan does little to stop Black.

    The creepy grinning thing does more to make it stop. More ponies...more...unidentified things. Definitely something pretty big going on here.

    And since Magtok is unlikely to want the Nexus to go boom either, Black decides after a moment's pause to resume doing what it was doing before. Namely, making the sure the woman who is maybe called Twilight but apparently dead, is restrained. "Unless someone cares to explain why I should be doing otherwise, I'll be making sure this lady doesn't do anything else for the time being."
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Alley With Ornery Order Abominations

    Magtok puts a hand to his temples, and spits out another gobful of blood, before shaking his head in resignation. So either weird HarmonyGhost is lying, or this whole adventure has gotten even more screwed up than it was before.

    "So we never even had a chance, then. This whole quest has been one big, stupid lost cause from the start." Magtok states blandly, getting back on his feet and staggering towards the thing rising out of Twilight's body.

    "I hope you understand that's not going to stop us from stopping you, though. You know that, right? Sparkle's a goddamn tragedy, and I'll be there for her funeral, provided you're not lying, but I'm not done here, okay? Nobody tries to take my Nexus away and lives. Worse things than you have tried."

    Magtok staggers forward a step, and clumsily pulls a huge green gun from his robe, pointing the thing vaguely in the direction of that stupid grin.

    "Stand and fudging deliver, you revisionist piece of ****."

    [An Abominable Alley]

    There is no motion to stop Black from its choice.
    It is fully able to restrain the largely inert body.

    Neither Pinkie nor the strange mouth are making a move to stop the creation.

    The former is too busy frowning and muttering to herself.
    "Gosh darn it, I tried to warn her, but would she listen? Nooooo. 'Let's gas the silly pony's friend!' says the chimera.
    I'm going to get the others."

    And then she's running off again, presumably to go find her other friends.

    The mouth curls up and around itself, until one edge has bent all the way around and connected with the other.
    Color fades between the rows of teeth and become a blank void of color, with a pin-prick iris forming in the middle.

    An eye.

    "Calm yourself, Magtok. Victory was ever available to you and I do not seek to take your home from your misguided grasp."
    The mouth moves, even in its new guise, stretching and distorting the iris as it speaks.

    "We merely seek to correct the errors. Surely even you can recognize the wrongs that plague this city and land? Many that stand no right to even exist at all."

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post


    Looks like Rarity has clocked out. Seems this is all just a little too much for her to handle. Probably... probably best to just... kind of... leave her be. For a little bit at least.

    "That's what I'm thinking too," Sigil nods in reply to AJ's speculation about the prismatic pegasus. "I cast a simple divination to make sure she's still... y'know... alive. Usually it just gives a yes or no answer. Instead the result I got was blueberry flan. Which makes me suspect that Hastur is up to something. Or maybe that Discord guy, I really don't know. It sounds like they both have a fondness for nasty tricks."

    When Flutters speaks up again Sigil takes a few tentative steps closer, specifically looking for her cutie mark. Yep. Still three butterflies. That's something at least. "Well I'm glad you aren't distressed? You sound like you're alright anyway."

    Looks though? Not sure what to make of that.

    "I think the Nexus saw fit to expand your natural weather magic a bit. You're breaking down nitrogen, water, and carbon dioxide in the air to make fuel for fire that's augmented with more than just a little raw magic," the unicorn says as he slowly walks a circle around Flutters. "Your natural store of magic had jumped... tremendously. It's honestly pretty impressive. And you've been showing astoundingly fast control with it, too."

    Sigil sounds impressed!

    He glances between Flutters and the others. "You... seem to be fine near as I can tell. Though I haven't a clue why you're red now."

    Another concerned look is cast Rarity's way. She... really isn't taking this well. Hard to blame her. All this crazy is a far cry from making dresses.

    [The Sinkhole]

    Still checked out, that fashion pony.
    One can almost hear the dial-up tone in her head.

    Meanwhile, AJ is making some little dot-connections in her head, as she wriggles her new leg around, and stares at Fluttershy.
    "Mah leg, her body, Twilight's mind..."

    Fluttershy is flinging a couple little bursts of fire into the air, for Sigil. Showing off? Or maybe she's just enjoying her new ability.
    "Maybe I'm just red for the fire? Or something.
    I don't know...half of what you said didn't really make sense."

    Her knowledge of science is limited, compared to say...Twilight.

    She frowns, a moment later, a look of irritation growing on her face.
    "I could have been able to help more, down in the sewers, if I could do this...when it mattered, right?"
    "Fear and creativity are conjoined twins."
    Absentee Spirit

  16. - Top - End - #256
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    [The Sinkhole]

    It had nearly been Rarity's life if not for some quick acting on Sigil's part earlier in the day.



    It's still the same day isn't it? So much crazy in just one day. And the crazy is rubbing off on the ponies more and more the longer they stay. Crazy is the nature of the Nexus and it always seems to delight in making new and interesting denizens. Sometimes much to their chagrin.

    Sigil doesn't hear the orange pony muttering to herself.

    "Your magic manipulates water and air to make fire. It's really fascinating," why didn't he say that to begin with? Silly unicorns and their fancy talk. "I just wish you could have discovered it under less awful circumstances. Testing abilities like that for the first time during crisis really isn't ideal," the unipony replies. And offers an encouraging smile when Flutters starts to question herself. "You very possibly saved Applejack's life down there. And I doubt your new weather magic could have helped much with that disjunction or the tunnel collapse."

    Another frown at the white unicorn.



    "Rarity! We need to get moving and meet up with the others."
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  17. - Top - End - #257
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 50

    [Alley of Stuff and People and something]

    "Hmm, and I thought I'd started to get a decent grasp of the situation," Black mutters to itself. "I assume this lady is not the one you're referring to as Twilight then?" It asks out loud, directed at no one in particular. "Because she's still definitely alive."

    ...unless all these lifesigns are being faked or something. A possibility, but is it probable?

    "Is shooting this...thing likely to accomplish anything, Magtok? And what errors are you referring to anyway?" It adds, directed at the grin-y thingy...err...eye. Thing.


    [Heading away from BDD]

    "Stuff I can learn for fun, eh? Does that mean you've spent time in bed with her too?" Isabelle asks Becky as they walk away from the Black Dragon's Den. "Or would an easier question be to ask who you haven't spent time in bed with?"
    Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  18. - Top - End - #258
    Troll in the Playground
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    [Departing the Den]

    "Unfortunatly, no. Those vines look like lots of fun but she's...not that way." Becky is too diplomatic to say 'not fully functional!'. "And I don't sleep around. Too much." Of course, Isabelle has probably heard the rumours about the shadowmancer's unrequited crush on the henchwoman Pink.

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  19. - Top - End - #259
    Halfling in the Playground
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    [Departing the Den]

    "Not too much. Just Ilpholin and that Pink lady then?" Isabelle asks. She's heard stuff, but she hasn't paid too much attention to it. Too busy working, most of the time.
    Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  20. - Top - End - #260
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    [Departing the Den]

    Becky clenches her fist for a long moment, then shakes her head.
    "Alas, fair Pink has yet to realise that we are meant for each other. But still I defend her virture, and one day, one day she'll see her lady in shining armor and fall for her..."

    Becky, you ain't no lady.
    And that sure ain't armor, shining or not.

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  21. - Top - End - #261
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    [Departing the Den]

    "...huh." Well that was rather unexpected. "Well if the lady knight in shining armour ever requires a valiant steed, I suppose I could lend you Alfred or Wallace."

    Alfred growls.

    Isabelle peers at Alfred for a moment, then shrugs and gives the silly tiger a light tap on the nose for being awkward.

    "Don't be rude, Alfred. He's still annoyed at you, but Wallace would agree, I'm sure."
    Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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    [Departing the Den]

    "Another tiger? Hmmmmm. I might consider taking you up on that."
    Becky pauses.
    "Assuming cat allergies don't run in the cloning tanks. That would seriously cramp the mood..."
    She has a far-off look, then turns back to Isabelle, tossing her pigtails.
    "So, where'd you come from, to join this wreched hive of scum and villiany?"

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  23. - Top - End - #263
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    [Departing the Den]

    "Oh no, Wallace is a giant two-headed bear. He's my bodyguard, but Alfred is very good at keeping his mistress safe too, aren't you boy? Yes you are!" Aaand more fussing over the tiger.

    Isabelle does that a lot.

    The animals don't complain. They like it.

    "Oh, I just...came from some place, you know?" Isabelle says rather awkwardly.
    Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  24. - Top - End - #264
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    [Den > Streets, Somewhere][/b]

    "Two-headed bear you say? That's different."
    A beat.
    "Sounds unbearable."
    Somewhere, a laugh track plays.
    "And some place, eh? Funny, that's the same place I come from."
    And Becky smirks.
    Last edited by The Bushranger; 2013-01-24 at 02:47 AM.

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  25. - Top - End - #265
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    "That was terrible. But I'll humour your terrible joke anyway. Wallace actually gets along quite well with himself." Isabelle decides to skip over that last bit about some place, instead attempting to redirect the conversation!




    "Oh, uh, surprised you're not complaining about me following behind you. You must know what I'm looking at back here."
    Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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    "Terrible jokes are all I've got, Izzy dear." Becky laughs, surprisngly cheerfully considering her dark-queen vibesairact. "And, yeah, I know. Trust me. Why do you think I dress this way?"

    She glances back, grinning at Isabelle.

    "If you like what you see, feel free to say so. Don't be shy!" She pauses. "I ain't."

    Like, duh.

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  27. - Top - End - #267
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    "So you like being looked at?" Isabelle sounds a wee bit surprised, but...well...with the sort of outfits Becky wears, it's the only logical conclusion.

    "Isn't it a bit boring to leave so little to the imagination though? I will admit, I do like what I see though." Isabelle admits, fiddling with another one of her feathers. "And yet you said you don't sleep around much."
    Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  28. - Top - End - #268
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    "You betcha. I've got what I've got, and I'm not afraid to show what I've got," Becky explains. "If somebody has a problem with that, they can say it to my face - they won't get a chance to say it a second time."

    From the glint in her eyes, it's clear she doesn't mind being called out. Because it leads to fun. Capital-F kind of Fun for the caller-outer, in fact.

    "Boring? Nah. See, the way I see it, showing off so much but giving away so little is just as much fun a way to tease as letting the imagination fill things in then giving it all out." At least part of that is probably just the shadowmancer's rationalisation of things, though. "And, thanks. Feel free to admire all you want."

    And there's another wink...

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  29. - Top - End - #269
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    "I guess that makes sense." Isabelle isn't sure she really understands, but nodding and smiling seems like the more sensible option. Probably.

    And there's that winking again...

    And even admiring gets boring after a while.

    So the next time they pass a nice, quiet alley (with a nod from Alfred to confirm it's empty), Isabelle reaches for Becky's hand and tries to drag her into the alley.

    "I do like what I see. But I can only admire for so long..."
    Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  30. - Top - End - #270
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    Becky is, in point of fact, taken by surprise, easily grabbed, and hauled into the alleyway!
    She recovers quick enough to grin, though, and tosses back her hair, looking Isabelle over admiringly.
    "Oh, really now? Tell me, Izzy, whaddya like to do once you get tired of admiring?"
    ...she somehow manages to make that accent into a rather sensual purr...

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